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Re: Cannot expand string in command on 13.0.3

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: Cannot expand string in command on 13.0.3
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 16:37:29 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.7; emacs 28.0.50

Tak Kunihiro <> writes:

Hi Kunihiro,

> I cannot replace keywords listed in my command in TeX-command-list by
> expansion string in TeX-expand-list.  I have problem under 13.0.3 but
> no problem under 12.3.1.

Yes, we've refactored this quite a bit for auctex 13 in order to be able
to use lexical-binding as mentioned in (info "(auctex) Changes").

> I still cannot reproduce the problem started from emacs -Q.

If you can with a minimal config, a minimal test file, and a
reproduction recipe, that would be enough, I think.

> I found that replace-match on line 568 replaces something that differs
> from matched string on line 553.

That would mean that in between `match-string' in 553 and
`replace-match' in 568, something else changed the match data.  But we
use `save-match-data' when calling the expansion function, so in theory
that must not happen.


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