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[AUCTeX-diffs] [elpa] externals/auctex 3c4c78b 8/8: Merge remote-trackin

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] [elpa] externals/auctex 3c4c78b 8/8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into externals/auctex
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 15:22:52 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/auctex
commit 3c4c78b4309bd807db625bf180e5ce047b0cfb76
Merge: 0383415 40b9319
Author: Tassilo Horn <>
Commit: Tassilo Horn <>

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into externals/auctex
 font-latex.el                             | 28 ++++++------
 latex.el                                  | 31 +++++++-------
 tests/latex/latex-comment-filling-in.tex  | 35 +++++++++++++++
 tests/latex/latex-comment-filling-out.tex | 38 +++++++++++++++++
 tests/latex/latex-test.el                 | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 5 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/font-latex.el b/font-latex.el
index 7ba3792..906afc9 100644
--- a/font-latex.el
+++ b/font-latex.el
@@ -2141,19 +2141,21 @@ set to french, and >>german<< (and 8-bit) are used if 
set to german."
 (defun font-latex-match-script-chars (limit)
   "Match subscript and superscript chars up to LIMIT."
-  (and (re-search-forward "[^_^]\\([_^]\\)" limit t)
-       (let ((pos (match-beginning 1)))
-         (and (font-latex-faces-present-p 'font-latex-math-face pos)
-              (not (font-latex-faces-present-p '(font-lock-constant-face
-                                                 font-lock-builtin-face
-                                                 font-lock-comment-face
-                                                 font-latex-verbatim-face) 
-              ;; Check for backslash quoting
-              (not (let ((odd nil)
-                         (pos pos))
-                     (while (eq (char-before pos) ?\\)
-                       (setq pos (1- pos) odd (not odd)))
-                     odd))))))
+  (catch 'found
+    (while (re-search-forward "[^_^]\\([_^]\\)" limit t)
+      (let ((pos (match-beginning 1)))
+        (when (and (font-latex-faces-present-p 'font-latex-math-face pos)
+                   (not (font-latex-faces-present-p '(font-lock-constant-face
+                                                      font-lock-builtin-face
+                                                      font-lock-comment-face
font-latex-verbatim-face) pos))
+                   ;; Check for backslash quoting
+                   (not (let ((odd nil)
+                              (pos pos))
+                          (while (eq (char-before pos) ?\\)
+                            (setq pos (1- pos) odd (not odd)))
+                          odd)))
+          (throw 'found t))))))
 (defun font-latex--get-script-props (pos script-type)
   (let* ((old-raise (or (plist-get (get-text-property pos 'display) 'raise) 
diff --git a/latex.el b/latex.el
index 83d50ca..1feafd1 100644
--- a/latex.el
+++ b/latex.el
@@ -2899,9 +2899,14 @@ Normally bound to keys \(, { and [."
              (> (point) (mark)))
-    (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
     (if auto-p
+        ;; Should supply corresponding right brace with possible
+        ;; \right-like macro.
         (let ((lbrace (char-to-string last-command-event)) lmacro skip-p)
+          ;; Use `insert' rather than `self-insert-command' so that
+          ;; unexcpected side effects, e.g. `electric-pair-mode',
+          ;; won't mess up the following outcomes. (bug#47936)
+          (insert last-command-event)
             ;; The brace "{" is exceptional in two aspects.
@@ -2930,7 +2935,10 @@ Normally bound to keys \(, { and [."
               (if (TeX-active-mark)
                   (goto-char (mark)))
-               lmacro lbrace)))))))
+               lmacro lbrace))))
+      ;; Don't supply right brace and just act as ordinary
+      ;; `self-insert-command'.
+      (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))))
 ;; Cater for `delete-selection-mode' (bug#36385)
 ;; See the header comment of delsel.el for detail.
 (put #'LaTeX-insert-left-brace 'delete-selection
@@ -2954,7 +2962,7 @@ Normally bound to keys \(, { and [."
                 (funcall f))))))
 (defun LaTeX-insert-corresponding-right-macro-and-brace
-  (lmacro lbrace &optional optional prompt)
+    (lmacro lbrace &optional optional prompt)
   "Insert right macro and brace correspoinding to LMACRO and LBRACE.
 Left-right association is determined through
 `LaTeX-left-right-macros-association' and `TeX-braces-association'.
@@ -2987,7 +2995,7 @@ is nil, consult user which brace should be used."
                 optional prompt
                 (format "Which brace (default %s)"
                         (or rbrace "."))) TeX-left-right-braces
-                        nil nil nil nil (or rbrace ".")))))))
+               nil nil nil nil (or rbrace ".")))))))
 (defun LaTeX--find-preceding-left-macro-name ()
   "Return the left macro name just before the point, if any.
@@ -3775,7 +3783,7 @@ performed in that case."
           (if (re-search-forward
                (concat "\\("
                        ;; Code comments.
-                       "[^\r\n%\\]\\([ \t]\\|\\\\\\\\\\)*"
+                       "[^ \r\n%\\]\\([ \t]\\|\\\\\\\\\\)*"
                        ;; Lines ending with `\par'.
@@ -3921,7 +3929,7 @@ space does not end a sentence, so don't break a line 
         (goto-char from)
         (let* (linebeg
                (code-comment-start (save-excursion
-                                     (LaTeX-back-to-indentation)
+                                     (LaTeX-back-to-indentation 'inner)
                (end-marker (save-excursion
@@ -4032,7 +4040,7 @@ space does not end a sentence, so don't break a line 
              (TeX-looking-at-backward (concat (regexp-quote TeX-esc) 
TeX-token-char "*")
                                       (1- (- (point) linebeg)))
              (not (TeX-escaped-p (match-beginning 0))))
-      (goto-char (match-beginning 0)))
+    (goto-char (match-beginning 0)))
   ;; Cater for \verb|...| (and similar) contructs which should not be
   ;; broken. (FIXME: Make it work with shortvrb.sty (also loaded by
   ;; doc.sty) where |...| is allowed.  Arbitrary delimiters may be
@@ -4073,7 +4081,7 @@ space does not end a sentence, so don't break a line 
-        (LaTeX-back-to-indentation)
+        (LaTeX-back-to-indentation 'outer)
         (setq start-point (point))
         ;; Find occurences of [, $, {, }, \(, \), \[, \] or $$.
         (while (and (= final-breakpoint orig-breakpoint)
@@ -6810,13 +6818,6 @@ function would return non-nil and `(match-string 1)' 
would return
   (define-key LaTeX-mode-map "\C-xne" #'LaTeX-narrow-to-environment)
-  ;; AUCTeX's brace pairing feature (`LaTeX-electric-left-right-brace') doesn't
-  ;; play nice with `electric-pair-mode' which is a global minor mode as of
-  ;; emacs 24.4.
-  (when (and LaTeX-electric-left-right-brace
-             (boundp 'electric-pair-mode))
-    (set (make-local-variable 'electric-pair-mode) nil))
   ;; Initialization of `add-log-current-defun-function':
   (set (make-local-variable 'add-log-current-defun-function)
diff --git a/tests/latex/latex-comment-filling-in.tex 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ba1bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/latex/latex-comment-filling-in.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% This is a very long comment which should be wrapped around after fill-column 
characters.  We'll see if that works.
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item This is a long item text which should be wrapped around after 
fill-column characters even though it is commented.
+% \item This is short.
+%   This also.
+%   So all 3 gonna be joined.
+% \end{itemize}
+  % This is a very long comment which should be wrapped around after 
fill-column characters.  We'll see if that works.  
+  % \begin{itemize}
+  % \item This is a long item text which should be wrapped around after 
fill-column characters even though it is commented.  This should still work 
although we're already indented.
+  % \item This is short.
+  %   This also.
+  %   So all 3 gonna be joined.
+  % \end{itemize}  
+% This is short.\\
+% But no join because the backslashes.
+% This is short.\par
+% But no join because the par.
+% Code comments.
+\foo\bar % This is a code comment.
+\baz     % This also.
+\quux    % So lines must not be joined.
+\foobar  % But very long lines, such as this one, well, you know, they may be 
wrapped around.  TODO: It would be cool if this was indented as much as the 
previous line.
+\bar     % This is short.
diff --git a/tests/latex/latex-comment-filling-out.tex 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0917d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/latex/latex-comment-filling-out.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% This is a very long comment which should be wrapped around after
+% fill-column characters.  We'll see if that works.
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item This is a long item text which should be wrapped around after
+%   fill-column characters even though it is commented.
+% \item This is short.  This also.  So all 3 gonna be joined.
+% \end{itemize}
+  % This is a very long comment which should be wrapped around after
+  % fill-column characters.  We'll see if that works.
+  % \begin{itemize}
+  % \item This is a long item text which should be wrapped around
+  %   after fill-column characters even though it is commented.  This
+  %   should still work although we're already indented.
+  % \item This is short.  This also.  So all 3 gonna be joined.
+  % \end{itemize}
+% This is short.\\
+% But no join because the backslashes.
+% This is short.\par
+% But no join because the par.
+% Code comments.
+\foo\bar % This is a code comment.
+\baz     % This also.
+\quux    % So lines must not be joined.
+\foobar  % But very long lines, such as this one, well, you know, they
+% may be wrapped around.  TODO: It would be cool if this was indented
+% as much as the previous line.
+\bar     % This is short.
diff --git a/tests/latex/latex-test.el b/tests/latex/latex-test.el
index 6f70d95..af6e34f 100644
--- a/tests/latex/latex-test.el
+++ b/tests/latex/latex-test.el
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
+ 'LaTeX-comment-filling/in
+ "latex-comment-filling-in.tex"
+ 'LaTeX-comment-filling/out
+ "latex-comment-filling-out.tex"
@@ -96,6 +100,27 @@
              (insert-file-contents LaTeX-filling/out)
+;; Test for comment filling, especially with
+;; `LaTeX-syntactic-comments' which is t by default.
+(ert-deftest LaTeX-comment-filling ()
+  (should (string=
+           (with-temp-buffer
+             (insert-file-contents LaTeX-comment-filling/in)
+             (LaTeX-mode)
+             (let ((fill-column 70)
+                   (code-comment-test nil))
+               (fill-paragraph)
+               (while (= 0 (forward-line 1))
+                 (when (looking-at "% Code comments.")
+                   (setq code-comment-test t))
+                 (when code-comment-test
+                   (LaTeX-back-to-indentation 'inner))
+                 (fill-paragraph)))
+             (buffer-string))
+           (with-temp-buffer
+             (insert-file-contents LaTeX-comment-filling/out)
+             (buffer-string)))))
 ;; Test for bug#19281 (
 ;; make sure AUCTeX is able to insert and modify an environment containing a
 ;; TeX-esc and braces in its name.
@@ -453,9 +478,7 @@ ghi"))
   % \\begin{center}
-  %   abc
-  %   def
-  %   ghi
+  %   abc def ghi
   % \\end{center}
@@ -478,9 +501,7 @@ ghi"))
   % \\begin{center}
-  %   abc
-  %   def
-  %   ghi
+  %   abc def ghi
   % \\end{center}
@@ -504,9 +525,7 @@ ghi"))
   % \\begin{center}
-  %   abc
-  %   def
-  %   ghi
+  %   abc def ghi
   % \\end{center}
@@ -529,11 +548,39 @@ ghi"))
-    % abc
-    % def
-    % ghi
+    % abc def ghi
+(ert-deftest LaTeX-electric-pair-interaction ()
+  "Whether `LaTeX-insert-left-brace' is compatible with `electric-pair-mode'."
+  (require 'elec-pair)
+  (let ((LaTeX-electric-left-right-brace t)
+        (orig-mode electric-pair-mode))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          ;; Temporally enable electric pair mode, if not enabled
+          ;; already.
+          (or orig-mode
+              (electric-pair-mode 1))
+          (latex-mode)
+          ;; When `LaTeX-insert-left-brace' supplies right brace,
+          ;; `electric-pair-mode' shoudn't come into play.
+          (setq last-command-event ?\()
+          (LaTeX-insert-left-brace nil)
+          (should (string= "()" (buffer-string)))
+          (erase-buffer)
+          ;; When there is a prefix argument, `LaTeX-insert-left-brace'
+          ;; just calls `self-insert-command' and `electric-pair-mode'
+          ;; should work.
+          (setq last-command-event ?\()
+          (LaTeX-insert-left-brace 2)
+          (should (string= "(()" (buffer-string))))
+      ;; Restore electric pair mode.
+      (or orig-mode
+          (electric-pair-mode -1)))))
 ;;; latex-test.el ends here

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