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Re: Macros for table creation

From: Mandar Mitra
Subject: Re: Macros for table creation
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 23:18:45 +0530

Sivaram Neelakantan wrote (Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 10:20:41PM +0530):
> Is there any macro for table creation?   Ask for columns,rows and
> justification and insert a skeletal latex table environment?  I think
> there's something in org-mode to export as latex but wanted to know if
> there is anything within auctex.

You don't like C-c C-e (insert environment) table? It behaves a little like 
what you want. It doesn't ask for the number of rows though, and the &s are all 
strung together without any space between them.

> Or even better, paste a CSV, mark it and invoke a command to replace
> the commas  with latex column markers?

How about the csvsimple latex package? See
 for a discussion and examples.


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