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Re: [avr-gcc-list] 2 tricky questions

From: Iztok Zupet
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] 2 tricky questions
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 14:54:36 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

On Tuesday 17 June 2003 13:33, Marko Panger AGB Lab wrote:
> > #define dosomething asm volatile("do something")

I normally use the above trick, like:
#define high(x) \
 ({unsigned char t;  asm volatile ("lds %0,  (%1+1)" :"=r"(t) :"m"(x)); t;})

> By the "user point of view" calling an inline function is the same as
> calling a normal function. The syntax is the same. In fact I was looking
> for this. What does the compiler is another issue. I wanted the syntax of a
> normal function, but implemented as a macro - inline functions.
> > > The best soultion would be to replace the interrupt pro/epi
> > > functions with my functions or to call an assembler defined macro.
> >
> > By default, they aren't functions but are generated explicitly within
> > each function.  Are you using -mcall-prologues?  Then you're getting
> > them as functions.
> Off course, pro/epi sequences aren't functions. I want to change these
> sequences (use mine), but only for interrupts, not for normal functions.
> So, is it possible to do this ?
> > For normal prologue /functions/, yes, they are really getting their
> > return addresses pushed onto the stack.  How else is the function
> > supposed to return to the caller?  You probably don't want a function
> > for this, but your wording is a bit ambiguous here, sorry.
> The returning from the interrupt is managed by me. We misunderstood here.

BTW, the PROCESSOR iself pushes the return addres to stack when interrupted 
not the GCC!!! That's why it's there in a  _naked_ function.

 If the return from interrupt has to be mingled with, just pop it from stack 
and push another address there  (Like the old PDP11/RSX11 used to do).


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