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[Axiom-developer] Re: your mail

From: SteveC
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: your mail
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 11:19:57 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

* root (address@hidden) wrote:
> Steve,
> I see you have started an Open Textbook and that it is mostly 
> math and science. (
> Axiom is a large, general purpose computer algebra system that is
> free and open source (
> Would you have any interest in working with our developers to 
> build chapters that use Axiom? Most people these days use some
> form of computer algebra system or symbolic calculator to solve
> equations rather than doing them by hand.
> You could accompany your textbook with a CD that has executable
> examples.

absolutely, this would be cool.

I'd like CAS sections that can be pulled in to the book or left out if
people want just a pure math view of the latex.

This could be very basic like 'now find these determinants and check
your answer with Axiom or big complex problems to be solved.

have fun,

SteveC address@hidden

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