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Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc 'documentation'

From: Bruce D. Lightner
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc 'documentation'
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 13:58:42 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

David McNab wrote:
To give some examples:
 - avr-as pseudo-ops - there seems to be no thorough list of these. For
   example, I had to look through list archives to learn how to declare
   a buffer in SRAM via the '.skip' pseudo-op

Google is your friend! :-)

Googling "GNU Assembler" gives one...

 "Using as - The GNU Assembler":

Googling "AVR instruction set" give one Atmel's document...

 "8-bit AVR Instruction Set"

...and "avr-as" uses pretty much the same opcodes.

Best regards,


Bruce D. Lightner
Lightner Engineering
La Jolla, California
Voice: +1-858-551-4011
FAX: +1-858-551-0777
Email: address@hidden
URL: http://www.lightner.net/lightner/bruce/

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