On Thursday 01 September 2005 16:47, Timothy Smith wrote:
# avr-gcc -I/usr/include -g -Os -mmcu=atmega32 led.c
/var/tmp//ccJbKrxY.o(.text+0x16): In function `main':
/home/timothy/AVR/led.c:11: undefined reference to `time'
/var/tmp//ccJbKrxY.o(.text+0x2c):/home/timothy/AVR/led.c:13: undefined
reference to `time'
/var/tmp//ccJbKrxY.o(.text+0x4c):/home/timothy/AVR/led.c:15: undefined
reference to `time'
/var/tmp//ccJbKrxY.o(.text+0x62):/home/timothy/AVR/led.c:17: undefined
reference to `time'
AVR libc has no time functions so you can't do it that way.
Your -I/usr/include makes it use the FreeBSD includes (in addition to the AVR
gcc ones).
You are confusing the FreeBSD build environment with the AVR one.