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Re: [avr-gcc-list] What GCC bug currently effect the AVR port of GCC?

From: E. Weddington
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] What GCC bug currently effect the AVR port of GCC?
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 15:25:18 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)

Björn Haase wrote:

Hi Eric,

thank you for preparing an overview of open avr-bugs.
Finally, *this is NOT intended to start a discussion about the internal
details of every little bug on this list*. Please start different
threads for the bug in question, or better still, keep the discussion
limited to being on the bug reports themselves.
I found that the most critical bugs that you mentioned have been fixed already although they are not marked as fixed in bugzilla. Also the honor for fixing some of the bugs is not mine but Roger Sayle's (ice due to reload problems) and Marek's (shifting issues).
And Honors to you for getting the GCC test suite to run for the AVR port!

If I see it correctly, there presently is no real known "wrong-code" bug.
I beg to differ.

#10733: Modulus bug. wrong-code.
#16563: The compiler doesnt the necessary push/restore of  r18/r19.
#18551: wrong asm output for -mcall-prologues with g++
#19636: Can't compile ethernut OS (avr-gcc). ice-on-valid-code. Known to fail on 4.0. Listed as UNCONFIRMED.
#20082: unrecognizable insn. Listed as UNCONFIRMED.

Those are the ones that jump out at me.

One should probably add a reminder for the 16-Bit peripheral registers to update the specification and warn users when using pointers to peripheral registers. Possibly in the libc manual?
Yes, that would be the place. Perhaps in the FAQ. Let's see what Jörg has to say.

Thanks for all your help,

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