When I hit C-h v, there seems to be no variable called "TeX-view-program-selection", only "TeX-view-style" and "TeX-virgin-style". This the first time I've ever encountered the C-h v command, so I might be doing something wrong.
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 04:13, Tassilo Horn
<address@hidden> wrote:
Quinn Culver <address@hidden> writes:
Hi Quinn,
> My current .log file does not contain that warning, yet it defaults to
> LaTeX every time.
Strange. Anyway, the relevant variables for what viewer is started is
,----[ C-h v TeX-view-program-selection RET ]
| TeX-view-program-selection is a variable defined in `tex.el'.
| Its value is (((output-dvi style-pstricks)
| "dvips and gv")
| (output-dvi "xdvi")
| (output-pdf "Evince")
| (output-html "xdg-open"))
| Documentation:
| Alist of predicates and viewers.
| Each entry consists of a list with two elements. The first
| element is a symbol or list of symbols referring to predicates as
| defined in `TeX-view-predicate-list' or
| `TeX-view-predicate-list-builtin'. The second element is a
| string referring to the name of a viewer as defined in
| `TeX-view-program-list' or `TeX-view-program-list-builtin'.
| (Note: Viewers added to `TeX-view-program-list' in the current
| Emacs session will not show up in the customization interface of
| `TeX-view-program-selection' until you restart Emacs.)
| When a viewer is called for, the entries are evaluated in turn
| and the viewer related to the first entry all predicates of which
| are evaluated positively is chosen.
Quinn Culver
"Inscribe all human effort with one word,
Artistry's haunting curse, the Incomplete!"
- Robert Browning