And here's another piece of information: If I enable (setq debug-on-error t) in my .emacs, then when I open a .tex file I get the following:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments #[nil "\306!\307
\212\214\310 \311\216\312\313!\210\314 \210\315 \210\316\317!\210\320\321\322%\"&'\323 \210*\316\324!\210\325 \210\316\326!\210\327 \210\316\330!\210\331 \210\316\332!\210\333 \210\312\334!\210,(,\335 \210\336 !\203\337 !\204l\340 !\210\202\341 )\342\337 !!\210\343 \210\342)!\210))\316\344!\207" [org-agenda-buffer-name a-buffer org-agenda-tag-filter org-agenda-redo-command org-agenda-curbuf-name wconfig get-buffer "*SUMO*" current-window-configuration ((set-window-configuration wconfig)) run-hooks org-mobile-pre-push-hook org-mobile-check-setup org-mobile-prepare-file-lists message "Creating agendas..." t mapcar car org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda "Creating agendas...done" org-save-all-org-buffers "Copying files..." org-mobile-copy-agenda-files "Writing index file..." org-mobile-create-index-file "Writing checksums..." org-mobile-write-checksums org-mobile-post-push-hook redraw-display buffer-live-p get-buffer-window kill-buffer selected-window select-window org-agenda-redo "Files for mobile viewer staged" org-mobile-files-alist org-agenda-files inhibit-redisplay org-agenda-this-buffer-name cw] 4 ("/Users/drorata/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20141201/org-mobile.elc" . 10276) nil] 2)
push((const output-dvi) nil)
#[(spec) "address@hidden \n\")\207" [spec x list const push] 4]((output-dvi (string-match "dvi" (TeX-output-extension))))
mapc(#[(spec) "address@hidden
\n\")\207" [spec x list const push] 4] ((output-dvi (string-match "dvi" (TeX-output-extension))) (output-pdf (string-match "pdf" (TeX-output-extension))) (output-html (string-match "html" (TeX-output-extension))) (style-pstricks (TeX-match-style "^pstricks
![\\|^pst-\\|^psfrag \\|^pst-\\|^psfrag]()
")) (engine-omega (eq TeX-engine (quote omega))) (engine-xetex (eq TeX-engine (quote xetex))) (mode-io-correlate TeX-source-correlate-mode) (paper-landscape (TeX-match-style "\\`landscape\\'")) (paper-portrait (not (TeX-match-style "\\`landscape\\'"))) (paper-a4 (TeX-match-style "\\`a4paper\\|a4dutch\\|a4wide\\|sem-a4\\'")) (paper-a5 (TeX-match-style "\\`a5paper\\|a5comb\\'")) (paper-b5 (TeX-match-style "\\`b5paper\\'")) (paper-letter (TeX-match-style "\\`letterpaper\\'")) (paper-legal (TeX-match-style "\\`legalpaper\\'")) (paper-executive (TeX-match-style "\\`executivepaper\\'"))))
byte-code("\305\303\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\322\323\317\325\300\322\326\306\327\330\331 \n\"\"\210\332\333\"\317\211\322\334BBB\324\322\335\317\322\334BBBFE)\336BBBBEFF\337BBB\257&\210\305\340\341\342\310\311\312\313\314\306\327\343\331 \n\"\"\210\332\344\"\317\211\322\345BBB\324\322\346\317BFE)\316\321\317\322\347\306\327\350\331\f\"\"\210\332\351\")BBBD\257&\207" [list TeX-view-predicate-list TeX-view-predicate-list-builtin TeX-view-program-list TeX-view-program-list-builtin custom-declare-variable nil "Alist of viewer specifications.\nThis variable can be used to specify how a viewer is to be\ninvoked and thereby add new viewers on top of the built-in list\nof viewers defined in `TeX-view-program-list-builtin' or override\nentries in the latter.\n\nThe car of each item is a string with a user-readable name. The\nsecond element can be a command line to be run as a process or a\nLisp function to be executed. The command line can either be\nspecified as a single string or a list of strings and two-part\nlists. The first element of the two-part lists is a symbol or a\nlist of symbols referring to one or more of the predicates in\n`TeX-view-predicate-list' or `TeX-view-predicate-list-builtin'.\nThe second part of the two-part lists is a command line part.\nThe command line for the viewer is constructed by concatenating\nthe command line parts. Parts with a predicate are only\nconsidered if the predicate was evaluated with a positive result.\nNote that the command line can contain placeholders as defined in\n`TeX-expand-list' which are expanded before the viewer is called.\n\nThe use of a function as the second element only works if the\nView command in `TeX-command-list' makes use of the hook\n`TeX-run-discard-or-function'.\n\nNote: Predicates defined in the current Emacs session will only\nshow up in the customization interface for this variable after\nrestarting Emacs." :group TeX-view :type alist :key-type (string :tag "Name") :value-type choice (group :tag "Command" (string :tag "Command")) group :tag "Command parts" repeat (string :tag "Command part") "Predicate and command part" mapc #[(spec) "address@hidden \n\")\207" [spec x list const push] 4] append sort #[(a b) "address@hidden address@hidden" [a b symbol-name] 4] "Predicate" "List of predicates" ((string :tag "Command part")) ((group :tag "Function" function)) TeX-view-program-selection (cond ((eq system-type (quote windows-nt)) (quote (((output-dvi style-pstricks) "dvips and start") (output-dvi "Yap") (output-pdf "start") (output-html "start")))) ((eq system-type (quote darwin)) (quote ((output-dvi "open") (output-pdf "open") (output-html "open")))) (t (quote (((output-dvi style-pstricks) "dvips and gv") (output-dvi "xdvi") (output-pdf "Evince") (output-html "xdg-open"))))) "Alist of predicates and viewers.\nEach entry consists of a list with two elements. The first\nelement is a symbol or list of symbols referring to predicates as\ndefined in `TeX-view-predicate-list' or\n`TeX-view-predicate-list-builtin'. The second element is a\nstring referring to the name of a viewer as defined in\n`TeX-view-program-list' or `TeX-view-program-list-builtin'.\n(Note: Viewers added to `TeX-view-program-list' in the current\nEmacs session will not show up in the customization interface of\n`TeX-view-program-selection' until you restart Emacs.)\n\nWhen a viewer is called for, the entries are evaluated in turn\nand the viewer related to the first entry all predicates of which\nare evaluated positively is chosen." #[(spec) "address@hidden \n\")\207" [spec x list const push] 4] #[(a b) "address@hidden address@hidden" [a b symbol-name] 4] "Single predicate" "Multiple predicates" "Viewer" #[(spec) "address@hidden \n\")\207" [spec x list const push] 4] #[(a b) "address@hidden address@hidden" [a b] 3]] 33)
apply(TeX-tex-mode nil)
set-auto-mode-0(tex-mode nil)
after-find-file(nil t)
find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer base-CV.tex> "~/Dropbox/Work/CV/base-CV.tex" nil nil "~/Dropbox/Work/CV/base-CV.tex" (1068638 16777218))
find-file-noselect("/Users/drorata/Dropbox/Work/CV/base-CV.tex" nil nil)
call-interactively(ido-find-file nil nil)