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Re: [avr-libc-dev] Patches for 1.7.1?

From: Ruud Vlaming
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] Patches for 1.7.1?
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:28:47 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.9.10

On Thursday 24 March 2011, Per Arnold Blaasmo wrote:
> You guys must remember that these patches is the one Atmel currently
> uses in the toolchain built for AVR Studio 5.
> It is not the official avr-libc patches.
> The avr-libc might or might not accept these patches in the future and
> make a new version of avr-libc with these patches. Atmel hope the
> project will want to use them.

Good point! Would it be an idea to introduce a naming convention so
that is clear to anyone? So instead of


we would have:


and when the official one comes out:


These patches could be identical when it is 
adopted as such by the developers in charge.
But it could also be a further improved one.

This would solve:

> Atmel will always be in front of the community project internally so
> Atmel will probably always have patches to the latest public version.

and anyone else can also release his/her patches, since now it is clear
that they are not yet 'approved'. 


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