filenames: 4GB_CT_Conference1.tar and 16GB_CT_Conference1.tar
I cancelled the 700MB was terrible quality as the conference is 5 hours.
This two files are uploading from two different ADSL from our balancer,
in Italy our DSL are Asyncronous, and one is reaching 40KB/s and
another 80KB/s :)
Yes our Lines are TV Lines, one way only.
ETA is for the 4GB wich is 15 Hours, uploading at 80KB/s
ETA for the 16GB file is 7 days. Is uploading at 40KB/s.
As soon as you have the link of this publicatin, pls give them to me,
we will point them also from our website.
Mihai will bring a pen-drive to RMS with things he is waiting
inside, photos and audio ogg files of one of our member.
Every member of simplemachines have one of this pen-drive,
is very special and robust, military grade.