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Re: [Axiom-developer] On [bug #4587] )lisp *yearweek* is broken: intende

From: root
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] On [bug #4587] )lisp *yearweek* is broken: intended behavior or bug?
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 06:54:34 -0400


CVS revision numbers are not sufficient. I've seen the version number
issue attacked a dozen ways. Perhaps we could use the Godel number 
generated by consing all of the sources into one number :-) The 
strongest scheme I ever saw was to tag ALL of the sources with every
change. Of course this generated tags at a furious rate. One whimsical
idea was to use "colored" fonts (each character extended with a 32 bit
color RRGGBBTT) and increment the color of changed code at each change.

I've leaned toward the *yearweek* scheme because it clearly gives a
"cutoff" date for sources and gives some meaningful idea of when and
if a change might be introduced. Plus it seems less arbitrary than as a version number. 

In any case, it's just a number, albeit a case-sensitive one :-)


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