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Re: Avoid opening a buffer showing origin of an error (or warning) from

From: Ikumi Keita
Subject: Re: Avoid opening a buffer showing origin of an error (or warning) from \PackageError (Warning)
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 18:50:58 +0900

Hi Jean, sorry for late answer.

>>>>> jfbu <> writes:
> Presumably this is what AUCTeX knows already to do,
> and anyhow the simplest could be to keep current code
> but by default add to it a check whether
> the-file-where-lies-the-offending-error is in
> current directory and display it only then, except
> if some
> customizable option "always-go-to-error-originating-file"
> has been made use of.

I'm not sure whether I understand what you hope, but did you enable
`TeX-error-overview-open-after-TeX-run' option? If not, please try and
see whether it meets your need or not.

Ikumi Keita
#StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine
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