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[AUCTeX-diffs] [elpa] externals/auctex b8c2bef 34/62: ; Fix byte-compile

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] [elpa] externals/auctex b8c2bef 34/62: ; Fix byte-compiler warnings in latex.el
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2020 10:39:59 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/auctex
commit b8c2bef9e419f0f91faaf13d20cf3b070d8138dd
Author: Tassilo Horn <>
Commit: Tassilo Horn <>

    ; Fix byte-compiler warnings in latex.el
 latex.el | 611 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 313 insertions(+), 298 deletions(-)

diff --git a/latex.el b/latex.el
index 0032157..b42e158 100644
--- a/latex.el
+++ b/latex.el
@@ -228,6 +228,9 @@ section."
                             ("subparagraph" 6))
   "List which elements is the names of the sections used by LaTeX.")
+(defvar LaTeX-section-menu nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'LaTeX-section-menu)
 (defun LaTeX-section-list-add-locally (sections &optional clean)
   "Add SECTIONS to `LaTeX-section-list'.
 SECTIONS can be a single list containing the section macro name
@@ -336,6 +339,16 @@ If so, return the second element, otherwise return nil."
       (nth 1 (car list))
+(defvar LaTeX-header-end
+  (concat "^[^%\n]*" (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "begin *"
+         TeX-grop "document" TeX-grcl)
+  "Default end of header marker for LaTeX documents.")
+(defvar LaTeX-trailer-start
+  (concat "^[^%\n]*" (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "end *"
+         TeX-grop "document" TeX-grcl)
+  "Default start of trailer marker for LaTeX documents.")
 (defun LaTeX-outline-level ()
   "Find the level of current outline heading in an LaTeX document."
   (cond ((looking-at LaTeX-header-end) 1)
@@ -345,15 +358,15 @@ If so, return the second element, otherwise return nil."
-         (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-         (forward-char 1)
-         (cond ((looking-at "appendix") 1)
-               ((looking-at "documentstyle") 1)
-               ((looking-at "documentclass") 1)
-               ((TeX-look-at LaTeX-section-list)
-                (max 1 (+ (TeX-look-at LaTeX-section-list)
-                          (LaTeX-outline-offset))))
-               (t (outline-level)))))))
+          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+          (forward-char 1)
+          (cond ((looking-at "appendix") 1)
+                ((looking-at "documentstyle") 1)
+                ((looking-at "documentclass") 1)
+                ((TeX-look-at LaTeX-section-list)
+                 (max 1 (+ (TeX-look-at LaTeX-section-list)
+                           (LaTeX-outline-offset))))
+                (t (outline-level)))))))
 (defun LaTeX-outline-name ()
   "Guess a name for the current header line."
@@ -664,6 +677,8 @@ With prefix-argument, reopen environment afterwards."
 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'LaTeX-after-insert-env-hooks 
'LaTeX-after-insert-env-hook "11.89")
+(defvar LaTeX-indent-environment-list) ;; Defined further below.
 (defvar LaTeX-after-insert-env-hook nil
   "List of functions to be run at the end of `LaTeX-insert-environment'.
 Each function is called with three arguments: the name of the
@@ -853,6 +868,8 @@ position just before \\begin and the position just before
                            (save-excursion (funcall goto-begin))
                            (progn (funcall goto-end) (point)))))))
+(defvar LaTeX-syntactic-comments) ;; Defined further below.
 (defun LaTeX-current-environment (&optional arg)
   "Return the name (a string) of the enclosing LaTeX environment.
 With optional ARG>=1, find that outer level.
@@ -1062,6 +1079,8 @@ corresponding entry."
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'LaTeX-label-alist)
+(defvar TeX-read-label-prefix) ;; Defined further below.
 (defun LaTeX-label (name &optional type no-insert)
   "Insert a label for NAME at point.
 The optional TYPE argument can be either environment or section:
@@ -1410,7 +1429,7 @@ You may use `LaTeX-item-list' to change the routines used 
to insert the item."
       (TeX-insert-macro "item"))
-(defvar TeX-arg-item-label-p)
+(defvar TeX-arg-item-label-p) ;; Defined further below.
 (defun LaTeX-item-argument ()
   "Insert a new item with an optional argument."
@@ -1940,6 +1959,11 @@ The value is actually the tail of the list of options 
given to PACKAGE."
 ;;; BibTeX
+(defvar BibTeX-auto-regexp-list
+  '(("@[Ss][Tt][Rr][Ii][Nn][Gg]" 1 ignore)
+    ("@[a-zA-Z]+[{(][ \t]*\\([^, \n\r\t%\"#'()={}]*\\)" 1 LaTeX-auto-bibitem))
+  "List of regexp-list expressions matching BibTeX items.")
 (defun BibTeX-auto-store ()
   "This function should be called from `bibtex-mode-hook'.
@@ -1954,11 +1978,6 @@ It will setup BibTeX to store keys in an auto file."
   (set (make-local-variable 'TeX-auto-regexp-list) BibTeX-auto-regexp-list)
   (set (make-local-variable 'TeX-master) t))
-(defvar BibTeX-auto-regexp-list
-  '(("@[Ss][Tt][Rr][Ii][Nn][Gg]" 1 ignore)
-    ("@[a-zA-Z]+[{(][ \t]*\\([^, \n\r\t%\"#'()={}]*\\)" 1 LaTeX-auto-bibitem))
-  "List of regexp-list expressions matching BibTeX items.")
 ;;; Macro Argument Hooks
 (defun TeX-arg-conditional (_optional expr then else)
@@ -2298,6 +2317,18 @@ and this variable will be ignored."
 Initialized once at the first time you prompt for a LaTeX class.
 May be reset with `\\[universal-argument] \\[TeX-normal-mode]'.")
+(defcustom TeX-arg-input-file-search t
+  "If `TeX-arg-input-file' should search for files.
+If the value is t, files in TeX's search path are searched for
+and provided for completion.  The file name is then inserted
+without directory and extension.  If the value is nil, the file
+name can be specified manually and is inserted with a path
+relative to the directory of the current buffer's file and with
+extension.  If the value is `ask', you are asked for the method
+to use every time `TeX-arg-input-file' is called."
+  :group 'LaTeX-macro
+  :type '(choice (const t) (const nil) (const ask)))
 (defvar TeX-after-document-hook nil
   "List of functions to be run at the end of `TeX-arg-document'.
@@ -2360,6 +2391,11 @@ OPTIONAL and IGNORE are ignored."
 To insert a hook here, you must insert it in the appropiate style file.")
+(defvar TeX-global-input-files nil
+  "List of the non-local TeX input files.
+Initialized once at the first time you prompt for an input file.
+May be reset with `\\[universal-argument] \\[TeX-normal-mode]'.")
 (defun LaTeX-arg-usepackage-read-packages-with-options ()
   "Read the packages and the options for the usepackage macro.
@@ -2478,23 +2514,6 @@ Reset the mode for a change of this variable to take 
                       (choice :tag "Extensions"
                               variable (repeat string)))))
-(defcustom TeX-arg-input-file-search t
-  "If `TeX-arg-input-file' should search for files.
-If the value is t, files in TeX's search path are searched for
-and provided for completion.  The file name is then inserted
-without directory and extension.  If the value is nil, the file
-name can be specified manually and is inserted with a path
-relative to the directory of the current buffer's file and with
-extension.  If the value is `ask', you are asked for the method
-to use every time `TeX-arg-input-file' is called."
-  :group 'LaTeX-macro
-  :type '(choice (const t) (const nil) (const ask)))
-(defvar TeX-global-input-files nil
-  "List of the non-local TeX input files.
-Initialized once at the first time you prompt for an input file.
-May be reset with `\\[universal-argument] \\[TeX-normal-mode]'.")
 (defun TeX-arg-input-file (optional &optional prompt local)
   "Prompt for a tex or sty file.
 If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert the resulting value as an optional
@@ -2823,6 +2842,8 @@ string."
+(defvar TeX-arg-right-insert-p) ;; Defined further below.
 (defun TeX-arg-insert-right-brace-maybe (optional)
   "Insert the suitable right brace macro such as \\rangle.
 Insertion is done when `TeX-arg-right-insert-p' is non-nil.
@@ -2846,8 +2867,6 @@ supply the corresponding macro such as \\right before the 
right brace macro."
         left-macro left-brace optional)))))
-(defvar TeX-arg-right-insert-p)
 (defun LaTeX-insert-left-brace (arg)
   "Insert typed left brace ARG times and possibly a correspondig right brace.
 Automatic right brace insertion is done only if no prefix ARG is given and
@@ -2863,36 +2882,36 @@ Normally bound to keys \(, { and [."
     (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
     (if auto-p
-      (let ((lbrace (char-to-string last-command-event)) lmacro skip-p)
-        (save-excursion
-          (backward-char)
-         ;; The brace "{" is exceptional in two aspects.
-         ;; 1. "\{" should be considered as a single brace
-         ;;    like "(" and "[".
-         ;; 2. "\left{" is nonsense while "\left\{" and
-         ;;    "\left(" are not.
-         (if (string= lbrace TeX-grop)
-             ;; If "{" follows "\", set lbrace to "\{".
-             (if (TeX-escaped-p)
-                 (progn
-                   (backward-char)
-                   (setq lbrace (concat TeX-esc TeX-grop)))
-               ;; Otherwise, don't search for left macros.
-               (setq skip-p t)))
-         (unless skip-p
-           ;; Obtain the name of preceding left macro, if any,
-           ;; such as "left", "bigl" etc.
-           (setq lmacro (LaTeX--find-preceding-left-macro-name))))
-        (let ((TeX-arg-right-insert-p t)
-              ;; "{" and "}" are paired temporally so that typing
-             ;; a single "{" should insert a pair "{}".
-              (TeX-braces-association
-               (cons (cons TeX-grop TeX-grcl) TeX-braces-association)))
-         (save-excursion
-           (if (TeX-active-mark)
-               (goto-char (mark)))
-           (LaTeX-insert-corresponding-right-macro-and-brace
-            lmacro lbrace)))))))
+        (let ((lbrace (char-to-string last-command-event)) lmacro skip-p)
+          (save-excursion
+            (backward-char)
+           ;; The brace "{" is exceptional in two aspects.
+           ;; 1. "\{" should be considered as a single brace
+           ;;    like "(" and "[".
+           ;; 2. "\left{" is nonsense while "\left\{" and
+           ;;    "\left(" are not.
+           (if (string= lbrace TeX-grop)
+               ;; If "{" follows "\", set lbrace to "\{".
+               (if (TeX-escaped-p)
+                   (progn
+                     (backward-char)
+                     (setq lbrace (concat TeX-esc TeX-grop)))
+                 ;; Otherwise, don't search for left macros.
+                 (setq skip-p t)))
+           (unless skip-p
+             ;; Obtain the name of preceding left macro, if any,
+             ;; such as "left", "bigl" etc.
+             (setq lmacro (LaTeX--find-preceding-left-macro-name))))
+          (let ((TeX-arg-right-insert-p t)
+                ;; "{" and "}" are paired temporally so that typing
+               ;; a single "{" should insert a pair "{}".
+                (TeX-braces-association
+                 (cons (cons TeX-grop TeX-grcl) TeX-braces-association)))
+           (save-excursion
+             (if (TeX-active-mark)
+                 (goto-char (mark)))
+             (LaTeX-insert-corresponding-right-macro-and-brace
+              lmacro lbrace)))))))
 ;; Cater for `delete-selection-mode' (bug#36385)
 ;; See the header comment of delsel.el for detail.
 (put #'LaTeX-insert-left-brace 'delete-selection
@@ -4547,6 +4566,8 @@ value of NO-SUBSECTIONS."
     "newpage" "clearpage")
   "Internal list of LaTeX macros that should have their own line.")
+(defvar LaTeX-paragraph-commands)
 (defun LaTeX-paragraph-commands-regexp-make ()
   "Return a regular expression matching defined paragraph commands.
 Regexp part containing TeX control words is postfixed with `\\b'
@@ -4564,6 +4585,8 @@ to avoid ambiguities (e.g. \\par vs. \\parencite)."
            (regexp-opt symbs)
+(defvar LaTeX-paragraph-commands-regexp)
 (defcustom LaTeX-paragraph-commands nil
   "List of LaTeX macros that should have their own line.
 The list should contain macro names without the leading backslash."
@@ -4575,7 +4598,7 @@ The list should contain macro names without the leading 
 (defvar LaTeX-paragraph-commands-regexp (LaTeX-paragraph-commands-regexp-make)
-    "Regular expression matching LaTeX macros that should have their own 
+  "Regular expression matching LaTeX macros that should have their own line.")
 (defun LaTeX-set-paragraph-start ()
   "Set `paragraph-start'."
@@ -4584,8 +4607,8 @@ The list should contain macro names without the leading 
         "[ \t]*%*[ \t]*\\("
         LaTeX-paragraph-commands-regexp "\\|"
         (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "\\(" LaTeX-item-regexp "\\)\\|"
-        "\\$\\$\\|" ; Plain TeX display math (Some people actually
-                    ; use this with LaTeX.  Yuck.)
+        "\\$\\$\\|"    ; Plain TeX display math (Some people actually use this
+                                        ; with LaTeX.  Yuck.)
 (defun LaTeX-paragraph-commands-add-locally (commands)
@@ -4752,28 +4775,6 @@ of verbatim constructs are not considered."
 (defvar LaTeX-math-keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
   "Keymap used for `LaTeX-math-mode' commands.")
-(defun LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix ()
-  "Make a key definition from the variable `LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix'."
-  (if (stringp LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix)
-      (read-kbd-macro LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix)
-    LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix))
-(defvar LaTeX-math-menu
-  '("Math"
-    ("Greek Uppercase") ("Greek Lowercase") ("Binary Op") ("Relational")
-    ("Arrows") ("Punctuation") ("Misc Symbol") ("Var Symbol") ("Log-like")
-    ("Delimiters") ("Constructs") ("Accents") ("AMS"))
-  "Menu containing LaTeX math commands.
-The menu entries will be generated dynamically, but you can specify
-the sequence by initializing this variable.")
-(defcustom LaTeX-math-menu-unicode
-  (or (string-match "\\<GTK\\>" (emacs-version))
-      (eq window-system 'w32))
-  "Whether the LaTeX menu should try using Unicode for effect."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'LaTeX-math)
 (defcustom LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix "`"
   "Prefix key for use in `LaTeX-math-mode'.
 This has to be a string representing a key sequence in a format
@@ -4791,72 +4792,20 @@ use \\[customize]."
            (LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix) LaTeX-math-keymap))
   :type '(string :tag "Key sequence"))
-(defun LaTeX-math-initialize ()
-  (let ((math (reverse (append LaTeX-math-list LaTeX-math-default)))
-       (map LaTeX-math-keymap)
-       (unicode (and LaTeX-math-menu-unicode (fboundp 'decode-char))))
-    (while math
-      (let* ((entry (car math))
-            (key (nth 0 entry))
-            (prefix
-             (and unicode
-                  (nth 3 entry)))
-            value menu name)
-       (setq math (cdr math))
-       (if (and prefix
-                (setq prefix (decode-char 'ucs (nth 3 entry))))
-           (setq prefix (concat (string prefix) " \\"))
-         (setq prefix "\\"))
-       (if (listp (cdr entry))
-           (setq value (nth 1 entry)
-                 menu (nth 2 entry))
-         (setq value (cdr entry)
-               menu nil))
-       (if (stringp value)
-           (progn
-             (setq name (intern (concat "LaTeX-math-" value)))
-             (fset name (list 'lambda (list 'arg) (list 'interactive "*P")
-                              (list 'LaTeX-math-insert value 'arg))))
-         (setq name value))
-       (if key
-           (progn
-             (setq key (cond ((numberp key) (char-to-string key))
-                             ((stringp key) (read-kbd-macro key))
-                             (t (vector key))))
-             (define-key map key name)))
-       (if menu
-           (let ((parent LaTeX-math-menu))
-             (if (listp menu)
-                 (progn
-                   (while (cdr menu)
-                     (let ((sub (assoc (car menu) LaTeX-math-menu)))
-                       (if sub
-                           (setq parent sub)
-                         (setcdr parent (cons (list (car menu)) (cdr parent))))
-                       (setq menu (cdr menu))))
-                   (setq menu (car menu))))
-             (let ((sub (assoc menu parent)))
-               (if sub
-                   (if (stringp value)
-                       (setcdr sub (cons (vector (concat prefix value)
-                                                 name t)
-                                         (cdr sub)))
-                     (error "Cannot have multiple special math menu items"))
-                 (setcdr parent
-                         (cons (if (stringp value)
-                                   (list menu (vector (concat prefix value)
-                                                      name t))
-                                 (vector menu name t))
-                               (cdr parent)))))))))
-    ;; Make the math prefix char available if it has not been used as a prefix.
-    (unless (lookup-key map (LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix))
-      (define-key map (LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix) 'self-insert-command))))
+(defun LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix ()
+  "Make a key definition from the variable `LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix'."
+  (if (stringp LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix)
+      (read-kbd-macro LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix)
+    LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix))
-(defconst LaTeX-dialect :latex
-  "Default dialect for use with function `TeX-add-style-hook' for
-argument DIALECT-EXPR when the hook is to be run only on LaTeX
-file, or any mode derived thereof. See variable
-`TeX-style-hook-dialect'." )
+(defvar LaTeX-math-menu
+  '("Math"
+    ("Greek Uppercase") ("Greek Lowercase") ("Binary Op") ("Relational")
+    ("Arrows") ("Punctuation") ("Misc Symbol") ("Var Symbol") ("Log-like")
+    ("Delimiters") ("Constructs") ("Accents") ("AMS"))
+  "Menu containing LaTeX math commands.
+The menu entries will be generated dynamically, but you can specify
+the sequence by initializing this variable.")
 (defconst LaTeX-math-default
   '((?a "alpha" "Greek Lowercase" 945) ;; #X03B1
@@ -5386,6 +5335,76 @@ file, or any mode derived thereof. See variable
 Each entry should be a list with upto four elements, KEY, VALUE,
 MENU and CHARACTER, see `LaTeX-math-list' for details.")
+(defcustom LaTeX-math-menu-unicode
+  (or (string-match "\\<GTK\\>" (emacs-version))
+      (eq window-system 'w32))
+  "Whether the LaTeX menu should try using Unicode for effect."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'LaTeX-math)
+(defvar LaTeX-math-list) ;; Defined further below.
+(defun LaTeX-math-initialize ()
+  (let ((math (reverse (append LaTeX-math-list LaTeX-math-default)))
+       (map LaTeX-math-keymap)
+       (unicode (and LaTeX-math-menu-unicode (fboundp 'decode-char))))
+    (while math
+      (let* ((entry (car math))
+            (key (nth 0 entry))
+            (prefix
+             (and unicode
+                  (nth 3 entry)))
+            value menu name)
+       (setq math (cdr math))
+       (if (and prefix
+                (setq prefix (decode-char 'ucs (nth 3 entry))))
+           (setq prefix (concat (string prefix) " \\"))
+         (setq prefix "\\"))
+       (if (listp (cdr entry))
+           (setq value (nth 1 entry)
+                 menu (nth 2 entry))
+         (setq value (cdr entry)
+               menu nil))
+       (if (stringp value)
+           (progn
+             (setq name (intern (concat "LaTeX-math-" value)))
+             (fset name (list 'lambda (list 'arg) (list 'interactive "*P")
+                              (list 'LaTeX-math-insert value 'arg))))
+         (setq name value))
+       (if key
+           (progn
+             (setq key (cond ((numberp key) (char-to-string key))
+                             ((stringp key) (read-kbd-macro key))
+                             (t (vector key))))
+             (define-key map key name)))
+       (if menu
+           (let ((parent LaTeX-math-menu))
+             (if (listp menu)
+                 (progn
+                   (while (cdr menu)
+                     (let ((sub (assoc (car menu) LaTeX-math-menu)))
+                       (if sub
+                           (setq parent sub)
+                         (setcdr parent (cons (list (car menu)) (cdr parent))))
+                       (setq menu (cdr menu))))
+                   (setq menu (car menu))))
+             (let ((sub (assoc menu parent)))
+               (if sub
+                   (if (stringp value)
+                       (setcdr sub (cons (vector (concat prefix value)
+                                                 name t)
+                                         (cdr sub)))
+                     (error "Cannot have multiple special math menu items"))
+                 (setcdr parent
+                         (cons (if (stringp value)
+                                   (list menu (vector (concat prefix value)
+                                                      name t))
+                                 (vector menu name t))
+                               (cdr parent)))))))))
+    ;; Make the math prefix char available if it has not been used as a prefix.
+    (unless (lookup-key map (LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix))
+      (define-key map (LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix) 'self-insert-command))))
 (defcustom LaTeX-math-list nil
   "Alist of your personal LaTeX math symbols.
@@ -5428,6 +5447,8 @@ See also `LaTeX-math-menu'."
                                (const :tag "none" nil)
                                (integer :tag "Number")))))
+(defvar LaTeX-math-mode-menu)
+(defvar LaTeX-math-mode-map)
 (define-minor-mode LaTeX-math-mode
   "A minor mode with easy access to TeX math macros.
@@ -5444,8 +5465,8 @@ commands are defined:
 (defalias 'latex-math-mode 'LaTeX-math-mode)
 (easy-menu-define LaTeX-math-mode-menu
-    LaTeX-math-mode-map
-    "Menu used in math minor mode."
+  LaTeX-math-mode-map
+  "Menu used in math minor mode."
 (defcustom LaTeX-math-insert-function 'TeX-insert-macro
@@ -5691,8 +5712,6 @@ the last entry in the menu."
            (if (= rest outer) (setq inner (1+ inner)))))
-(defvar LaTeX-section-menu nil)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'LaTeX-section-menu)
 (defun LaTeX-section-menu-filter (ignored)
   "Filter function for the section submenu in the mode menu.
 The argument IGNORED is not used in any way."
@@ -6121,16 +6140,6 @@ i.e. you do _not_ have to cater for this yourself by 
adding \\\\' or $."
   :type '(repeat regexp)
   :group 'TeX-command)
-(defvar LaTeX-header-end
-  (concat "^[^%\n]*" (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "begin *"
-         TeX-grop "document" TeX-grcl)
-  "Default end of header marker for LaTeX documents.")
-(defvar LaTeX-trailer-start
-  (concat "^[^%\n]*" (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "end *"
-         TeX-grop "document" TeX-grcl)
-  "Default start of trailer marker for LaTeX documents.")
 (defcustom LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes
   (append TeX-clean-default-intermediate-suffixes
          ;; These are extensions of files created by makeglossaries.
@@ -6159,6 +6168,12 @@ function would return non-nil and `(match-string 1)' 
would return
   (and (texmathp)
        (TeX-looking-at-backward "\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]*\\)")))
+(defconst LaTeX-dialect :latex
+  "Default dialect for use with function `TeX-add-style-hook' for
+argument DIALECT-EXPR when the hook is to be run only on LaTeX
+file, or any mode derived thereof. See variable
+`TeX-style-hook-dialect'." )
 (defun LaTeX-common-initialization ()
   "Common initialization for LaTeX derived modes."
@@ -6523,133 +6538,133 @@ function would return non-nil and `(match-string 1)' 
would return
      ;; With the advent of LaTeX2e release 2020-02-02, all symbols
      ;; provided by textcomp.sty are available out of the box by the
      ;; kernel.  The next block is moved here from textcomp.el:
-     '("capitalgrave"             0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 0
-     '("capitalacute"             0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 1
-     '("capitalcircumflex"        0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 2
-     '("capitaltilde"             0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 3
-     '("capitaldieresis"          0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 4
-     '("capitalhungarumlaut"      0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 5
-     '("capitalring"              0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 6
-     '("capitalcaron"             0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 7
-     '("capitalbreve"             0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 8
-     '("capitalmacron"            0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 9
-     '("capitaldotaccent"         0)     ; Type: Accent -- Slot: 10
-     '("textquotestraightbase"    0)     ; Type: Symbol -- Slot: 13
-     '("textquotestraightdblbase" 0)     ; Type: Symbol -- Slot: 18
-     '("texttwelveudash"          0)     ; Type: Symbol -- Slot: 21
-     '("textthreequartersemdash"  0)     ; Type: Symbol -- Slot: 22
-     '("textcapitalcompwordmark"  0)     ; Type: Symbol -- Slot: 23
-     '("textleftarrow"            0)     ; Type: Symbol -- Slot: 24
-     '("textrightarrow"           0)     ; Type: Symbol -- Slot: 25
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