.file "avr-bug.c" __SREG__ = 0x3f __SP_H__ = 0x3e __SP_L__ = 0x3d __tmp_reg__ = 0 __zero_reg__ = 1 .global __do_copy_data .global __do_clear_bss .data .LC0: .string "avr-bug.c" .section .text.pn53x_target_info_size,"ax",@progbits .type pn53x_target_info_size, @function pn53x_target_info_size: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 83 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r18,lo8(273) ; 10 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r19,hi8(273) mul r24,r18 ; 11 *mulhi3_enh [length = 7] movw r30,r0 mul r24,r19 add r31,r0 mul r25,r18 add r31,r0 clr r1 subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_targets)) ; 12 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_targets)) movw r26,r30 ; 81 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r26,lo8(-(271)) ; 13 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r27,hi8(-(271)) adiw r26,1 ; 70 *movqi/4 [length = 3] ld r18,X sbiw r26,1 tst r18 ; 16 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] brne .L7 ; 17 branch [length = 1] ldd r20,Z+15 ; 27 *movqi/4 [length = 1] tst r20 ; 28 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L6 ; 29 branch [length = 1] subi r20,lo8(-(5)) ; 31 addqi3/2 [length = 1] rjmp .L4 ; 88 jump [length = 1] .L6: ldi r20,lo8(4) ; 4 *movqi/2 [length = 1] .L4: ldi r18,lo8(273) ; 35 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r19,hi8(273) mul r24,r18 ; 36 *mulhi3_enh [length = 7] movw r30,r0 mul r24,r19 add r31,r0 mul r25,r18 add r31,r0 clr r1 subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_targets)) ; 37 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_targets)) ldd r24,Z+3 ; 39 *movqi/4 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(1)) ; 40 addqi3/2 [length = 1] add r24,r20 ; 41 addqi3/1 [length = 1] ret ; 85 return [length = 1] .L7: ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 48 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1146) ; 49 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1146) call dbg_panic ; 50 call_insn/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(1) ; 5 *movqi/2 [length = 1] ret ; 87 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_target_info_size, .-pn53x_target_info_size .section .text.pn53x_target_info_data,"ax",@progbits .type pn53x_target_info_data, @function pn53x_target_info_data: push r12 ; 147 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r13 ; 148 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r14 ; 149 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r15 ; 150 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r16 ; 151 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r17 ; 152 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r28 ; 153 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r29 ; 154 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 8 */ .L__stack_usage = 8 movw r30,r22 ; 131 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 8 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) st Z,r24 ; 9 *movqi/3 [length = 1] ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 146 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r18,lo8(273) ; 12 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r19,hi8(273) mul r24,r18 ; 13 *mulhi3_enh [length = 7] movw r16,r0 mul r24,r19 add r17,r0 mul r25,r18 add r17,r0 clr r1 movw r28,r16 ; 132 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r28,lo8(-(pn53x_targets)) ; 14 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r29,hi8(-(pn53x_targets)) movw r30,r28 ; 133 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(271)) ; 15 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(271)) ldd r24,Z+1 ; 119 *movqi/4 [length = 1] tst r24 ; 18 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .+2 ; 19 branch [length = 2] rjmp .L12 movw r14,r22 ; 134 *movhi/1 [length = 1] sec ; 24 *addhi3/5 [length = 3] adc r14,__zero_reg__ adc r15,__zero_reg__ movw r30,r14 ; 135 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 26 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ld r24,Y ; 31 *movqi/4 [length = 1] st Z,r24 ; 32 *movqi/3 [length = 1] sec ; 33 *addhi3/5 [length = 3] adc r14,__zero_reg__ adc r15,__zero_reg__ movw r30,r14 ; 136 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 35 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ldd r24,Y+1 ; 41 *movqi/4 [length = 1] st Z,r24 ; 42 *movqi/3 [length = 1] sec ; 43 *addhi3/5 [length = 3] adc r14,__zero_reg__ adc r15,__zero_reg__ movw r30,r14 ; 137 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 45 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ldd r24,Y+2 ; 51 *movqi/4 [length = 1] st Z,r24 ; 52 *movqi/3 [length = 1] sec ; 53 *addhi3/5 [length = 3] adc r14,__zero_reg__ adc r15,__zero_reg__ ldd r12,Y+3 ; 59 *movqi/4 [length = 1] movw r30,r14 ; 138 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 61 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) st Z,r12 ; 62 *movqi/3 [length = 1] sec ; 63 *addhi3/5 [length = 3] adc r14,__zero_reg__ adc r15,__zero_reg__ clr r13 ; 144 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r22,r16 ; 139 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r22,lo8(-(pn53x_targets+5)) ; 71 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r23,hi8(-(pn53x_targets+5)) movw r24,r14 ; 140 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 72 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r25,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) movw r20,r12 ; 74 *movhi/1 [length = 1] call memory_copy ; 75 call_insn/3 [length = 2] ldd r20,Y+15 ; 81 *movqi/4 [length = 1] tst r20 ; 82 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L8 ; 83 branch [length = 1] movw r24,r14 ; 141 *movhi/1 [length = 1] add r24,r12 ; 85 *addhi3/1 [length = 2] adc r25,r13 movw r30,r24 ; 142 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 87 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) st Z,r20 ; 88 *movqi/3 [length = 1] movw r22,r16 ; 126 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r22,lo8(-(pn53x_targets+17)) ; 95 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r23,hi8(-(pn53x_targets+17)) subi r24,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp+1)) ; 97 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r25,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp+1)) ldi r21,lo8(0) ; 125 *movqi/1 [length = 1] call memory_copy ; 100 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L8 ; 167 jump [length = 1] .L12: ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 107 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1183) ; 108 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1183) call dbg_panic ; 109 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L8: /* epilogue start */ pop r29 ; 157 popqi [length = 1] pop r28 ; 158 popqi [length = 1] pop r17 ; 159 popqi [length = 1] pop r16 ; 160 popqi [length = 1] pop r15 ; 161 popqi [length = 1] pop r14 ; 162 popqi [length = 1] pop r13 ; 163 popqi [length = 1] pop r12 ; 164 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 165 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_target_info_data, .-pn53x_target_info_data .section .text.pn53x_poll_targets.clone.0,"ax",@progbits .type pn53x_poll_targets.clone.0, @function pn53x_poll_targets.clone.0: push r17 ; 85 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r28 ; 86 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r29 ; 87 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 3 */ .L__stack_usage = 3 sts pn53x_nr_targets,__zero_reg__ ; 8 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r17,lo8(0) ; 5 *movqi/1 [length = 1] rjmp .L14 ; 97 jump [length = 1] .L19: mov r30,r17 ; 83 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 84 *movqi/1 [length = 1] lsl r30 ; 96 *ashlhi3_const/2 [length = 2] rol r31 subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_drivers)) ; 15 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_drivers)) ld r28,Z ; 16 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r29,Z+1 sbiw r28,0 ; 17 *cmphi/1 [length = 1] breq .L15 ; 18 branch [length = 1] ldd r24,Y+2 ; 20 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Y+3 sbiw r24,0 ; 21 *cmphi/1 [length = 1] brne .L16 ; 22 branch [length = 1] .L15: ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 77 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1207) ; 28 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1207) call dbg_panic ; 29 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L16: ld r24,Y ; 33 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Y+1 sts pn53x_targets+271+1,r25 ; 34 *movhi/3 [length = 4] sts pn53x_targets+271,r24 ldd r30,Y+2 ; 37 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r31,Y+3 ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 38 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r22,lo8(pn53x_targets) ; 39 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(pn53x_targets) icall ; 40 call_value_insn/1 [length = 1] tst r24 ; 42 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L17 ; 43 branch [length = 1] ld r24,Y ; 46 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Y+1 sts pn53x_targets+544+1,r25 ; 47 *movhi/3 [length = 4] sts pn53x_targets+544,r24 ldd r30,Y+2 ; 50 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r31,Y+3 ldi r24,lo8(1) ; 51 *movqi/2 [length = 1] ldi r22,lo8(pn53x_targets) ; 79 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(pn53x_targets) icall ; 53 call_value_insn/1 [length = 1] tst r24 ; 55 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] brne .L18 ; 56 branch [length = 1] .L17: lds r24,pn53x_nr_targets ; 59 *movqi/4 [length = 2] subi r24,lo8(-(1)) ; 60 addqi3/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_nr_targets,r24 ; 61 *movqi/3 [length = 2] .L18: subi r17,lo8(-(1)) ; 64 addqi3/2 [length = 1] .L14: lds r24,pn53x_nr_drivers ; 68 *movqi/4 [length = 2] cp r17,r24 ; 69 *cmpqi/2 [length = 1] brlo .L19 ; 70 branch [length = 1] /* epilogue start */ pop r29 ; 90 popqi [length = 1] pop r28 ; 91 popqi [length = 1] pop r17 ; 92 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 93 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_poll_targets.clone.0, .-pn53x_poll_targets.clone.0 .section .text.pn53x_build_frame,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_build_frame .type pn53x_build_frame, @function pn53x_build_frame: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 sts pn53x_stub_resp+3,r24 ; 48 *movqi/3 [length = 2] mov r25,r24 ; 89 *movqi/1 [length = 1] neg r25 ; 50 negqi2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+4,r25 ; 51 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 95 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r18,r24 ; 90 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r18,lo8(-(7)) ; 53 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r19,hi8(-(7)) ldi r30,lo8(pn53x_stub_resp+5) ; 54 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r31,hi8(pn53x_stub_resp+5) add r24,r30 ; 58 *addhi3/1 [length = 2] adc r25,r31 ldi r20,lo8(0) ; 44 *movqi/1 [length = 1] rjmp .L21 ; 100 jump [length = 1] .L22: ld r21,Z+ ; 62 *movqi/4 [length = 1] sub r20,r21 ; 64 subqi3/1 [length = 1] .L21: cp r30,r24 ; 68 *cmphi/3 [length = 2] cpc r31,r25 brne .L22 ; 69 branch [length = 1] movw r24,r18 ; 91 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 72 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r25,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) movw r30,r24 ; 92 *movhi/1 [length = 1] sbiw r30,2 ; 73 *addhi3/3 [length = 1] st Z,r20 ; 74 *movqi/3 [length = 1] sbiw r24,1 ; 77 *addhi3/3 [length = 1] movw r30,r24 ; 93 *movhi/1 [length = 1] st Z,__zero_reg__ ; 78 *movqi/3 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_ne+1,r19 ; 79 *movhi/3 [length = 4] sts pn53x_stub_ne,r18 ldi r24,lo8(1) ; 80 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_is_resp,r24 ; 81 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_ready,r24 ; 83 *movqi/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 98 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_build_frame, .-pn53x_build_frame .section .text.pn53x_response_error,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_error .type pn53x_response_error, @function pn53x_response_error: push r17 ; 20 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 1 */ .L__stack_usage = 1 mov r17,r24 ; 2 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(-93) ; 7 *movqi/2 [length = 1] mov r22,r17 ; 8 *movqi/1 [length = 1] call dbg_print ; 9 call_insn/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_resp+5,r17 ; 11 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(1) ; 13 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 14 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ pop r17 ; 23 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 24 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_error, .-pn53x_response_error .section .text.pn53x_response_Diagnose,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_Diagnose .type pn53x_response_Diagnose, @function pn53x_response_Diagnose: push r17 ; 99 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 1 */ .L__stack_usage = 1 lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+7 ; 7 *movqi/4 [length = 2] cpi r24,lo8(3) ; 8 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brsh .L25 ; 9 branch [length = 1] cpi r24,lo8(1) ; 10 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brsh .L27 ; 11 branch [length = 1] lds r17,pn53x_stub_cmd+3 ; 27 *movqi/4 [length = 2] mov r20,r17 ; 97 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r21,lo8(0) ; 98 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r20,lo8(-(-2)) ; 34 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r21,hi8(-(-2)) ldi r24,lo8(pn53x_stub_resp+7) ; 35 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(pn53x_stub_resp+7) ldi r22,lo8(pn53x_stub_cmd+7) ; 36 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(pn53x_stub_cmd+7) call memory_copy ; 38 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L30 ; 110 jump [length = 1] .L27: sts pn53x_stub_resp+7,__zero_reg__ ; 44 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r17,lo8(3) ; 3 *movqi/2 [length = 1] rjmp .L30 ; 112 jump [length = 1] .L25: ldi r24,lo8(39) ; 57 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_response_error ; 58 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L24 ; 114 jump [length = 1] .L30: mov r24,r17 ; 64 *movqi/1 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 65 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L24: /* epilogue start */ pop r17 ; 102 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 103 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_Diagnose, .-pn53x_response_Diagnose .section .text.pn53x_response_GetFirmwareVersion,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_GetFirmwareVersion .type pn53x_response_GetFirmwareVersion, @function pn53x_response_GetFirmwareVersion: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 ldi r24,lo8(50) ; 6 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+7,r24 ; 7 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(1) ; 9 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+8,r24 ; 10 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(6) ; 12 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+9,r24 ; 13 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(7) ; 15 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+10,r24 ; 16 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(6) ; 18 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 19 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 26 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_GetFirmwareVersion, .-pn53x_response_GetFirmwareVersion .section .text.pn53x_response_SetParameters,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_SetParameters .type pn53x_response_SetParameters, @function pn53x_response_SetParameters: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+7 ; 6 *movqi/4 [length = 2] sts pn53x_flags,r24 ; 7 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(2) ; 9 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 10 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 17 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_SetParameters, .-pn53x_response_SetParameters .section .text.pn53x_stub_get_driver,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_stub_get_driver .type pn53x_stub_get_driver, @function pn53x_stub_get_driver: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 movw r18,r24 ; 22 *movhi/1 [length = 1] lds r25,pn53x_nr_drivers ; 27 *movqi/4 [length = 2] ldi r30,lo8(pn53x_stub_drivers) ; 28 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r31,hi8(pn53x_stub_drivers) ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 24 *movqi/1 [length = 1] rjmp .L37 ; 62 jump [length = 1] .L39: ld r26,Z+ ; 32 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ld r27,Z+ ld r20,X+ ; 34 *movhi/2 [length = 3] ld r21,X sbiw r26,1 cp r18,r20 ; 35 *cmphi/3 [length = 2] cpc r19,r21 breq .L38 ; 36 branch [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(1)) ; 38 addqi3/2 [length = 1] .L37: cp r24,r25 ; 42 *cmpqi/2 [length = 1] brlo .L39 ; 43 branch [length = 1] .L38: ret ; 61 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_stub_get_driver, .-pn53x_stub_get_driver .section .text.pn53x_response_InAutoPoll,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_InAutoPoll .type pn53x_response_InAutoPoll, @function pn53x_response_InAutoPoll: push r14 ; 103 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r15 ; 104 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r16 ; 105 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r17 ; 106 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r28 ; 107 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r29 ; 108 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 6 */ .L__stack_usage = 6 lds r16,pn53x_stub_cmd+7 ; 8 *movqi/4 [length = 2] .L49: lds r24,pn53x_nr_targets ; 14 *movqi/4 [length = 2] tst r24 ; 15 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] brne .L42 ; 16 branch [length = 1] call pn53x_poll_targets.clone.0 ; 19 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L42: lds r24,pn53x_nr_targets ; 22 *movqi/4 [length = 2] tst r24 ; 23 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] brne .L43 ; 24 branch [length = 1] cpi r16,lo8(-1) ; 27 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L49 ; 28 branch [length = 1] subi r16,lo8(-(-1)) ; 30 addqi3/2 [length = 1] brne .L49 ; 32 branch [length = 1] .L43: sts pn53x_stub_resp+7,r24 ; 36 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r16,lo8(8) ; 3 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r17,hi8(8) clr r15 ; 4 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r28,lo8(273) ; 47 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r29,hi8(273) rjmp .L45 ; 119 jump [length = 1] .L46: mov r24,r15 ; 41 *movqi/1 [length = 1] call pn53x_target_info_size ; 42 call_value_insn/3 [length = 2] mov r14,r24 ; 43 *movqi/1 [length = 1] mov r24,r15 ; 101 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 102 *movqi/1 [length = 1] mul r24,r28 ; 48 *mulhi3_enh [length = 7] movw r30,r0 mul r24,r29 add r31,r0 mul r25,r28 add r31,r0 clr r1 subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_targets+271)) ; 50 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_targets+271)) ld r24,Z ; 52 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Z+1 call pn53x_nm_to_ptt ; 53 call_value_insn/3 [length = 2] movw r30,r16 ; 98 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 56 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) st Z,r24 ; 57 *movqi/3 [length = 1] subi r16,lo8(-(1)) ; 58 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r17,hi8(-(1)) movw r30,r16 ; 99 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 60 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) st Z,r14 ; 61 *movqi/3 [length = 1] subi r16,lo8(-(1)) ; 62 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r17,hi8(-(1)) mov r24,r15 ; 64 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r22,r16 ; 65 *movhi/1 [length = 1] call pn53x_target_info_data ; 66 call_insn/3 [length = 2] add r16,r14 ; 68 *addhi3_zero_extend [length = 2] adc r17,__zero_reg__ inc r15 ; 69 addqi3/3 [length = 1] .L45: lds r24,pn53x_nr_targets ; 73 *movqi/4 [length = 2] cp r15,r24 ; 74 *cmpqi/2 [length = 1] brlo .L46 ; 75 branch [length = 1] mov r24,r16 ; 100 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(-5)) ; 79 addqi3/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 80 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ pop r29 ; 111 popqi [length = 1] pop r28 ; 112 popqi [length = 1] pop r17 ; 113 popqi [length = 1] pop r16 ; 114 popqi [length = 1] pop r15 ; 115 popqi [length = 1] pop r14 ; 116 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 117 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_InAutoPoll, .-pn53x_response_InAutoPoll .section .text.pn53x_ciu_write_register,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_ciu_write_register .type pn53x_ciu_write_register, @function pn53x_ciu_write_register: push r16 ; 29 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r17 ; 30 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 2 */ .L__stack_usage = 2 mov r17,r22 ; 3 *movqi/1 [length = 1] mov r16,r24 ; 7 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(-25344)) ; 8 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r25,hi8(-(-25344)) cpi r24,64 ; 9 *cmphi/4 [length = 2] cpc r25,__zero_reg__ brlo .L51 ; 10 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 14 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1262) ; 15 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1262) call dbg_panic ; 16 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L51: mov r30,r16 ; 27 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 28 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_ciu_regs)) ; 21 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_ciu_regs)) st Z,r17 ; 22 *movqi/3 [length = 1] /* epilogue start */ pop r17 ; 33 popqi [length = 1] pop r16 ; 34 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 35 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_ciu_write_register, .-pn53x_ciu_write_register .section .text.pn53x_ciu_read_register,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_ciu_read_register .type pn53x_ciu_read_register, @function pn53x_ciu_read_register: push r17 ; 36 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 1 */ .L__stack_usage = 1 mov r17,r24 ; 6 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(-25344)) ; 7 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r25,hi8(-(-25344)) cpi r24,64 ; 8 *cmphi/4 [length = 2] cpc r25,__zero_reg__ brlo .L53 ; 9 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 13 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1269) ; 14 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1269) call dbg_panic ; 15 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L53: mov r30,r17 ; 34 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 35 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_ciu_regs)) ; 20 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_ciu_regs)) ld r24,Z ; 26 *movqi/4 [length = 1] /* epilogue start */ pop r17 ; 39 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 40 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_ciu_read_register, .-pn53x_ciu_read_register .section .text.pn53x_response_ReadRegister,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_ReadRegister .type pn53x_response_ReadRegister, @function pn53x_response_ReadRegister: push r14 ; 112 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r15 ; 113 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r16 ; 114 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r17 ; 115 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r28 ; 116 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r29 ; 117 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 6 */ .L__stack_usage = 6 ldi r17,lo8(0) ; 5 *movqi/1 [length = 1] rjmp .L55 ; 128 jump [length = 1] .L60: movw r30,r20 ; 94 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_cmd)) ; 12 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_cmd)) ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 86 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r28,r24 ; 98 *movhi/1 [length = 1] ldd r24,Z+8 ; 20 *movqi/4 [length = 1] ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 111 *movqi/1 [length = 1] or r24,r28 ; 22 iorhi3/1 [length = 2] or r25,r29 movw r18,r24 ; 99 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r18,lo8(-(-25344)) ; 23 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r19,hi8(-(-25344)) cpi r18,64 ; 24 *cmphi/4 [length = 2] cpc r19,__zero_reg__ brlo .L56 ; 25 branch [length = 1] ldi r18,hi8(24838) ; 27 *cmphi/5 [length = 3] cpi r24,lo8(24838) cpc r25,r18 brne .L57 ; 28 branch [length = 1] lds r24,pn53x_ctrl_reg_switch_rng ; 30 *movqi/4 [length = 2] rjmp .L58 ; 130 jump [length = 1] .L57: ldi r24,lo8(39) ; 36 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_response_error ; 37 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L54 ; 132 jump [length = 1] .L56: mov r30,r24 ; 108 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 109 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_ciu_readables)) ; 45 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_ciu_readables)) ld r16,Z ; 46 *movqi/4 [length = 1] call pn53x_ciu_read_register ; 49 call_value_insn/3 [length = 2] and r24,r16 ; 51 andqi3/1 [length = 1] .L58: mov r30,r17 ; 106 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 107 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 56 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) std Z+7,r24 ; 58 *movqi/3 [length = 1] subi r17,lo8(-(1)) ; 59 addqi3/2 [length = 1] .L55: mov r20,r17 ; 100 *movqi/1 [length = 1] lsl r20 ; 62 *ashlqi3/3 [length = 1] ldi r21,lo8(0) ; 103 *movqi/1 [length = 1] lds r18,pn53x_stub_cmd+3 ; 66 *movqi/4 [length = 2] ldi r19,lo8(0) ; 105 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r18,lo8(-(-2)) ; 68 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r19,hi8(-(-2)) cp r20,r18 ; 69 *cmphi/3 [length = 2] cpc r21,r19 brlt .L60 ; 70 branch [length = 1] mov r24,r17 ; 101 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(2)) ; 74 addqi3/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 75 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L54: /* epilogue start */ pop r29 ; 120 popqi [length = 1] pop r28 ; 121 popqi [length = 1] pop r17 ; 122 popqi [length = 1] pop r16 ; 123 popqi [length = 1] pop r15 ; 124 popqi [length = 1] pop r14 ; 125 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 126 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_ReadRegister, .-pn53x_response_ReadRegister .section .text.pn53x_response_WriteRegister,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_WriteRegister .type pn53x_response_WriteRegister, @function pn53x_response_WriteRegister: push r14 ; 106 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r15 ; 107 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r17 ; 108 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r28 ; 109 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r29 ; 110 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 5 */ .L__stack_usage = 5 ldi r17,lo8(0) ; 7 *movqi/1 [length = 1] rjmp .L62 ; 120 jump [length = 1] .L67: subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_cmd)) ; 14 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_cmd)) ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 85 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r28,r24 ; 96 *movhi/1 [length = 1] ldd r24,Z+8 ; 22 *movqi/4 [length = 1] ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 105 *movqi/1 [length = 1] or r24,r28 ; 24 iorhi3/1 [length = 2] or r25,r29 ldd r20,Z+9 ; 28 *movqi/4 [length = 1] movw r18,r24 ; 97 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r18,lo8(-(-25344)) ; 29 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r19,hi8(-(-25344)) cpi r18,64 ; 30 *cmphi/4 [length = 2] cpc r19,__zero_reg__ brlo .L63 ; 31 branch [length = 1] ldi r18,hi8(24838) ; 33 *cmphi/5 [length = 3] cpi r24,lo8(24838) cpc r25,r18 brne .L64 ; 34 branch [length = 1] sts pn53x_ctrl_reg_switch_rng,r20 ; 36 *movqi/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L65 ; 122 jump [length = 1] .L64: ldi r24,lo8(39) ; 42 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_response_error ; 43 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L61 ; 124 jump [length = 1] .L63: mov r30,r24 ; 102 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 103 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_ciu_writables)) ; 52 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_ciu_writables)) ld r22,Z ; 53 *movqi/4 [length = 1] and r22,r20 ; 54 andqi3/1 [length = 1] call pn53x_ciu_write_register ; 57 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L65: subi r17,lo8(-(3)) ; 60 addqi3/2 [length = 1] .L62: mov r30,r17 ; 98 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 99 *movqi/1 [length = 1] lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+3 ; 66 *movqi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 101 *movqi/1 [length = 1] sbiw r24,2 ; 68 *addhi3/3 [length = 1] cp r30,r24 ; 69 *cmphi/3 [length = 2] cpc r31,r25 brlt .L67 ; 70 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(2) ; 73 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 74 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L61: /* epilogue start */ pop r29 ; 113 popqi [length = 1] pop r28 ; 114 popqi [length = 1] pop r17 ; 115 popqi [length = 1] pop r15 ; 116 popqi [length = 1] pop r14 ; 117 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 118 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_WriteRegister, .-pn53x_response_WriteRegister .section .text.pn53x_response_ReadGPIO,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_ReadGPIO .type pn53x_response_ReadGPIO, @function pn53x_response_ReadGPIO: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 lds r24,pn53x_sfr_p3 ; 6 *movqi/4 [length = 2] andi r24,lo8(63) ; 7 andqi3/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+7,r24 ; 8 *movqi/3 [length = 2] lds r24,pn53x_sfr_p7 ; 10 *movqi/4 [length = 2] andi r24,lo8(6) ; 11 andqi3/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+8,r24 ; 12 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(2) ; 14 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+9,r24 ; 15 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(5) ; 17 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 18 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 25 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_ReadGPIO, .-pn53x_response_ReadGPIO .section .text.pn53x_response_WriteGPIO,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_WriteGPIO .type pn53x_response_WriteGPIO, @function pn53x_response_WriteGPIO: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+7 ; 6 *movqi/4 [length = 2] sts pn53x_sfr_p3,r24 ; 7 *movqi/3 [length = 2] lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+8 ; 9 *movqi/4 [length = 2] sts pn53x_sfr_p7,r24 ; 10 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(2) ; 12 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 13 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 20 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_WriteGPIO, .-pn53x_response_WriteGPIO .section .text.pn53x_response_SetSerialBaudRate,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_SetSerialBaudRate .type pn53x_response_SetSerialBaudRate, @function pn53x_response_SetSerialBaudRate: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+7 ; 6 *movqi/4 [length = 2] sts pn53x_serial_br,r24 ; 7 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(2) ; 9 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 10 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 17 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_SetSerialBaudRate, .-pn53x_response_SetSerialBaudRate .section .text.pn53x_response_SAMConfiguration,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_SAMConfiguration .type pn53x_response_SAMConfiguration, @function pn53x_response_SAMConfiguration: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 ldi r24,lo8(2) ; 6 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 7 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 14 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_SAMConfiguration, .-pn53x_response_SAMConfiguration .section .text.pn53x_response_PowerDown,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_PowerDown .type pn53x_response_PowerDown, @function pn53x_response_PowerDown: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 6 *movqi/1 [length = 1] call pn53x_response_error ; 7 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 14 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_PowerDown, .-pn53x_response_PowerDown .section .text.pn53x_response_RFConfiguration,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_RFConfiguration .type pn53x_response_RFConfiguration, @function pn53x_response_RFConfiguration: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+7 ; 6 *movqi/4 [length = 2] cpi r24,lo8(6) ; 7 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brsh .L76 ; 8 branch [length = 1] cpi r24,lo8(4) ; 9 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brsh .L75 ; 10 branch [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(-1)) ; 11 addqi3/2 [length = 1] cpi r24,lo8(2) ; 12 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brsh .L74 ; 13 branch [length = 1] rjmp .L75 ; 58 jump [length = 1] .L76: subi r24,lo8(-(-10)) ; 19 addqi3/2 [length = 1] cpi r24,lo8(4) ; 20 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brlo .L75 ; 21 branch [length = 1] .L74: ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 30 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1394) ; 31 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1394) call dbg_panic ; 32 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L75: ldi r24,lo8(2) ; 36 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 37 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 55 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_RFConfiguration, .-pn53x_response_RFConfiguration .section .text.pn53x_response_InListPassiveTarget,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_InListPassiveTarget .type pn53x_response_InListPassiveTarget, @function pn53x_response_InListPassiveTarget: push r13 ; 94 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r14 ; 95 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r15 ; 96 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r16 ; 97 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r17 ; 98 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r28 ; 99 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r29 ; 100 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 7 */ .L__stack_usage = 7 lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+7 ; 9 *movqi/4 [length = 2] cpi r24,lo8(3) ; 10 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brlo .L78 ; 11 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(42) ; 14 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_response_error ; 15 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L77 ; 112 jump [length = 1] .L78: lds r24,pn53x_nr_targets ; 20 *movqi/4 [length = 2] tst r24 ; 21 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] brne .L80 ; 22 branch [length = 1] call pn53x_poll_targets.clone.0 ; 25 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L80: lds r13,pn53x_stub_cmd+8 ; 29 *movqi/4 [length = 2] ldi r28,lo8(8) ; 3 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r29,hi8(8) clr r14 ; 4 *movqi/1 [length = 1] clr r15 ; 5 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r16,lo8(273) ; 36 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r17,hi8(273) rjmp .L81 ; 114 jump [length = 1] .L83: mov r18,r15 ; 92 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r19,lo8(0) ; 93 *movqi/1 [length = 1] mul r18,r16 ; 37 *mulhi3_enh [length = 7] movw r30,r0 mul r18,r17 add r31,r0 mul r19,r16 add r31,r0 clr r1 subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_targets+271)) ; 39 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_targets+271)) ld r24,Z ; 41 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Z+1 call pn53x_nm_to_pm ; 42 call_value_insn/3 [length = 2] cp r24,r13 ; 44 *cmpqi/2 [length = 1] brne .L82 ; 45 branch [length = 1] inc r14 ; 47 addqi3/3 [length = 1] mov r24,r15 ; 49 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r22,r28 ; 50 *movhi/1 [length = 1] call pn53x_target_info_data ; 51 call_insn/3 [length = 2] mov r24,r15 ; 53 *movqi/1 [length = 1] call pn53x_target_info_size ; 54 call_value_insn/3 [length = 2] add r28,r24 ; 57 *addhi3_zero_extend [length = 2] adc r29,__zero_reg__ .L82: inc r15 ; 60 addqi3/3 [length = 1] .L81: lds r24,pn53x_nr_targets ; 64 *movqi/4 [length = 2] cp r15,r24 ; 65 *cmpqi/2 [length = 1] brlo .L83 ; 66 branch [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+7,r14 ; 69 *movqi/3 [length = 2] movw r18,r28 ; 90 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r18,lo8(-(-5)) ; 72 addqi3/2 [length = 1] mov r24,r18 ; 91 *movqi/1 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 73 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L77: /* epilogue start */ pop r29 ; 103 popqi [length = 1] pop r28 ; 104 popqi [length = 1] pop r17 ; 105 popqi [length = 1] pop r16 ; 106 popqi [length = 1] pop r15 ; 107 popqi [length = 1] pop r14 ; 108 popqi [length = 1] pop r13 ; 109 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 110 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_InListPassiveTarget, .-pn53x_response_InListPassiveTarget .section .text.pn53x_response_InDataExchange,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_response_InDataExchange .type pn53x_response_InDataExchange, @function pn53x_response_InDataExchange: push r10 ; 203 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r11 ; 204 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r12 ; 205 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r13 ; 206 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r15 ; 207 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r16 ; 208 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r17 ; 209 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r28 ; 210 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r29 ; 211 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 9 */ .L__stack_usage = 9 lds r15,pn53x_stub_cmd+7 ; 9 *movqi/4 [length = 2] lds r24,pn53x_nr_targets ; 10 *movqi/4 [length = 2] cp r15,r24 ; 11 *cmpqi/2 [length = 1] brlo .L85 ; 12 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(42) ; 15 *movqi/2 [length = 1] rjmp .L100 ; 233 jump [length = 1] .L85: mov r18,r15 ; 199 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r19,lo8(0) ; 200 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(273) ; 24 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(273) mul r18,r24 ; 25 *mulhi3_enh [length = 7] movw r30,r0 mul r18,r25 add r31,r0 mul r19,r24 add r31,r0 clr r1 subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_targets+271)) ; 27 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_targets+271)) ld r24,Z ; 29 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Z+1 call pn53x_stub_get_driver ; 30 call_value_insn/3 [length = 2] mov r30,r24 ; 201 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 202 *movqi/1 [length = 1] lsl r30 ; 232 *ashlhi3_const/2 [length = 2] rol r31 subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_drivers)) ; 35 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_drivers)) ld r28,Z ; 36 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r29,Z+1 sbiw r28,0 ; 37 *cmphi/1 [length = 1] brne .L87 ; 38 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 42 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1451) ; 43 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1451) call dbg_panic ; 44 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L87: ldd r24,Y+12 ; 47 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Y+13 sbiw r24,0 ; 48 *cmphi/1 [length = 1] breq .L88 ; 49 branch [length = 1] ldd r24,Y+10 ; 51 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Y+11 sbiw r24,0 ; 52 *cmphi/1 [length = 1] brne .L89 ; 53 branch [length = 1] .L88: ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 58 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1452) ; 59 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1452) call dbg_panic ; 60 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L89: lds r12,pn53x_stub_cmd+3 ; 64 *movqi/4 [length = 2] clr r13 ; 198 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(-2) ; 191 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(-2) add r12,r24 ; 66 *addhi3/1 [length = 2] adc r13,r25 ldi r18,lo8(pn53x_stub_cmd+8) ; 231 *reload_inhi [length = 4] mov r10,r18 ldi r18,hi8(pn53x_stub_cmd+8) mov r11,r18 ldi r16,lo8(0) ; 4 *movhi/1 [length = 2] ldi r17,hi8(0) rjmp .L90 ; 235 jump [length = 1] .L91: movw r30,r10 ; 192 *movhi/1 [length = 1] ld r20,Z+ ; 71 *movqi/4 [length = 1] movw r10,r30 ; 193 *movhi/1 [length = 1] ldd r30,Y+12 ; 74 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r31,Y+13 mov r24,r15 ; 75 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r22,r16 ; 76 *movhi/1 [length = 1] icall ; 78 call_insn/1 [length = 1] subi r16,lo8(-(1)) ; 79 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r17,hi8(-(1)) .L90: cp r16,r12 ; 83 *cmphi/3 [length = 2] cpc r17,r13 brlo .L91 ; 84 branch [length = 1] ldd r30,Y+10 ; 87 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r31,Y+11 mov r24,r15 ; 88 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r22,r12 ; 89 *movhi/1 [length = 1] icall ; 90 call_insn/1 [length = 1] ldd r24,Y+4 ; 91 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Y+5 sbiw r24,0 ; 92 *cmphi/1 [length = 1] breq .L92 ; 93 branch [length = 1] ldd r24,Y+6 ; 95 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Y+7 sbiw r24,0 ; 96 *cmphi/1 [length = 1] breq .L92 ; 97 branch [length = 1] ldd r24,Y+8 ; 99 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r25,Y+9 sbiw r24,0 ; 100 *cmphi/1 [length = 1] brne .L98 ; 101 branch [length = 1] .L92: ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 106 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1467) ; 107 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1467) call dbg_panic ; 108 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L98: ldd r30,Y+4 ; 113 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r31,Y+5 mov r24,r15 ; 114 *movqi/1 [length = 1] icall ; 115 call_value_insn/1 [length = 1] cpi r24,lo8(10) ; 118 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L98 ; 119 branch [length = 1] tst r24 ; 121 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L95 ; 122 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(39) ; 125 *movqi/2 [length = 1] .L100: call pn53x_response_error ; 126 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L84 ; 237 jump [length = 1] .L95: sts pn53x_stub_resp+7,__zero_reg__ ; 132 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldd r30,Y+6 ; 134 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r31,Y+7 mov r24,r15 ; 135 *movqi/1 [length = 1] icall ; 136 call_value_insn/1 [length = 1] movw r10,r24 ; 137 *movhi/1 [length = 1] ldi r25,lo8(pn53x_stub_resp+8) ; 230 *reload_inhi [length = 4] mov r12,r25 ldi r25,hi8(pn53x_stub_resp+8) mov r13,r25 ldi r16,lo8(0) ; 5 *movhi/1 [length = 2] ldi r17,hi8(0) rjmp .L96 ; 239 jump [length = 1] .L97: ldd r30,Y+8 ; 143 *movhi/2 [length = 2] ldd r31,Y+9 mov r24,r15 ; 144 *movqi/1 [length = 1] movw r22,r16 ; 145 *movhi/1 [length = 1] icall ; 146 call_value_insn/1 [length = 1] movw r30,r12 ; 194 *movhi/1 [length = 1] st Z+,r24 ; 148 *movqi/3 [length = 1] movw r12,r30 ; 195 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r16,lo8(-(1)) ; 150 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r17,hi8(-(1)) .L96: cp r16,r10 ; 154 *cmphi/3 [length = 2] cpc r17,r11 brlo .L97 ; 155 branch [length = 1] mov r24,r10 ; 196 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(3)) ; 160 addqi3/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_build_frame ; 161 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L84: /* epilogue start */ pop r29 ; 214 popqi [length = 1] pop r28 ; 215 popqi [length = 1] pop r17 ; 216 popqi [length = 1] pop r16 ; 217 popqi [length = 1] pop r15 ; 218 popqi [length = 1] pop r13 ; 219 popqi [length = 1] pop r12 ; 220 popqi [length = 1] pop r11 ; 221 popqi [length = 1] pop r10 ; 222 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 223 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_response_InDataExchange, .-pn53x_response_InDataExchange .section .text.pn53x_valiate_cmd,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_valiate_cmd .type pn53x_valiate_cmd, @function pn53x_valiate_cmd: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 lds r18,pn53x_stub_cmd+3 ; 10 *movqi/4 [length = 2] lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+4 ; 12 *movqi/4 [length = 2] add r24,r18 ; 13 addqi3/1 [length = 1] brne .L105 ; 15 branch [length = 1] lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+5 ; 18 *movqi/4 [length = 2] cpi r24,lo8(-44) ; 19 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brne .L106 ; 20 branch [length = 1] ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 3 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 4 *movqi/1 [length = 1] .L103: mov r30,r24 ; 68 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 69 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_cmd)) ; 25 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_cmd)) ldd r19,Z+5 ; 27 *movqi/4 [length = 1] add r25,r19 ; 28 addqi3/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(1)) ; 29 addqi3/2 [length = 1] cp r18,r24 ; 31 *cmpqi/2 [length = 1] brsh .L103 ; 32 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(1) ; 34 *movqi/2 [length = 1] tst r25 ; 35 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L102 ; 36 branch [length = 1] .L105: ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 5 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ret ; 72 return [length = 1] .L106: ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 6 *movqi/1 [length = 1] .L102: ret ; 74 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_valiate_cmd, .-pn53x_valiate_cmd .section .text.pn53x_xchg_pseudo,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_xchg_pseudo .type pn53x_xchg_pseudo, @function pn53x_xchg_pseudo: push r17 ; 240 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 1 */ .L__stack_usage = 1 sts pn53x_stub_resp,__zero_reg__ ; 6 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_resp+1,__zero_reg__ ; 8 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(-1) ; 10 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+2,r24 ; 11 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(-43) ; 13 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+5,r24 ; 14 *movqi/3 [length = 2] lds r17,pn53x_stub_cmd+6 ; 16 *movqi/4 [length = 2] mov r24,r17 ; 239 *movqi/1 [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(1)) ; 18 addqi3/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+6,r24 ; 19 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(-94) ; 21 *movqi/2 [length = 1] mov r22,r17 ; 22 *movqi/1 [length = 1] call dbg_print ; 23 call_insn/3 [length = 2] cpi r17,lo8(16) ; 24 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L116 ; 25 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(17) ; 26 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brsh .L124 ; 27 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(6) ; 28 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L112 ; 29 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(7) ; 30 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brsh .L125 ; 31 branch [length = 1] tst r17 ; 32 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L110 ; 33 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(2) ; 34 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .+2 ; 35 branch [length = 2] rjmp .L109 rjmp .L128 ; 248 jump [length = 1] .L125: cpi r17,lo8(12) ; 39 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L114 ; 40 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(14) ; 41 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L115 ; 42 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(8) ; 43 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brne .L109 ; 44 branch [length = 1] rjmp .L129 ; 252 jump [length = 1] .L124: cpi r17,lo8(50) ; 48 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L120 ; 49 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(51) ; 50 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brsh .L126 ; 51 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(20) ; 52 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L118 ; 53 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(22) ; 54 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L119 ; 55 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(18) ; 56 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brne .L109 ; 57 branch [length = 1] rjmp .L130 ; 256 jump [length = 1] .L126: cpi r17,lo8(74) ; 61 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L122 ; 62 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(96) ; 63 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] breq .L123 ; 64 branch [length = 1] cpi r17,lo8(64) ; 65 *cmpqi/3 [length = 1] brne .L109 ; 66 branch [length = 1] rjmp .L131 ; 260 jump [length = 1] .L110: call pn53x_response_Diagnose ; 72 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 262 jump [length = 1] .L128: call pn53x_response_GetFirmwareVersion ; 78 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 264 jump [length = 1] .L112: call pn53x_response_ReadRegister ; 84 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 266 jump [length = 1] .L129: call pn53x_response_WriteRegister ; 90 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 268 jump [length = 1] .L114: call pn53x_response_ReadGPIO ; 96 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 270 jump [length = 1] .L115: call pn53x_response_WriteGPIO ; 102 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 272 jump [length = 1] .L116: call pn53x_response_SetSerialBaudRate ; 108 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 274 jump [length = 1] .L130: call pn53x_response_SetParameters ; 114 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 276 jump [length = 1] .L118: call pn53x_response_SAMConfiguration ; 120 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 278 jump [length = 1] .L119: call pn53x_response_PowerDown ; 126 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 280 jump [length = 1] .L120: call pn53x_response_RFConfiguration ; 132 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 282 jump [length = 1] .L122: call pn53x_response_InListPassiveTarget ; 138 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 284 jump [length = 1] .L123: call pn53x_response_InAutoPoll ; 144 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 286 jump [length = 1] .L131: call pn53x_response_InDataExchange ; 150 call_insn/3 [length = 2] rjmp .L108 ; 288 jump [length = 1] .L109: ldi r24,lo8(39) ; 156 *movqi/2 [length = 1] call pn53x_response_error ; 157 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L108: /* epilogue start */ pop r17 ; 243 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 244 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_xchg_pseudo, .-pn53x_xchg_pseudo .section .text.pn53x_register_stub_driver,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_register_stub_driver .type pn53x_register_stub_driver, @function pn53x_register_stub_driver: push r17 ; 39 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r28 ; 40 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] push r29 ; 41 *pushqi/1 [length = 1] /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 3 */ .L__stack_usage = 3 movw r28,r24 ; 2 *movhi/1 [length = 1] lds r17,pn53x_nr_drivers ; 6 *movqi/4 [length = 2] tst r17 ; 7 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L133 ; 8 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(.LC0) ; 12 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(.LC0) ldi r22,lo8(1584) ; 13 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r23,hi8(1584) call dbg_panic ; 14 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L133: mov r30,r17 ; 37 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ldi r31,lo8(0) ; 38 *movqi/1 [length = 1] lsl r30 ; 49 *ashlhi3_const/2 [length = 2] rol r31 subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_drivers)) ; 20 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_drivers)) std Z+1,r29 ; 21 *movhi/3 [length = 2] st Z,r28 lds r24,pn53x_nr_drivers ; 22 *movqi/4 [length = 2] subi r24,lo8(-(1)) ; 23 addqi3/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_nr_drivers,r24 ; 24 *movqi/3 [length = 2] mov r24,r17 ; 29 *movqi/1 [length = 1] /* epilogue start */ pop r29 ; 44 popqi [length = 1] pop r28 ; 45 popqi [length = 1] pop r17 ; 46 popqi [length = 1] ret ; 47 return_from_epilogue [length = 1] .size pn53x_register_stub_driver, .-pn53x_register_stub_driver .section .text.pn53x_hw_poll_ready,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_hw_poll_ready .type pn53x_hw_poll_ready, @function pn53x_hw_poll_ready: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 lds r24,pn53x_stub_ready ; 10 *movqi/4 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 19 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_hw_poll_ready, .-pn53x_hw_poll_ready .section .text.pn53x_hw_read_cmpl,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_hw_read_cmpl .type pn53x_hw_read_cmpl, @function pn53x_hw_read_cmpl: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 sts pn53x_stub_ready,__zero_reg__ ; 6 *movqi/3 [length = 2] lds r24,pn53x_stub_is_resp ; 7 *movqi/4 [length = 2] tst r24 ; 8 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] brne .L135 ; 9 branch [length = 1] lds r24,pn53x_stub_is_cmd ; 11 *movqi/4 [length = 2] tst r24 ; 12 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L135 ; 13 branch [length = 1] call pn53x_xchg_pseudo ; 16 call_insn/3 [length = 2] .L135: ret ; 25 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_hw_read_cmpl, .-pn53x_hw_read_cmpl .section .text.pn53x_hw_write_cmpl,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_hw_write_cmpl .type pn53x_hw_write_cmpl, @function pn53x_hw_write_cmpl: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 sts pn53x_stub_nc+1,r25 ; 6 *movhi/3 [length = 4] sts pn53x_stub_nc,r24 sts pn53x_stub_ready,__zero_reg__ ; 7 *movqi/3 [length = 2] lds r19,pn53x_stub_cmd+3 ; 77 *movqi/4 [length = 2] ldi r18,lo8(0) ; 78 *movqi/1 [length = 1] lds r24,pn53x_stub_cmd+4 ; 13 *movqi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,lo8(0) ; 90 *movqi/1 [length = 1] or r24,r18 ; 15 iorhi3/1 [length = 2] or r25,r19 cpi r24,255 ; 16 *cmphi/4 [length = 2] cpc r25,__zero_reg__ breq .L139 ; 17 branch [length = 1] ldi r18,hi8(-256) ; 18 *cmphi/5 [length = 3] cpi r24,lo8(-256) cpc r25,r18 brne .L142 ; 19 branch [length = 1] rjmp .L143 ; 98 jump [length = 1] .L139: sts pn53x_stub_is_cmd,__zero_reg__ ; 24 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_is_resp,__zero_reg__ ; 25 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_ne+1,__zero_reg__ ; 26 *movhi/3 [length = 4] sts pn53x_stub_ne,__zero_reg__ ret ; 92 return [length = 1] .L143: lds r24,pn53x_stub_is_resp ; 31 *movqi/4 [length = 2] tst r24 ; 32 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L137 ; 33 branch [length = 1] ldi r24,lo8(1) ; 35 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_ready,r24 ; 36 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ret ; 93 return [length = 1] .L142: call pn53x_valiate_cmd ; 42 call_value_insn/3 [length = 2] tst r24 ; 44 *cmpqi/1 [length = 1] breq .L137 ; 45 branch [length = 1] ldi r18,lo8(1) ; 47 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_is_cmd,r18 ; 48 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_is_resp,__zero_reg__ ; 49 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_resp,__zero_reg__ ; 51 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_resp+1,__zero_reg__ ; 53 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(-1) ; 55 *movqi/2 [length = 1] sts pn53x_stub_resp+2,r24 ; 56 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_resp+3,__zero_reg__ ; 58 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_resp+4,r24 ; 61 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_resp+5,__zero_reg__ ; 63 *movqi/3 [length = 2] ldi r24,lo8(6) ; 64 *movhi/4 [length = 2] ldi r25,hi8(6) sts pn53x_stub_ne+1,r25 ; 65 *movhi/3 [length = 4] sts pn53x_stub_ne,r24 sts pn53x_stub_ready,r18 ; 67 *movqi/3 [length = 2] .L137: ret ; 95 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_hw_write_cmpl, .-pn53x_hw_write_cmpl .section .text.pn53x_hw_xchg_read,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_hw_xchg_read .type pn53x_hw_xchg_read, @function pn53x_hw_xchg_read: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 lds r18,pn53x_stub_ne ; 7 *movhi/2 [length = 4] lds r19,pn53x_stub_ne+1 cp r24,r18 ; 8 *cmphi/3 [length = 2] cpc r25,r19 brsh .L146 ; 9 branch [length = 1] subi r24,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) ; 12 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r25,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_resp)) movw r30,r24 ; 33 *movhi/1 [length = 1] ld r24,Z ; 13 *movqi/4 [length = 1] ret ; 35 return [length = 1] .L146: ldi r24,lo8(0) ; 4 *movqi/1 [length = 1] ret ; 37 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_hw_xchg_read, .-pn53x_hw_xchg_read .section .text.pn53x_hw_xchg_write,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_hw_xchg_write .type pn53x_hw_xchg_write, @function pn53x_hw_xchg_write: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 movw r30,r24 ; 13 *movhi/1 [length = 1] subi r30,lo8(-(pn53x_stub_cmd)) ; 8 *addhi3/4 [length = 2] sbci r31,hi8(-(pn53x_stub_cmd)) st Z,r22 ; 9 *movqi/3 [length = 1] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 16 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_hw_xchg_write, .-pn53x_hw_xchg_write .section .text.pn53x_hw_ctrl_init,"ax",@progbits .global pn53x_hw_ctrl_init .type pn53x_hw_ctrl_init, @function pn53x_hw_ctrl_init: /* prologue: function */ /* frame size = 0 */ /* stack size = 0 */ .L__stack_usage = 0 sts pn53x_stub_nc+1,__zero_reg__ ; 5 *movhi/3 [length = 4] sts pn53x_stub_nc,__zero_reg__ sts pn53x_stub_ne+1,__zero_reg__ ; 6 *movhi/3 [length = 4] sts pn53x_stub_ne,__zero_reg__ sts pn53x_stub_ready,__zero_reg__ ; 7 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_is_resp,__zero_reg__ ; 8 *movqi/3 [length = 2] sts pn53x_stub_is_cmd,__zero_reg__ ; 9 *movqi/3 [length = 2] call pn53x_stub_driver_init ; 11 call_insn/3 [length = 2] /* epilogue start */ ret ; 18 return [length = 1] .size pn53x_hw_ctrl_init, .-pn53x_hw_ctrl_init .comm pn53x_stub_cmd,264,1 .comm pn53x_stub_resp,264,1 .comm pn53x_stub_nc,2,1 .comm pn53x_stub_ne,2,1 .comm pn53x_stub_ready,1,1 .comm pn53x_stub_is_resp,1,1 .comm pn53x_stub_is_cmd,1,1 .lcomm pn53x_nr_drivers,1 .lcomm pn53x_stub_drivers,2 .lcomm pn53x_nr_targets,1 .lcomm pn53x_targets,546 .lcomm pn53x_serial_br,1 .lcomm pn53x_sfr_p3,1 .lcomm pn53x_sfr_p7,1 .lcomm pn53x_ctrl_reg_switch_rng,1 .data .type pn53x_ciu_writables, @object .size pn53x_ciu_writables, 64 pn53x_ciu_writables: .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -17 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -9 .byte -17 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 127 .byte -33 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 63 .byte 63 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 0 .byte 15 .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte 63 .byte 63 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -113 .byte 63 .byte 127 .byte 47 .byte -1 .byte -97 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -104 .byte -1 .byte -128 .byte 63 .byte -16 .byte -9 .byte -128 .byte 0 .type pn53x_ciu_readables, @object .size pn53x_ciu_readables, 64 pn53x_ciu_readables: .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -5 .byte -5 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 127 .byte 127 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte 127 .byte -1 .byte 63 .byte 127 .byte -1 .byte 0 .type pn53x_ciu_regs, @object .size pn53x_ciu_regs, 64 pn53x_ciu_regs: .byte 0 .byte 59 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -128 .byte 0 .byte 16 .byte -124 .byte -124 .byte 79 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 98 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -1 .byte -1 .byte -120 .byte 38 .byte -121 .byte 72 .byte -120 .byte 32 .byte 32 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 64 .byte -128 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 32 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 20 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 33 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 8 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte -96 .byte 0 .lcomm pn53x_flags,1