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Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR Studio 4.19 does not work with AVR Toolchain 3.4.

From: David Brown
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR Studio 4.19 does not work with AVR Toolchain 3.4.0 (informative)
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 16:05:53 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120713 Thunderbird/14.0

On 09/08/2012 15:32, Erik Christiansen wrote:
On 09.08.12 12:36, Weddington, Eric wrote:

Hi Erik,

What OS and email client do you use?

Hi Eric,

It's Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, and Mutt 1.5.20.

And since Georg-Johann appears to use Thunderbird, it's not unreasonable
to suspect that something in Graham's post is triggering the spurious
thread linking, but I've even cleaned my glasses before going over his
headers again, and it still looks like he's done all he reasonably could
to start a new thread. (Viewed both via mutt's header display option,
and by going in with vim.)

Since I've hit # in mutt, the threads are now separated here, but they
were linked on receipt, AFAIR. The why of it has me stumped, though.

I think we have to be able to show some header deficiency before we can
fault the posting technique. (After that, a solution ought not be too


There are a number of headers that can be used, such as "References" and various "Thread" headers. Mutt is a relic from the middle ages (I'm a great command-line fan, and do a fair amount of my work in shells, but gui's really are better for some types of program), so it is not a surprise that Thunderbird is better at tracking message threads.

The posting technique /is/ at fault. It doesn't really matter if /you/ don't see the threading - as long as at least one other person sees it, the post is threaded. (Of course, it matters for curiosity - I can fully understand if you want to know /how/ the threading works.)

In short, the matter is solved - when you start a new topic, make a new post to address@hidden rather than replying to an existing post. It will be a lot easier than trying to remove all the headers from a reply!

For what it's worth, I too dislike the newer AVR Studio - partly because I do most of my development work with Linux, and partly because even on Windows it is a bloated mess. I can't figure out why they decided to use MS VS as a base - the industry has practically standardised on Eclipse, and the single biggest request from users for AVR Studio 5 was that it be cross-platform. But I guess Atmel had their reasons, and they are certainly good at making the compiler toolchain easily available from Linux, so I don't want to complain /too/ much.



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