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[avr-gcc-list] mingw32 avr-gcc 3.2 (20020621)

From: Larry Barello
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] mingw32 avr-gcc 3.2 (20020621)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 17:48:21 -0700

I recompiled my latest project using the new compiler.  I redefined
SFR_OFFSET__ as 0 as a shortcut to wrapping all my I/O in the new, improved
macros.  I get lots of "parameters probably don't match constraints"
warnings from the old "outp" lines, the program expands from 5108 to 6774
bytes and it doesn't work.  Maybe I need to figure out the warnings...  That
is a pretty substantial increase.  Is there something else I need to be
doing?  Below are the relevant lines from my makefile.  This is for an 8535.
All the C module are substantially larger with the new compiler compared to
the old one.


 FORMAT = ihex
 GCCLIB = $(AVRX)/avrx/avrx.a
 GCCINC = -I. -I$(AVRX)/avrx -I$(AVR)/avr/inc
 LDFLAGS = -Wl,-lm,-Map=$(<:.o=.gcc),--cref,-v -mmcu=$(GCCMCU)
 AFLAGS = -c -mmcu=$(GCCMCU) -Wa,-gstabs -mmcu=$(GCCMCU) -I$(GCCINC)
 CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall -g -mmcu=$(GCCMCU) $(TARGET)

Attachment: makefile
Description: Binary data

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