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Re: [Axiom-developer] --patch-50

From: root
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] --patch-50
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 09:59:01 -0400

> | > | I've built a debian box.
> | > | The default setup does not include latex or x11 support.
> | >
> | > Most of the compile farm (non-linus) hosts offered by SF display
> | > similar setting: either they don't have latex or they don't have svn.
> | > I eventually gave up using them as testing platforms.
> |
> | isn't that the point of configure?
> Axiom requires latex for build. If the environment does not have
> latex, I cannot build Axiom, therefore I cannot test it on that
> platform.

true. but i'd hope that configure would give a clue about what failed
and how to correct the problem.

i spent only 1 minute fixing the latex problem
but it took a good half-hour to figure out how to fix the X problems.
(of course, learning dselect took an hour but...)

can't configure on debian output messages like:

   Error: no latex.... try apt-get install latex
   Error: no X.h.... try apt-get install xlib-dev

there are a limited number of missing packages.


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