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Re: [AUCTeX] RefTeX not working well with Biblatex in class file

From: Tristan Miller
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] RefTeX not working well with Biblatex in class file
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 15:32:08 +0200

Dear Ikumi,

On Fri, 08 Sep 2017 21:53:37 +0900, Ikumi Keita
<address@hidden> wrote:
> I suppose you are using a class file which is not supported in vanilla
> AUCTeX, i.e., no corresponding style file foo.el or quux.el is in
> AUCTeX's style directory, aren't you?

Yes, that's right.  The class files in question are either ones that
I've authored myself, or else are created by particular
publishers/conferences and not included in major TeX distributions.

> Then you can try generating style file on your own by the following
> procedure.  I suppose the LaTeX file foo.tex is using quux.cls as its
> documentclass.
> (1) M-x TeX-auto-generate RET
> (2) Select the class file "quux.cls".
> (3) Select the directory to store support style file.
>     Then AUCTeX parses "quux.cls" and saves the relavant information
> in "quux.el".
> (4) Open the file foo.tex.  (If it is opened already, try C-c C-n or
> C-x C-v in that buffer.)
> (5) Now you can try C-c [.  I hope it works as you expected.

Thanks -- that procedure worked for the toy quux.cls file, but not for
the more complicated class files I'm actually using.  TeX-auto-generate
still failed to detect biblatex.  However, from looking at the style
file generate for quux.cls, I am guessing I can just copy the following
lines into the style files for my real class files:

(TeX-add-to-alist 'LaTeX-provided-package-options
                  '(("biblatex" "backend=biber")))


                  Tristan Miller
Free Software developer, ferret herder, logologist

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