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[avrdude-dev] Big programmer cleanup ;-)

From: Jan-Hinnerk Reichert
Subject: [avrdude-dev] Big programmer cleanup ;-)
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 14:17:38 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

Hi all,

here is my proposal for a big programmer cleanup ;-)

Like Ted proposed it is going from large to small.

The general idea is to initialize the programmer-struct with function 
from a default-programmer. The programmer-init then changes every 
function that it can do better.

This way we get rid of all the checks for optional functions in 
"avr.c". I only present the write here, read is similar, but simpler. 
Init needs some work, too, but that's another story.


Functions (the sementics of these functions should be explained in the 
header-file ;-):

pgm->write_mem(pgm, mem)
  Writes entire memory of one type.

pgm->write_entire_flash(pgm, mem)
pgm->write_entire_eeprom(pgm, mem)
pgm->write_entire_other_mem(pgm, mem)
  Writes entire memory of specific type

pgm->write_page_flash(pgm, mem, addr)
  Writes one page of memory (starting at addr)

pgm->write_page_flash_load_byte(pgm, mem, addr)
pgm->write_page_flash_doit(pgm, mem, addr)
  Obvious helper functions for write_page_flash

pgm->write_byte_flash(pgm, mem, addr, data)
pgm->write_byte_eeprom(pgm, mem, addr, data)
pgm->write_byte_other_mem(pgm, mem, addr, data)
  Writes data at addr. mem is only used for determining type.

pgm->write_delay(pgm, mem, addr, data)
  Do polling or delay

pgm->spi_command(pgm, buff)


The defaults for these functions are:
  Fail ;-)
  Changing only this command should implement all functionality.
  However, this would be terribly slow on STK500 ;-)

  assemble the SPI-command
  call pgm->spi_command
  call pgm->write_delay

  do polling if possible
  else do delay

  iterate over flash and call pgm->write_page_flash_load_byte()
  Then call pgm->write_page_flash_doit()

  Iterate over memory and call a write_byte or write_page function.
  skip empty pages optimization should go in here.

  just a switch-statement ;-)


Of course, you can use the same functions for several entries in 
pgm-struct, e.g. you can write a mypgm_write_byte() and then do
  pgm->write_byte_flash = mypgm_write_byte;
  pgm->write_byte_eeprom = mypgm_write_byte;
  pgm->write_byte_other_mem = mypgm_write_byte;

- We get rid of much switch and if-stuff in the programmers and in 
avr.c. Eventually, avr.c becomes empty ;-)
- The flow of control becomes clearer.
- Each programmer (the device, not the guy who is coding) only needs 
implement the functions that give some gain in speed.
  - usually the write_entire-functions will not be changed
  - however, it is possible, if neccessary
- Hopefully, it is easier to implement new programmers.

- Many, many function calls. However, performance should not be a 

- I'm not totally satisfied with the write_delay(), yet.


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