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[Axiom-developer] Re: article "standard" header/footer

From: root
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: article "standard" header/footer
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 20:21:49 -0500

> I also do not agree to the goal that each file is ONE literate program 
> and in some sense stand alone. I, therefore, think that "head" and 
> "tail" should not be part of a file, just the things that are inside the 
> \begin{document} ... \end{document}.
> If you like a wrapper, write a little script like "document" which adds 
> "head" and "tail" on the fly. You design them to be equal anyway.
> Then, I don't see, why we need standards for "article" and standards for 
> "book" and why they should/could differ.
> The Axiom book consists of parts. Each part covers a certain area of 
> Axiom. So a Part consists of some "executive summary" and then includes 
> the code (ehm pamphlet) files that belong to that part.

I agree with this point actually. But for the moment they are all 
standalone. However as I swallow the src/interp files into bookvol5
all of the "tex overhead" disappears. 

I thought about making the document command add the header/footer
information but I was more focused on providing the \author
information for each file. And I started with trying to write
a "canonical example" of an axiom literate program which became
dhmatrix.spad.pamphlet. recovering the historical credit information
was the overriding concern. since \author occurs in the preamble each
file needed a preamble. then there was the bibliography issue (which
was originally only in dhmatrix) which was presumed different for 
each file. eventually i thought about the bibtex approach, wrote
axiom.bib.pamphlet, but only implemented it for one document as a
proof of concept and didn't get it spread everywhere.

so, yes, i agree that i should probably figured out a non-preamble
approach but didn't.

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