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Re: Confusing/bogus message in config.log

From: Derek R. Price
Subject: Re: Confusing/bogus message in config.log
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:26:16 -0500

Tim Van Holder wrote:

> After all, the relevant version number for configure itself, is that
> of the autoconf that created it; the name & version of the package
> it's intended for are useful extra information.
> And since you explicitly call it _GNU_, there's probably no reason
> to explicitly state it was created by autoconf here; after all, that
> will already be listed at the top of the file anyway.

I must admit that this contains all the relevant information, but
I think it violates the coding standard.  The text following the last
space and up until the EOL is supposed to be a version string for the
_program being run_.  I would hazard to say that two versions of a
package could have different configure scripts generated by the same
version of Autoconf.  Therefore, according to the GCS:

    GNU configure (CVS 1.11) 2.50


    GNU configure (CVS 1.11.1) 2.50

Would be claiming to be the same configure script distributed with two
different package releases.


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:address@hidden         CollabNet ( )
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government
from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of
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