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[avr-gcc-list] Store and acces string variable stored in Flash ROM

From: Leo Hendrawan
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Store and acces string variable stored in Flash ROM
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004 13:34:00 +0000 (GMT)

Hello all,

i am developing an embedded web server as my final project of
undergraduate student. I use ATMEGA16 and AVR uIP for the TCP/IP stack (by
Louis Beaudoin and Adam Dunkels).

I am planning to put the HTML code inside the Flash ROM (as 'lookup
table' in program code) because of the size it usually had. can anyone
tell what kind of variable ahould i use.

I have tried to use the PGM_P (pgmspace.h) as the pointer to the string
array. but i have some difficulties because the pointer to the data which
will be send by TCP/IP stack is allocated above 255 bytes minus the
total header length.  is it right that i should make another function that
will make another pointer to the PGM_P which contain the html codes and
must be above 255 bytes length, and the other pointer itself only
carrying about the maximum number which is allowed by TCP/IP stack?

I will very thankfull for any advice....

Best regards,

 Leo Hendrawan
 at 13:21 Nov 6

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