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From: Andy Smith
Subject: AC_LIBOBJ
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 22:43:09 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.1i

Hi folks,

apologies if I have missed something obvious, but I don't seem to
understand how one should use AC_LIBOBJ?

I have taken the AC_FUNC_SNPRINTF macro from the ac-archive and put
it in acsite.m4.  This macro calls AC_LIBOBJ(snprintf) if the
system's snprintf is missing or broken.  In my project's src
directory I have snprintf.c which I want to compile if it is needed.

So, what do I need to put into the src/  I thought I
just needed:


libfoo_la_SOURCES = foo.c foo.h foo_error.h foo_types.h foo_common.h

include_HEADERS = foo.h foo_error.h foo_types.h foo_common.h

libfoo_la_LIBADD = @LTLIBOBJS@

noinst_PROGRAMS = test test_debug
test_SOURCES = test.c

# An easier-to-debug version of test

test_debug_SOURCES = test.c
test_debug_LDADD = @LIBOBJS@
test_debug_LDFLAGS = -static

But when I do "autoconf && automake" I get:

src/ @LTLIBOBJS@ seen but never set in `'
src/ @LIBOBJS@ seen but never set in `'
src/ @LIBOBJS@ seen but never set in `'

What am I missing?

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