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RE: [Axiom-developer] RE: learning in public

From: Page, Bill
Subject: RE: [Axiom-developer] RE: learning in public
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 21:08:37 -0400

Bertfried and Tim,

On Tuesday, June 01, 2004 6:56 PM you wrote:
> ... but I still do not see how to do it categorial and in
> a full generality.
>       This week I am technically still in vacations and next 
> week partly on a conference, so I will have a fast internet
> connection only from pre-next week onwards. I will try to
> take this time to think about a start implementation and what
> it should look like.
> Categorical:
> From a categorical point of view, there is a functor from the
> spaces having a quadratic (bilinear not necessarily symmetric)
> form into the category of associative algebras. To characterize
> this functor would be the most difficult thing. But this is an
> unsolved math problem.


Formal definition

Let V be a vector space over a field k, and q : V -> k a quadratic form on
V. The Clifford Algebra C(q) is a unital associative algebra over k together
with a linear map i : V -> C(q) defined by the following universal property:

for every associative algebra A over k with a linear map j : V -> A such
that for every v in V we have j(v)^2 = q(v)1 (where 1 denotes the
multiplicative identity of A), there is a unique algebra homomorphism

    f : C(q) ? A

such that the following diagram commutes:

               V ----> C(q)
               |     /
               |    / Exists and is unique
               |   /
               v  v

i.e. such that fi = j.


Definition by a universal property

is a common method of category theory. Unfortunately it is
rather too abstract on usually non-constructive. Perhaps what
you had in mind is the notion of adjoint functors

But I think best approach is to start from the general
tensor algebra

I can imagine that the general construction of the tensor
algebra on a vector space should be quite natural in Axiom -
perhaps most of this is already present in Axiom. But then to
complete the general construction of a Clifford algebra we
need to be able to compute the quotient ring generated by
the quadratic form.

I am not so sure how one can do this in Axiom without
introducing a basis. In general we need to be able to
define an equivalence relation over the tensor expressions.

The following paper is rather difficult for me but 
seems interesting.

The Clifford Algebra in the Theory of Algebras, Quadratic
Forms, and Classical Groups by Alexander Hahn.

And the following work by Paul Leopardi also seems very

Bill Page.

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