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Re: how to prefix definitions in config.h

From: Clinton Roy
Subject: Re: how to prefix definitions in config.h
Date: 19 Feb 2002 19:07:01 +1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) XEmacs/21.4 (Academic Rigor)

Guido Draheim <address@hidden> writes:

> may I ask what you are *really* trying to achieve?  Personally, I
> would like to depracate to prefix a config.h file in place, even
> more if you would really install it along with your library - I've
> seen to many include-order conflicts for this case, so please don't
> do that.
That's exactly what we're trying to do ;)

If the config.h header is installed in $prefix/include/package/config.h,
and all it's definitions are prefixed with the package name, we think
we've done everything needed to avoid name clashes. 

> Secondly, if I read your post well, then you try to modify a file,
> but not twice, but want to rerun it. Am I confused?
Hrm. Maybe not you, but I definitely am ;)

I would like config.h generated in the normal way via
AC_CONFIG_HEADER, then prefixed with our package name.

> Well, might be. Anyway, I don't expect things to be easy, for the
> case that the input and output file are in the same position.
That's the main problem I've had with AC_CREATE_PREFIX_CONFIG_H, it
doesn't store the output of it's sed command in a temporary file and
move it across the original, so in my case the original is lost.

> Thirdly, you didn't mention that the ac-macro has a few optional
> arguments, one being input-file, the other being output-file, which
> you didn't mention again. What's wrong with that, and if it is not
> sufficient, why didn't you contact me?
Not contacting you directly was an oversight on my behalf. I really am
quite confused as to why prefixing of definitions isn't a standard
option already. The other problem I can see with
AC_CREATE_PREFIX_CONFIG_H is that it doesn't get put into
config.status and thus I think it would only be run once.

Unfortunately when I try to use AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS to get the
prefixing done automatically on reconfiguration, I don't know what to
use as the tag to always have the command run, and it only gets run in
the initial configure invocation.

thanks for your time :)
Clinton Roy

Meetings - ``Try, or no try; there is no do.''

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