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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Should this code work? 4.1.1

From: Dave Hansen
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Should this code work? 4.1.1
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:40:23 -0500

From: "Graham Davies" <address@hidden>
Bob Paddock wrote:
I don't see while(true){} being any different than for(;;){}
in this context, and while(true){} causes the Lint error
of "evaluation of constant value boolean".

I can't see why Lint would consider this an error and for ( ; ; ) not. Even so, isn't there some markup you can add in a comment to reassure Lint that this is what you intend?

FWIW, assuming you're discussing PC-lint...

PC-lint considers "for (;;)" to be the "traditional" or "conventional" way to express an endless loop, and therefore does not comment on it. Personally, I use "while (1)" or "while(TRUE)" more often, and indeed, PC-lint warns about that, perhaps to catch mistakes of the form of "while (Flag)" where Flag is a preprocessor macro that expands into a constant. To suppress that warning for your entire program, use -e716, or disable on the line you use it with a lint comment like /*lint !e716 */.


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