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Re: [AUCTeX] Symbol's function definition is void: nil
From: |
Ikumi Keita |
Subject: |
Re: [AUCTeX] Symbol's function definition is void: nil |
Date: |
Fri, 17 Nov 2017 02:13:43 +0900 |
Hi Alad and David,
>>>>> David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:
> Alad Wenter <address@hidden> writes:
>> I have installed AUCTeX on emacs-25.2-x86_64, emacs-25-x86_64-deps and
>> Windows 7 using GNU ELPA. (I don't use emacs 25.3 due to a DLL issue: [1])
>> When trying to Generate previews, I get a "Symbol's function definition is
>> void: nil" error. I've set the TeX engine to luatex with the TeX-engine-set
>> command.
>> Toggling debug-on-error results in the following output: (I replaced the
>> file names with ## in the output)
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function nil)
>> nil(nil t)
>> apply(nil (nil t))
>> (concat (and (stringp TeX-command-pos) TeX-command-pos) (apply (function
>> nil) args) (and (stringp TeX-command-pos) TeX-command-pos))
>> (shell-quote-argument (concat (and (stringp TeX-command-pos)
>> TeX-command-pos) (apply (function nil) args) (and (stringp TeX-command-pos)
>> TeX-command-pos)))
>> (lambda (&rest args) (shell-quote-argument (concat (and (stringp
>> TeX-command-pos) TeX-command-pos) (apply (function nil) args) (and (stringp
>> TeX-command-pos) TeX-command-pos))))(nil t)
>> apply((lambda (&rest args) (shell-quote-argument (concat (and (stringp
>> TeX-command-pos) TeX-command-pos) (apply (function nil) args) (and (stringp
>> TeX-command-pos) TeX-command-pos)))) (nil t))
>> TeX-command-expand("%(latex)" nil)
>> TeX-inline-preview-internal("lualatex --jobname=\"_region_\"
>> -file-line-error
>> \"\\nonstopmode\\nofiles\\PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage,auctex}{preview}\\AtBeginDocument{\\ifx\\ifPreview\\undefined\\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\\fi}\"
>> \"\\input\" \"_region_.tex\"" "_region_" (TeX-region-file . "_region_")
>> #<buffer ##.tex> ("##" "lualatex -ini -interaction=nonstopmode \"&lualatex\"
>> \"prv_##\".ini
>> \"\\nonstopmode\\nofiles\\PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage,auctex}{preview}\\AtBeginDocument{\\ifx\\ifPreview\\undefined\\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\\fi}\"
>> \"\\input\" \"##.tex\"" . #<overlay from 1 to 55 in ##.tex>) "##" ((lambda
>> nil (/ 10.2 (preview-document-pt))) (72.05673758865248 . 71.88679245283019)
>> [nil nil nil nil]))
>> preview-generate-preview(t "_region_" "lualatex --jobname=\"_region_\"
>> -file-line-error
>> \"\\nonstopmode\\nofiles\\PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage,auctex}{preview}\\AtBeginDocument{\\ifx\\ifPreview\\undefined\\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\\fi}\"
>> \"\\input\" \"_region_.tex\"")
>> preview-region(1 9393)
>> preview-at-point()
>> funcall-interactively(preview-at-point)
>> call-interactively(preview-at-point nil nil)
>> command-execute(preview-at-point)
>> My .emacs file:
>> ;; Added by Package.el. This must come before configurations of
>> ;; installed packages. Don't delete this line. If you don't want it,
>> ;; just comment it out by adding a semicolon to the start of the line.
>> ;; You may delete these explanatory comments.
>> (package-initialize)
>> (put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)
>> (put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil)
>> (custom-set-variables
>> ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
>> ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
>> ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
>> ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
>> '(package-selected-packages (quote (ada-mode auctex))))
>> (custom-set-faces
>> ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
>> ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
>> ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
>> ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
>> )
>> My .emacs.d folder is empty apart from elpa, auto-save-list and a bookarks
>> file. I have no other packages installed apart from AUCTeX. How can I
>> troubleshoot this issue?
>> Best,
>> Alad
>> [1]
>> http://gnu.emacs.help.narkive.com/4kg9yq1P/unable-to-run-64-bit-gnu-emacs-25-3-on-windows-7-professional-service-pack-1
> Looks to me like
> commit 370a4b92155aebf3d0860c1211617d14d8e7951c
> Author: Ikumi Keita <address@hidden>
> Date: Fri May 26 22:29:59 2017 +0900
> Resolve preview-latex incompatibility with Japanese TeX (Bug#25322)
> [...]
> is responsible here. It adds the line
> (TeX-command-expand "%(latex)" nil)))))
> which is an invalid use of TeX-command-expand (I have no idea how this
> could have ever worked).
I'm sorry, this is my fault. I'll make out some work around.
David, thank you for tracking down this defect.
> I have no idea what the intent of that line ever was. "nil" probably
> needs to be some file expansion function.
The idea is that putting back the "--kanji" option dropped by the
preceding regular expression `preview-undump-replacements'. This option
is necessary to tell the coding system of the file to the Japanese
platex command.
I should have noticed the existence of "%s" in the fourth element of the
`luatex' entry of `TeX-engine-alist-builtin'. I faltly assumed that
this `TeX-command-expand' does not make use of its `file' argument when
its first argument is only "%(latex)". But it is wrong for lualatex
because of that "%s".
It is rather strange that preview-latex does work for lualatex file
without error on my machine, but it's not important, of course. Anyway,
I'll fix this issue.
Ikumi Keita