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Re: [avr-chat] XMEGA clocking questions

From: Graham Davies
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] XMEGA clocking questions
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 13:52:32 -0400

Erik Walthinsen wrote:

In theory you can use the 48MHz clock divided by 2 to drive the CPU at 24Mhz, but there's no way to get 32Mhz out of the USB SOF+DFLL ;-(

Also, the 2Mhz DFLL can *only* be driven from internal or external 32.768KHz, which means you can't use the SOF to calibrate the CPU clock as driven by the 2MHz * PLL.

OK, this doesn't contradict anything I wrote and I don't think the OP wanted the CPU clock synchronized to SoF, so I'm not sure where you're taking us with this additional information.


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