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[AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/font-latex.el [multiline-font-lock]

From: Ralf Angeli
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/font-latex.el [multiline-font-lock]
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:18:00 +0000

Index: auctex/font-latex.el
diff -u /dev/null auctex/font-latex.el:
--- /dev/null   Mon Mar 27 09:18:00 2006
+++ auctex/font-latex.el        Mon Mar 27 09:18:00 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,1669 @@
+;;; font-latex.el --- LaTeX fontification for Font Lock mode.
+;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
+;;   2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation.
+;; Authors:    Peter S. Galbraith <address@hidden>
+;;             Simon Marshall <address@hidden>
+;; Maintainer: address@hidden
+;; Created:    06 July 1996
+;; Keywords:   tex, wp, faces
+;;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package enhances font-lock fontification patterns for LaTeX.
+;; font-lock mode is a minor mode that causes your comments to be
+;; displayed in one face, strings in another, reserved words in
+;; another, and so on.
+;; ** Infinite loops !? **
+;; If you get an infinite loop, send a bug report!
+;; Then set the following in your ~/.emacs file to keep on working:
+;;   (setq font-latex-do-multi-line nil)
+;;; Code:
+(require 'font-lock)
+(require 'tex)
+  (require 'cl))
+(defgroup font-latex nil
+  "Font-latex text highlighting package."
+  :prefix "font-latex-"
+  :group 'faces
+  :group 'tex
+  :group 'AUCTeX)
+(defgroup font-latex-keywords nil
+  "Keywords for highlighting text in font-latex."
+  :prefix "font-latex-"
+  :group 'font-latex)
+(defgroup font-latex-highlighting-faces nil
+  "Faces for highlighting text in font-latex."
+  :prefix "font-latex-"
+  :group 'font-latex)
+(defcustom font-latex-do-multi-line t
+  "Control multi-line fontification.
+Emacs provides its own facilities for multi-line fontification
+which can be controlled by the variable `font-lock-multiline'.
+Setting `font-latex-do-multi-line' to a non-nil value will enable
+this mechanism if it is available.
+Setting this variable will only have effect after resetting
+buffers controlled by font-latex or restarting Emacs."
+  :group 'font-latex
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defvar font-latex-multiline-boundary 5000
+  "Size of region to search for the start or end of a multiline construct.")
+(defvar font-latex-quote-regexp-beg nil
+  "Regexp used to find quotes.")
+(defvar font-latex-quote-list '(("``" "''") ("<<" ">>" french) ("«" "»" 
+  "List of quote specifiers for quotation fontification.
+Each element of the list is either a list consisting of two
+strings to be used as opening and closing quotation marks
+independently of the value of `font-latex-quotes' or a list with
+three elements where the first and second element are strings for
+opening and closing quotation marks and the third element being
+either the symbol 'german or 'french describing the order of
+If `font-latex-quotes' specifies a different state, order of the
+added quotes will be reversed for fontification.  For example if
+'(\"\\\"<\" \"\\\">\" french) is given but `font-latex-quotes'
+specifies 'german, quotes will be used like \">foo\"< for
+(defvar font-latex-quotes-control nil
+  "Internal variable for keeping track if `font-latex-quotes' changed.")
+(defcustom font-latex-quotes 'french
+  "Whether to fontify << French quotes >> or >>German quotes<<.
+Also selects \"<quote\"> versus \">quote\"<."
+  :type '(choice (const french) (const german))
+  :group 'font-latex)
+(defun font-latex-add-quotes (quotes)
+  "Add QUOTES to `font-latex-quote-list'.
+QUOTES has to be a list adhering to the format of an element of
+  (set (make-local-variable 'font-latex-quotes-control) nil)
+  (make-local-variable 'font-latex-quote-list)
+  (add-to-list 'font-latex-quote-list quotes))
+;; The definitions of the title faces were originally taken from
+;; info.el (Copyright (C) 1985, 86, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
+;; 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.) and adapted to the needs
+;; of font-latex.el.
+(defconst font-latex-sectioning-max 5
+  "Highest number for font-latex-sectioning-N-face")
+(defface font-latex-sectioning-5-face
+  (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+      '((((type tty pc) (class color) (background light))
+        (:foreground "blue4" :bold t))
+       (((type tty pc) (class color) (background dark))
+        (:foreground "yellow" :bold t))
+       (((class color) (background light))
+        (:bold t :foreground "blue4" :family "helvetica"))
+       (((class color) (background dark))
+        (:bold t :foreground "yellow" :family "helvetica"))
+       (t (:bold t :family "helvetica")))
+    '((((type tty pc) (class color) (background light))
+       (:foreground "blue4" :weight bold))
+      (((type tty pc) (class color) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "yellow" :weight bold))
+      (((class color) (background light))
+       (:weight bold :inherit variable-pitch :foreground "blue4"))
+      (((class color) (background dark))
+       (:weight bold :inherit variable-pitch :foreground "yellow"))
+      (t (:weight bold :inherit variable-pitch))))
+  "Face for sectioning commands at level 5."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defun font-latex-update-sectioning-faces (&optional max height-scale)
+  "Update sectioning commands faces."
+  (unless height-scale
+    (setq height-scale (if (numberp font-latex-fontify-sectioning)
+                          font-latex-fontify-sectioning
+                        1.1)))
+  (unless max
+    (setq max font-latex-sectioning-max))
+  (dotimes (num max)
+    (let* (;; reverse for XEmacs:
+          (num (- max (1+ num)))
+          (face-name (intern (format "font-latex-sectioning-%s-face" num))))
+      (unless (get face-name 'saved-face) ; Do not touch customized faces.
+       (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+           (let ((size
+                  ;; Multiply with .9 because `face-height' returns a value
+                  ;; slightly larger than the actual font size.
+                  ;; `make-face-size' takes numeric points according to Aidan
+                  ;; Kehoe in <address@hidden> (not
+                  ;; documented).
+                  (round (* 0.9
+                            (face-height 'default)
+                            (expt height-scale (- max 1 num))))))
+             ;; (message "%s - %s" face-name size)
+             (make-face-size face-name size))
+         (set-face-attribute face-name nil :height  height-scale))))))
+(defcustom font-latex-fontify-sectioning 1.1
+  "Whether to fontify sectioning macros with varying height or a color face.
+If it is a number, use varying height faces.  The number is used
+for scaling starting from `font-latex-sectioning-5-face'.  Typically
+values from 1.05 to 1.3 give best results, depending on your font
+setup.  If it is the symbol `color', use `font-lock-type-face'.
+Caveats: Customizing the scaling factor applies to all sectioning
+faces unless those face have been saved by customize.  Setting
+this variable directly does not take effect unless you call
+`font-latex-update-sectioning-faces' or restart Emacs.
+Switching from `color' to a number or vice versa does not take
+effect unless you call \\[font-lock-fontify-buffer] or restart
+  ;; Possibly add some words about XEmacs here. :-(
+  :type '(choice (number :tag "Scale factor")
+                 (const color))
+  :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+  :set (lambda (symbol value)
+        (set-default symbol value)
+        (unless (eq value 'color)
+          (font-latex-update-sectioning-faces font-latex-sectioning-max 
+  :group 'font-latex)
+(defun font-latex-make-sectioning-faces (max &optional height-scale)
+  "Build the faces used to fontify sectioning commands."
+  (unless max (setq max font-latex-sectioning-max))
+  (unless height-scale
+    (setq height-scale (if (numberp font-latex-fontify-sectioning)
+                          font-latex-fontify-sectioning
+                        1.1)))
+  (dotimes (num max)
+    (let* (;; reverse for XEmacs:
+          (num (- max (1+ num)))
+          (face-name (intern (format "font-latex-sectioning-%s-face" num)))
+          (f-inherit (intern (format "font-latex-sectioning-%s-face" (1+ 
+          (size (when (featurep 'xemacs)
+                  (round (* 0.9 (face-height 'default)
+                            (expt height-scale (- max 1 num)))))))
+      (eval
+       `(defface ,face-name
+         (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+             '((t (:size ,(format "%spt" size))))
+           '((t (:height ,height-scale :inherit ,f-inherit))))
+         (format "Face for sectioning commands at level %s.
+Probably you don't want to customize this face directly.  Better
+change the base face `font-latex-sectioning-5-face' or customize the
+variable `font-latex-fontify-sectioning'." num)
+         :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces))
+      (when (and (featurep 'xemacs)
+                ;; Do not touch customized  faces.
+                (not (get face-name 'saved-face)))
+       (set-face-parent face-name f-inherit)
+       ;; Explicitely set the size again to code around the bug that
+       ;; `set-face-parent' overwrites the original face size.
+       (make-face-size face-name size)))))
+(font-latex-make-sectioning-faces font-latex-sectioning-max)
+;;; Keywords
+(defvar font-latex-keywords-1 nil
+  "Subdued level highlighting for LaTeX modes.")
+(defvar font-latex-keywords-2 nil
+  "High level highlighting for LaTeX modes.")
+(defvar font-latex-built-in-keyword-classes
+  '(("warning"
+     ("nopagebreak" "pagebreak" "newpage" "clearpage" "cleardoublepage"
+      "enlargethispage" "nolinebreak" "linebreak" "newline" "-" "\\" "\\*"
+      "appendix" "displaybreak" "allowdisplaybreaks" "include")
+     'font-latex-warning-face 1 noarg)
+    ("variable"
+     (("setlength" "{}{}") ("settowidth" "{}{}") ("setcounter" "{}{}")
+      ("addtolength" "{}{}") ("addtocounter" "{}{}"))
+     'font-lock-variable-name-face 2 command)
+    ("reference"
+     (("nocite" "{}") ("cite" "[]{}") ("label" "{}") ("pageref" "{}")
+      ("vref" "{}") ("eqref" "{}") ("ref" "{}") ("include" "{}")
+      ("input" "{}") ("bibliography" "{}") ("index" "{}") ("glossary" "{}")
+      ("footnote" "[]{}") ("footnotemark" "[]") ("footnotetext" "[]{}"))
+     'font-lock-constant-face 2 command)
+    ("function"
+     (("begin" "{}") ("end" "{}") ("pagenumbering" "{}")
+      ("thispagestyle" "{}") ("pagestyle" "{}") ("nofiles" "")
+      ("includeonly" "{}") ("bibliographystyle" "{}") ("documentstyle" "[]{}")
+      ("documentclass" "[]{}") ("newenvironment" "*{}[][]{}{}")
+      ("newcommand" "*{}[][]{}") ("newlength" "{}") ("newtheorem" "{}[]{}[]")
+      ("newcounter" "{}[]") ("renewenvironment" "*{}[]{}{}")
+      ("renewcommand" "*{}[][]{}") ("renewtheorem" "{}[]{}[]")
+      ("usepackage" "[]{}") ("fbox" "{}") ("mbox" "{}") ("sbox" "{}")
+      ("vspace" "*{}") ("hspace" "*{}") ("thinspace" "") ("negthinspace" "")
+      ;; XXX: Should macros without arguments rather be listed in a
+      ;; separate category with 'noarg instead of 'command handling?
+      ("enspace" "") ("enskip" "") ("quad" "") ("qquad" "") ("nonumber" "")
+      ("centering" "") ("TeX" "") ("LaTeX" ""))
+     'font-lock-function-name-face 2 command)
+    ("sectioning-0"
+     (("part" "*[]{}"))
+     (if (eq font-latex-fontify-sectioning 'color)
+        'font-lock-type-face
+       'font-latex-sectioning-0-face)
+     2 command)
+    ("sectioning-1"
+     (("chapter" "*[]{}"))
+     (if (eq font-latex-fontify-sectioning 'color)
+        'font-lock-type-face
+       'font-latex-sectioning-1-face)
+     2 command)
+    ("sectioning-2"
+     (("section" "*[]{}"))
+     (if (eq font-latex-fontify-sectioning 'color)
+        'font-lock-type-face
+       'font-latex-sectioning-2-face)
+     2 command)
+    ("sectioning-3"
+     (("subsection" "*[]{}"))
+     (if (eq font-latex-fontify-sectioning 'color)
+        'font-lock-type-face
+       'font-latex-sectioning-3-face)
+     2 command)
+    ("sectioning-4"
+     (("subsubsection" "*[]{}"))
+     (if (eq font-latex-fontify-sectioning 'color)
+        'font-lock-type-face
+       'font-latex-sectioning-4-face)
+     2 command)
+    ("sectioning-5"
+     (("paragraph" "*[]{}") ("subparagraph" "*[]{}")
+      ("subsubparagraph" "*[]{}"))
+     (if (eq font-latex-fontify-sectioning 'color)
+        'font-lock-type-face
+       'font-latex-sectioning-5-face)
+     2 command)
+    ("slide-title" () 'font-latex-slide-title-face 2 command)
+    ("textual"
+     (("item" "[]") ("title" "{}") ("author" "{}") ("date" "{}")
+      ("thanks" "{}") ("address" "{}") ("caption" "[]{}")
+      ("textsuperscript" "{}"))
+     'font-lock-type-face 2 command)
+    ("bold-command"
+     (("textbf" "{}") ("textsc" "{}") ("textup" "{}") ("boldsymbol" "{}")
+      ("pmb" "{}"))
+     'font-latex-bold-face 1 command)
+    ("italic-command"
+     (("emph" "{}") ("textit" "{}") ("textsl" "{}"))
+     'font-latex-italic-face 1 command)
+    ("math-command"
+     (("ensuremath" "{}"))
+     'font-latex-math-face 1 command)
+    ("type-command"
+     (("texttt" "{}") ("textsf" "{}") ("textrm" "{}") ("textmd" "{}"))
+     'font-lock-type-face 1 command)
+    ("bold-declaration"
+     ("bf" "bfseries" "sc" "scshape" "upshape")
+     'font-latex-bold-face 1 declaration)
+    ("italic-declaration"
+     ("em" "it" "itshape" "sl" "slshape")
+     'font-latex-italic-face 1 declaration)
+    ("type-declaration"
+     ("tt" "ttfamily" "sf" "sffamily" "rm" "rmfamily" "mdseries"
+      "tiny" "scriptsize" "footnotesize" "small" "normalsize"
+      "large" "Large" "LARGE" "huge" "Huge")
+     'font-lock-type-face 1 declaration))
+  "Built-in keywords and specifications for font locking.
+The first element of each item is the name of the keyword class.
+The second element is a list of keywords (macros without an
+escape character) to highlight or, if the fifth element is the
+symbol 'command, a list of lists where the first element of each
+item is a keyword and the second a format specifier depicting the
+sequence of optional (\"[]\") and mandatory (\"{}\") arguments of
+a LaTeX macro.
+The third element is the symbol of a face to be used or a Lisp
+form returning a face symbol.
+The fourth element is the fontification level.
+The fifth element is the type of construct to be matched.  It can
+be one of 'noarg which will match simple macros without
+arguments (like \"\\foo\"), 'declaration which will match macros
+inside a TeX group (like \"{\\bfseries foo}\"), or 'command which
+will match macros of the form \"\\foo[bar]{baz}\".")
+(defcustom font-latex-deactivated-keyword-classes nil
+  "List of strings for built-in keyword classes to be deactivated.
+Valid entries are \"warning\", \"variable\", \"reference\",
+\"function\" , \"sectioning-0\", \"sectioning-1\", \"sectioning-2\",
+\"sectioning-3\", \"sectioning-4\", \"sectioning-5\", \"textual\",
+\"bold-command\", \"italic-command\", \"math-command\", \"type-command\",
+\"bold-declaration\", \"italic-declaration\", \"type-declaration\".
+You have to restart Emacs for a change of this variable to take effect."
+  :group 'font-latex-keywords
+  :type `(set ,@(mapcar
+                (lambda (spec)
+                  `(const :tag ,(concat
+                                 ;; Name of the keyword class
+                                 (let ((name (split-string (car spec) "-")))
+                                   (setcar name (capitalize (car name)))
+                                   (mapconcat 'identity name " "))
+                                 " keywords in `"
+                                 ;; Name of the face
+                                 (symbol-name (eval (nth 2 spec))) "'.\n"
+                                 ;; List of keywords
+                                 (with-temp-buffer
+                                   (insert "  Keywords: "
+                                           (mapconcat (lambda (x)
+                                                        (if (listp x)
+                                                            (car x)
+                                                          x))
+                                                      (nth 1 spec) ", "))
+                                   (fill-paragraph nil)
+                                   (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                                    (point-min) (point-max))))
+                          ,(car spec)))
+                font-latex-built-in-keyword-classes)))
+(defun font-latex-make-match-defun (prefix name face type)
+  "Return a function definition for keyword matching.
+The variable holding the keywords to match are determined by the
+strings PREFIX and NAME.  The type of matcher is determined by
+the symbol TYPE.
+This is a helper function for `font-latex-make-built-in-keywords'
+and `font-latex-make-user-keywords' and not intended for general
+  ;; Note: The functions are byte-compiled at the end of font-latex.el.
+  ;; FIXME: Is the cond-clause possible inside of the defun?
+  (cond ((eq type 'command)
+        (eval `(defun ,(intern (concat prefix name)) (limit)
+                 ,(concat "Fontify `" prefix name "' up to LIMIT.
+Generated by `font-latex-make-match-defun'.")
+                 (when ,(intern (concat prefix name))
+                   (font-latex-match-command-with-arguments
+                    ,(intern (concat prefix name))
+                    (append
+                     (when (boundp ',(intern (concat prefix name
+                                                     "-keywords-local")))
+                       ,(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords-local")))
+                     ,(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords")))
+                    ;; `face' can be a face symbol, a form returning
+                    ;; a face symbol, or a list of face attributes.
+                    (if (and (listp ,face) (functionp (car ,face)))
+                        (eval ,face)
+                      ,face)
+                    limit)))))
+        ((eq type 'declaration)
+         (eval `(defun ,(intern (concat prefix name)) (limit)
+                  ,(concat "Fontify `" prefix name "' up to LIMIT.
+Generated by `font-latex-make-match-defun'.")
+                  (when ,(intern (concat prefix name))
+                    (font-latex-match-command-in-braces
+                     ,(intern (concat prefix name)) limit)))))
+        ((eq type 'noarg)
+         (eval `(defun ,(intern (concat prefix name)) (limit)
+                  ,(concat "Fontify `" prefix name "' up to LIMIT.
+Generated by `font-latex-make-match-defun'.")
+                  (when ,(intern (concat prefix name))
+                    (re-search-forward
+                     ,(intern (concat prefix name)) limit t)))))))
+(defun font-latex-keyword-matcher (prefix name face type)
+  "Return a matcher and highlighter as required by `font-lock-keywords'.
+PREFIX and NAME are strings which are concatenated to form the
+respective match function.  FACE is a face name or a list of text
+properties that will be applied to the respective part of the
+match returned by the match function.  TYPE is the type of
+construct to be highlighted.  Currently the symbols 'command,
+'sectioning, 'declaration and 'noarg are valid.
+This is a helper function for `font-latex-make-built-in-keywords'
+and `font-latex-make-user-keywords' and not intended for general
+  (cond ((eq type 'command)
+        `(,(intern (concat prefix name))
+          (0 (font-latex-matched-face 0) append t)
+          (1 (font-latex-matched-face 1) append t)
+          (2 (font-latex-matched-face 2) append t)
+          (3 (font-latex-matched-face 3) append t)
+          (4 (font-latex-matched-face 4) append t)
+          (5 (font-latex-matched-face 5) append t)
+          (6 (font-latex-matched-face 6) append t)
+          (7 (font-latex-matched-face 7) append t)))
+       ((eq type 'noarg)
+        `(,(intern (concat prefix name))
+          (0 ,face)))
+       ((eq type 'declaration)
+        `(,(intern (concat prefix name))
+          (0 'font-latex-warning-face t t)
+          (1 'font-lock-keyword-face append t)
+          (2 ,face append t)))))
+(defun font-latex-make-built-in-keywords ()
+  "Build defuns, defvars and defcustoms for built-in keyword fontification."
+  (dolist (item font-latex-built-in-keyword-classes)
+    (let ((prefix "font-latex-match-")
+         (name (nth 0 item))
+         (keywords (nth 1 item))
+         (face (nth 2 item))
+         (level (nth 3 item))
+         (type (nth 4 item)))
+      ;; defvar font-latex-match-*-keywords-local
+      (eval `(defvar ,(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords-local"))
+              ',keywords
+              ,(concat "Buffer-local keywords to add to `"
+                       prefix name "-keywords'.
+This must be a list of keyword strings \(not regular expressions\) omitting
+the leading backslash.  It will get transformed into a regexp using
+`" prefix name "-make'.  This variable is not for end users; they
+should customize `" prefix name "-keywords' instead.  It is for
+authors of Lisp files that get loaded when LaTeX style files are used in the
+current buffer.  They should add keywords to this list and rebuild the
+fontification regexp like so:
+ (add-to-list '" prefix name "-keywords-local \"setstuff\")
+ (" prefix name "-make)
+Generated by `font-latex-make-built-in-keywords'.")))
+      (eval `(make-variable-buffer-local
+             ',(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords-local"))))
+      ;; defun font-latex-match-*-make
+      ;; Note: The functions are byte-compiled at the end of font-latex.el.
+      (eval `(defun ,(intern (concat prefix name "-make")) ()
+              ,(concat "Make or remake the variable `" prefix name "'.
+Generated by `font-latex-make-built-in-keywords'.")
+              (let ((keywords
+                     (append
+                      (unless (member ,name
+                                      font-latex-deactivated-keyword-classes)
+                        ,(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords-local")))
+                      ,(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords"))))
+                    multi-char-macros single-char-macros)
+                (dolist (elt keywords)
+                  (let ((keyword (if (listp elt) (car elt) elt)))
+                    (if (string-match "^[A-Za-z]" keyword)
+                        (add-to-list 'multi-char-macros keyword)
+                      (add-to-list 'single-char-macros keyword))))
+                (when (or multi-char-macros single-char-macros)
+                  (setq ,(intern (concat prefix name))
+                        (concat
+                         "\\\\\\("
+                         (when multi-char-macros
+                           (concat
+                            "\\(?:" (regexp-opt multi-char-macros) "\\)\\>"))
+                         (when single-char-macros
+                           (concat
+                            (when multi-char-macros "\\|")
+                            "\\(?:" (regexp-opt single-char-macros) "\\)"))
+                         "\\)"))))))
+      ;; defcustom font-latex-match-*-keywords
+      (eval `(defcustom ,(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords")) nil
+              ,(concat "List of keyword strings for " name " face.
+Each string has to be the name of a macro omitting the leading backslash.
+Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
+restart Emacs.
+Generated by `font-latex-make-built-in-keywords'.")
+              :type '(repeat (list (string :tag "Keyword")
+                                   (string :tag "Format")))
+              :set (lambda (symbol value)
+                     (set-default symbol value)
+                     (funcall ',(intern (concat prefix name "-make"))))
+              :group 'font-latex-keywords))
+      ;; defvar font-latex-match-*
+      (eval `(defvar ,(intern (concat prefix name))
+              ,(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords"))))
+      (eval `(make-variable-buffer-local
+             ',(intern (concat prefix name))))
+      ;; defun font-latex-match-*
+      (font-latex-make-match-defun prefix name face type)
+      ;; Add matchers and highlighters to `font-latex-keywords-{1,2}'.
+      (let ((keywords-entry (font-latex-keyword-matcher
+                            prefix name face type)))
+       (add-to-list (intern (concat "font-latex-keywords-"
+                                    (number-to-string level)))
+                    keywords-entry t)
+       (when (= level 1)
+         (add-to-list (intern (concat "font-latex-keywords-2"))
+                      keywords-entry t))))))
+(defcustom font-latex-user-keyword-classes nil
+  "User-defined keyword classes and specifications for font locking.
+When adding new entries, you have to use unique values for the
+class names, i.e. they must not clash with names of the built-in
+keyword classes or other names given by you.  Additionally the
+names must not contain spaces.
+The keywords are names of commands you want to match omitting the
+leading backslash.  In case you want to match LaTeX macros with
+arguments (see below), you should choose the option \"Keywords
+with specs\" which lets you specify the occurence and order of
+optional (\"[]\") and mandatory (\"{}\") arguments for each
+keyword.  For example for \"documentclass\" you'd use \"[]{}\"
+because the macro has one optional followed by one mandatory
+The face argument can either be an existing face or font
+specifications made by you.  (The latter option is not available
+on XEmacs.)
+There are three alternatives for the type of keywords:
+\"Command with arguments\" comprises commands with the syntax
+\"\\foo[bar]{baz}\".  The mandatory arguments in curly braces
+will get the face you specified.
+\"Declaration inside TeX group\" comprises commands with the
+syntax \"{\\foo bar}\".  The content inside the braces, excluding
+the command will get the face you specified.  In case the braces
+are missing, the face will be applied to the command itself.
+\"Command without arguments\" comprises commands with the syntax
+\"\\foo\".  The command itself will get the face you specified.
+Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
+use \\[customize] or restart Emacs."
+  :group 'font-latex-keywords
+  :type `(repeat (list (string :tag "Name")
+                      (choice (repeat :tag "Keywords" (string :tag "Keyword"))
+                              (repeat
+                               :tag "Keywords with specs"
+                               (group (string :tag "Keyword")
+                                      (string :tag "Format specifier"))))
+                      ,(if (featurep 'xemacs)
+                           '(face :tag "Face name")
+                         '(choice (custom-face-edit :tag "Face attributes")
+                                  (face :tag "Face name")))
+                      (choice :tag "Type"
+                              ;; Maps to
+                              ;;`font-latex-match-command-with-arguments'
+                              (const :tag "Command with arguments"
+                                     command)
+                              ;; Maps to
+                              ;;`font-latex-match-command-in-braces'
+                              (const :tag "Declaration inside TeX group"
+                                     declaration)
+                              ;; Maps to `re-search-forward'
+                              (const :tag "Command without arguments"
+                                     noarg))))
+  :set (lambda (symbol value)
+        (dolist (item value)
+          (when (string-match " " (car item))
+            (error "No spaces allowed in name")))
+        (let (names names-uniq)
+          (dolist (item (append font-latex-built-in-keyword-classes value))
+            (setq names (append names (list (car item)))))
+          (setq names (TeX-sort-strings names))
+          (setq names-uniq (TeX-delete-duplicate-strings names))
+          (dotimes (i (safe-length names-uniq))
+            (unless (string= (nth i names) (nth i names-uniq))
+              (error "Name %S already exists" (nth i names)))))
+        (set-default symbol value)
+        (let ((prefix "font-latex-match-"))
+          (dolist (elt value)
+            (unless (boundp (intern (concat prefix (car elt))))
+              ;; defvar font-latex-match-*
+              (eval `(defvar ,(intern (concat prefix (car elt))) nil)))
+            (let ((keywords (nth 1 elt)))
+              (set (intern (concat prefix (car elt)))
+                   (when (and (listp keywords)
+                            (> (safe-length keywords) 0))
+                   (concat "\\\\" (let ((max-specpdl-size 1000))
+                                    (regexp-opt (if (listp (car keywords))
+                                                    (mapcar 'car keywords)
+                                                  keywords) t))))))))))
+(defun font-latex-make-user-keywords ()
+  "Build defuns and defvars for user keyword fontification."
+  (let ((keyword-specs font-latex-user-keyword-classes))
+    (dolist (item keyword-specs)
+      (let ((prefix "font-latex-match-")
+           (name (nth 0 item))
+           (keywords (nth 1 item))
+           (face (nth 2 item))
+           (type (nth 3 item)))
+       ;; defvar font-latex-match-*-keywords
+       (eval `(defvar ,(intern (concat prefix name "-keywords")) ',keywords
+                ,(concat "Font-latex keywords for " name " face.
+Generated by `font-latex-make-user-keywords'.")))
+       ;; defun font-latex-match-*
+       (eval `(font-latex-make-match-defun prefix name '',face type))
+       ;; Add the matcher to `font-latex-keywords-2'.
+       (add-to-list 'font-latex-keywords-2
+                    (font-latex-keyword-matcher prefix name face type) t))))
+  ;; Add the "fixed" matchers and highlighters.
+  (dolist (item
+          '(("\\(^\\|[^\\]\\)\\(&+\\)" 2 'font-latex-warning-face)
+            ("\\$\\$\\([^$]+\\)\\$\\$" 1 'font-latex-math-face)
+            (font-latex-match-quotation
+             (0 'font-latex-string-face append)
+             (1 'font-latex-warning-face))
+            ;; Hack to remove the verbatim face from the \ in
+            ;; \end{verbatim} and similar.  The same hack is used in
+            ;; tex-mode.el.
+            ("^[ \t]*\\(\\\\\\)end"
+             (1 (get-text-property (match-end 1) 'face) t))))
+    (add-to-list 'font-latex-keywords-1 item)
+    (add-to-list 'font-latex-keywords-2 item))
+  (dolist (item 
+          '((font-latex-match-math-env
+             (0 'font-latex-warning-face t t)
+             (1 'font-latex-math-face append t))
+            (font-latex-match-math-envII
+             (0 'font-latex-math-face append t))
+            (font-latex-match-simple-command
+             (0 'font-latex-sedate-face append))
+            (font-latex-match-script
+             (1 (font-latex-script (match-beginning 0)) append))))
+    (add-to-list 'font-latex-keywords-2 item t)))
+(defvar font-latex-keywords font-latex-keywords-1
+  "Default expressions to highlight in TeX mode.")
+;;; Subscript and superscript
+(defcustom font-latex-fontify-script (not (featurep 'xemacs))
+  "If non-nil, fontify subscript and superscript strings.
+This feature does not work in XEmacs."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'font-latex)
+(defcustom font-latex-script-display '((raise -0.3) . (raise 0.3))
+  "Display specification for subscript and superscript content.
+The car is used for subscript, the cdr is used for superscripts."
+  :group 'font-latex
+  :type '(cons (choice (sexp :tag "Subscript form")
+                      (const :tag "No lowering" nil))
+              (choice (sexp :tag "Superscript form")
+                      (const :tag "No raising" nil))))
+;;; Syntactic keywords
+(defun font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords ()
+  "Set the variable `font-latex-syntactic-keywords'.
+This function can be used to refresh the variable in case other
+variables influencing its value, like `LaTeX-verbatim-environments',
+have changed."
+  ;; Checks for non-emptiness of lists added in order to cater for
+  ;; installations where `(regexp-opt-group nil)' would enter a loop.
+  (let ((verb-envs (and (fboundp 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments)
+                       (LaTeX-verbatim-environments)))
+       (verb-macros-with-delims
+        (and (fboundp 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-delims)
+             (LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-delims)))
+       (verb-macros-with-braces
+        (and (fboundp 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces)
+             (LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces))))
+    (setq verb-envs (and verb-envs (regexp-opt verb-envs))
+         verb-macros-with-delims (and verb-macros-with-delims
+                                      (regexp-opt verb-macros-with-delims))
+         verb-macros-with-braces (and verb-macros-with-braces
+                                      (regexp-opt verb-macros-with-braces))
+         font-latex-syntactic-keywords nil)
+    (unless (= (length verb-envs) 0)
+      (add-to-list 'font-latex-syntactic-keywords
+                  `(,(concat "^[ \t]*\\\\begin *{\\(?:" verb-envs
+                             "\\)}.*\\(\n\\)")
+                    (1 "|" t)))
+      (add-to-list 'font-latex-syntactic-keywords
+                  ;; Using the newline character for the syntax
+                  ;; property often resulted in fontification
+                  ;; problems when text was inserted at the end of
+                  ;; the verbatim environment.  That's why we now use
+                  ;; the starting backslash of \end.  There is a hack
+                  ;; in `font-latex-make-user-keywords' to remove the
+                  ;; spurious fontification of the backslash.
+                  `(,(concat "^[ \t]*\\(\\\\\\)end *{\\(?:" verb-envs "\\)}")
+                    (1 "|" t))))
+    (unless (= (length verb-macros-with-delims) 0)
+      (add-to-list 'font-latex-syntactic-keywords
+                  `(,(concat "\\\\\\(?:" verb-macros-with-delims "\\)"
+                             ;; An opening curly brace as delimiter
+                             ;; is valid, but allowing it might screw
+                             ;; up fontification of stuff like
+                             ;; "\url{...} foo \textbf{<--!...}".
+                             "\\(address@hidden).*?"
+                             ;; Give an escape char at the end of the
+                             ;; verbatim construct punctuation syntax.
+                             ;; Prevents wrong fontification of stuff
+                             ;; like "\verb|foo\|".
+                             "\\(" (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "*\\)\\(\\1\\)")
+                    (1 "\"") (2 ".") (3 "\""))))
+    (unless (= (length verb-macros-with-braces) 0)
+      (add-to-list 'font-latex-syntactic-keywords
+                  `(,(concat "\\\\\\(?:" verb-macros-with-braces "\\)"
+                             "\\({\\).*?[^\\]\\(?:\\\\\\\\\\)*\\(}\\)")
+                    (1 "|") (2 "|")))))
+  ;; Cater for docTeX mode.
+  (setq font-latex-doctex-syntactic-keywords
+       (append font-latex-syntactic-keywords
+               ;; For docTeX comment-in-doc.
+               `(("\\(\\^\\)\\^A" (1 (font-latex-doctex-^^A)))))))
+(defvar font-latex-syntactic-keywords nil
+  "Syntactic keywords used by `font-latex'.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'font-latex-syntactic-keywords)
+;;; Syntactic fontification
+;; Copy and adaptation of `tex-font-lock-syntactic-face-function' in
+;; `tex-mode.el' of CVS Emacs (March 2004)
+(defun font-latex-syntactic-face-function (state)
+  (let ((char (nth 3 state)))
+    (cond
+     ((not char) 'font-lock-comment-face)
+     ((eq char ?$) 'font-latex-math-face)
+     (t
+      (when (char-valid-p char)
+       ;; This is a \verb?...? construct.  Let's find the end and mark it.
+       (save-excursion
+         (skip-chars-forward (string ?^ char)) ;; Use `end' ?
+         (when (eq (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?/)
+           (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'syntax-table '(1)))
+         (unless (eobp)
+           (put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'syntax-table '(7)))))
+      'font-latex-verbatim-face))))
+;;; Faces
+(defface font-latex-bold-face
+  (let ((font (cond ((assq :inherit custom-face-attributes) '(:inherit bold))
+                   ((assq :weight custom-face-attributes) '(:weight bold))
+                   (t '(:bold t)))))
+    `((((class grayscale) (background light))
+       (:foreground "DimGray" ,@font))
+      (((class grayscale) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "LightGray" ,@font))
+      (((class color) (background light))
+       (:foreground "DarkOliveGreen" ,@font))
+      (((class color) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "OliveDrab" ,@font))
+      (t (,@font))))
+  "Face used to highlight text to be typeset in bold."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-italic-face
+  (let ((font (cond ((assq :inherit custom-face-attributes) '(:inherit italic))
+                   ((assq :slant custom-face-attributes) '(:slant italic))
+                   (t '(:italic t)))))
+    `((((class grayscale) (background light))
+       (:foreground "DimGray" ,@font))
+      (((class grayscale) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "LightGray" ,@font))
+      (((class color) (background light))
+       (:foreground "DarkOliveGreen" ,@font))
+      (((class color) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "OliveDrab" ,@font))
+      (t (,@font))))
+  "Face used to highlight text to be typeset in italic."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-math-face
+  (let ((font (cond ((assq :inherit custom-face-attributes)
+                    '(:inherit underline))
+                   (t '(:underline t)))))
+    `((((class grayscale) (background light))
+       (:foreground "DimGray" ,@font))
+      (((class grayscale) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "LightGray" ,@font))
+      (((class color) (background light))
+       (:foreground "SaddleBrown"))
+      (((class color) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "burlywood"))
+      (t (,@font))))
+  "Face used to highlight math."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-sedate-face
+  '((((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "DimGray"))
+    (((class grayscale) (background dark))  (:foreground "LightGray"))
+    (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "DimGray"))
+    (((class color) (background dark))  (:foreground "LightGray"))
+   ;;;(t (:underline t))
+    )
+  "Face used to highlight sedate stuff."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-string-face
+  (let ((font (cond ((assq :inherit custom-face-attributes) '(:inherit italic))
+                   ((assq :slant custom-face-attributes) '(:slant italic))
+                   (t '(:italic t)))))
+    `((((type tty) (class color))
+       (:foreground "green"))
+      (((class grayscale) (background light))
+       (:foreground "DimGray" ,@font))
+      (((class grayscale) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "LightGray" ,@font))
+      (((class color) (background light))
+       (:foreground "RosyBrown"))
+      (((class color) (background dark))
+       (:foreground "LightSalmon"))
+      (t (,@font))))
+  "Face used to highlight strings."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-warning-face
+  (let ((font (cond ((assq :inherit custom-face-attributes) '(:inherit bold))
+                   ((assq :weight custom-face-attributes) '(:weight bold))
+                   (t '(:bold t)))))
+    `((((class grayscale)(background light))
+       (:foreground "DimGray" ,@font))
+      (((class grayscale)(background dark))
+       (:foreground "LightGray" ,@font))
+      (((class color)(background light))
+       (:foreground "red" ,@font))
+      (((class color)(background dark))
+       (:foreground "red" ,@font))
+      (t (,@font))))
+  "Face for important keywords."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-verbatim-face
+  (let ((font (if (and (assq :inherit custom-face-attributes)
+                      (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+                          (find-face 'fixed-pitch)
+                        (facep 'fixed-pitch)))
+                 '(:inherit fixed-pitch)
+               '(:family "courier"))))
+    `((((class grayscale) (background light))
+        (:foreground "DimGray" ,@font))
+       (((class grayscale) (background dark))
+        (:foreground "LightGray" ,@font))
+       (((class color) (background light))
+        (:foreground "SaddleBrown" ,@font))
+       (((class color) (background dark))
+        (:foreground "burlywood" ,@font))
+       (t (,@font))))
+  "Face used to highlight TeX verbatim environments."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-superscript-face
+  '((t (:height 0.8)))
+  "Face used for superscripts."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-subscript-face
+  '((t (:height 0.8)))
+  "Face used for subscripts."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defface font-latex-slide-title-face
+  (let* ((scale 1.2)
+        (size (when (featurep 'xemacs)
+                (round (* 0.9 (face-height 'default) scale)))))
+    (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+       `((t (:bold t :family "helvetica" :size ,size)))
+      `((t (:inherit (variable-pitch font-lock-type-face)
+                    :weight bold :height ,scale)))))
+  "Face for slide titles."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(when (featurep 'xemacs)
+  (set-face-parent 'font-latex-slide-title-face 'font-lock-type-face
+                  nil nil 'append))
+;;; Setup
+(defvar font-lock-comment-start-regexp nil
+  "Regexp to match the start of a comment.")
+(defvar font-latex-extend-region-functions nil
+  "List of functions extending the region for multiline constructs.
+Each function should accept two arguments, the begin and end of
+the region to be fontified, and return the new region start.  If
+no extension is necessary, the original region start should be
+All specified functions will be called and the region extended
+backwards to the minimum over their return values.")
+(defun font-latex-setup ()
+  "Setup this buffer for LaTeX font-lock.  Usually called from a hook."
+  (font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords)
+  ;; Trickery to make $$ fontification be in `font-latex-math-face' while
+  ;; strings get whatever `font-lock-string-face' has been set to.
+  (when (fboundp 'built-in-face-specifiers)
+    ;; Cool patch from Christoph Wedler...
+    (let (instance)
+      (mapcar (lambda (property)
+               (setq instance
+                     (face-property-instance 'font-latex-math-face property
+                                             nil 0 t))
+               (if (numberp instance)
+                   (setq instance
+                         (face-property-instance 'default property nil 0)))
+               (or (numberp instance)
+                   (set-face-property 'font-lock-string-face property
+                                      instance (current-buffer))))
+             (built-in-face-specifiers))))
+  ;; Configure multi-line fontification.
+  (when (and font-latex-do-multi-line
+            (boundp 'font-lock-multiline))
+    (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-multiline) t))
+  ;; Functions for extending the region.
+  (dolist (elt '(font-latex-extend-region-backwards-command-with-args
+                font-latex-extend-region-backwards-command-in-braces
+                font-latex-extend-region-backwards-quotation
+                font-latex-extend-region-backwards-math-env
+                font-latex-extend-region-backwards-math-envII))
+    (add-to-list 'font-latex-extend-region-functions elt))
+  ;; Tell Font Lock about the support.
+  (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+  ;; The test for `major-mode' currently only works with docTeX mode
+  ;; because `TeX-install-font-lock' is called explicitely in
+  ;; `doctex-mode'.  In case other modes have to be distinguished as
+  ;; well, remove the call to `TeX-install-font-lock' from
+  ;; `VirTeX-common-initialization' and place it in the different
+  ;; `xxx-mode' calls instead, but _after_ `major-mode' is set.
+  (cond
+   ((eq major-mode 'doctex-mode)
+    (setq font-lock-defaults
+          '((font-latex-keywords font-latex-keywords-1 font-latex-keywords-2
+                                font-latex-doctex-keywords)
+            nil nil ((?\( . ".") (?\) . ".") (?$ . "\"")) nil
+            (font-lock-comment-start-regexp . "%")
+            (font-lock-mark-block-function . mark-paragraph)
+           (font-lock-fontify-region-function
+            . font-latex-fontify-region)
+           (font-lock-unfontify-region-function
+            . font-latex-unfontify-region)
+            (font-lock-syntactic-face-function
+             . font-latex-doctex-syntactic-face-function)
+            (font-lock-syntactic-keywords
+             . font-latex-doctex-syntactic-keywords))))
+   (t
+    (setq font-lock-defaults
+          '((font-latex-keywords font-latex-keywords-1 font-latex-keywords-2)
+            nil nil ((?\( . ".") (?\) . ".") (?$ . "\"")) nil
+            (font-lock-comment-start-regexp . "%")
+            (font-lock-mark-block-function . mark-paragraph)
+           (font-lock-fontify-region-function
+            . font-latex-fontify-region)
+           (font-lock-unfontify-region-function
+            . font-latex-unfontify-region)
+            (font-lock-syntactic-face-function
+             . font-latex-syntactic-face-function)
+            (font-lock-syntactic-keywords
+             . font-latex-syntactic-keywords))))))
+(defun font-latex-fontify-region (beg end &optional loudly)
+  "Fontify region from BEG to END.
+If optional argument is non-nil, print status messages."
+  (setq beg (apply 'min (mapcar (lambda (fun) (funcall fun beg end))
+                               font-latex-extend-region-functions)))
+  ;; Stolen from `jit-lock-after-change'.  Without this stanza only
+  ;; the line in which a change happened will be refontified.  The
+  ;; rest to which the region was extended will only be refontified
+  ;; upon redisplay.  Unfortunately refontification is not done as
+  ;; fast as if `jit-lock-after-change' was advised.
+  (when (and (boundp 'jit-lock-context-unfontify-pos)
+            jit-lock-context-unfontify-pos)
+       (setq jit-lock-context-unfontify-pos
+             (min jit-lock-context-unfontify-pos beg)))
+  (font-lock-default-fontify-region beg end loudly))
+;; Copy and adaption of `tex-font-lock-unfontify-region' from
+;; tex-mode.el in GNU Emacs on 2004-08-04.
+(defun font-latex-unfontify-region (beg end)
+  "Unfontify region from BEG to END."
+  (font-lock-default-unfontify-region beg end)
+  (while (< beg end)
+    (let ((next (next-single-property-change beg 'display nil end))
+         (prop (get-text-property beg 'display)))
+      (if (and (eq (car-safe prop) 'raise)
+              (member (car-safe (cdr prop))
+                      (list (nth 1 (car font-latex-script-display))
+                            (nth 1 (cdr font-latex-script-display))))
+              (null (cddr prop)))
+         (put-text-property beg next 'display nil))
+      (setq beg next))))
+;;; Utility functions
+(defun font-latex-find-matching-close (openchar closechar)
+  "Skip over matching pairs of OPENCHAR and CLOSECHAR.
+OPENCHAR is the opening character and CLOSECHAR is the closing
+character.  Character pairs are usually { } or [ ].  Comments are
+ignored during the search."
+  (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments
+        (not (eq major-mode 'doctex-mode))) ; scan-sexps ignores comments
+        (init-point (point))
+       (mycount 1)
+       (esc-char (or (and (boundp 'TeX-esc) TeX-esc) "\\")))
+    (or
+     (condition-case nil
+        (progn
+          (goto-char (with-syntax-table
+                         (let ((table (TeX-search-syntax-table)))
+                           ;; Give `openchar' and `closechar' open paren and
+                           ;; close paren syntax respectively.
+                           (modify-syntax-entry
+                            openchar (concat "(" (char-to-string closechar))
+                            table)
+                           (modify-syntax-entry
+                            closechar (concat ")" (char-to-string openchar))
+                            table)
+                           table)
+                       (scan-sexps (point) 1)))
+          ;; No error code.  See if closechar is unquoted
+          (save-excursion
+            (backward-char 1)
+            (zerop (mod (skip-chars-backward (regexp-quote esc-char)) 2))))
+       (error nil))
+     (save-match-data
+       (goto-char (1+ init-point))
+       (while (and (> mycount 0)
+                  (re-search-forward
+                   (string ?\[
+                           ;; closechar might be ]
+                           ;; and therefor must be first in regexp
+                           closechar openchar
+                           ?\])
+                   nil t))
+        (cond
+         ((font-latex-commented-outp)
+          (forward-line 1))
+         ((save-excursion
+            (backward-char 1)
+            (zerop (mod (skip-chars-backward (regexp-quote esc-char))
+                        2)))
+          (setq mycount (+ mycount
+                           (if (= (preceding-char) openchar) 1 -1)))))))
+     (if (= mycount 0)
+        t
+       (goto-char init-point)
+       nil))))
+(defun font-latex-commented-outp ()
+  "Return t if comment character is found between bol and point."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((limit (point))
+         (esc-char (if (and (boundp 'TeX-esc) TeX-esc) TeX-esc "\\")))
+      (forward-line 0)
+      (if (and (eq (char-after) ?\%)
+              (not (font-latex-faces-present-p 'font-latex-verbatim-face)))
+         (not (eq major-mode 'doctex-mode))
+       (catch 'found
+         (while (progn (skip-chars-forward "^%" limit)
+                       (< (point) limit))
+           (when (and (save-excursion
+                        (zerop (mod (skip-chars-backward
+                                     (regexp-quote esc-char)) 2)))
+                      (not (font-latex-faces-present-p
+                            'font-latex-verbatim-face)))
+             (throw 'found t))
+           (forward-char)))))))
+(defun font-latex-faces-present-p (faces &optional pos)
+  "Return t if FACES are present at position POS.
+FACES may be a single face or a list of faces.
+If POS is omitted, the current position of point is used."
+  (let* ((faces (if (listp faces) faces (list faces)))
+        (pos (or pos (point)))
+        (prop (get-text-property pos 'face))
+        (prop-list (if (listp prop) prop (list prop))))
+    (catch 'member
+      (dolist (item prop-list)
+       (when (memq item faces)
+         (throw 'member t))))))
+(defun font-latex-forward-comment ()
+  "Like `forward-comment' but with special provisions for docTeX mode.
+In docTeX mode \"%\" at the start of a line will be treated as whitespace."
+  (if (eq major-mode 'doctex-mode)
+      ;; XXX: We should probably cater for ^^A as well.
+      (progn
+       (while (progn (if (bolp) (skip-chars-forward "%"))
+                     (> (skip-chars-forward " \t\n") 0)))
+       (when (eq (char-after) ?%)
+         (beginning-of-line 2)
+         t))
+    (forward-comment 1)))
+;;; Match functions
+(defvar font-latex-matched-faces nil)
+(defun font-latex-matched-face (pos)
+  (nth pos font-latex-matched-faces))
+(defun font-latex-match-command-with-arguments (regexp keywords face limit)
+  "Search for regexp command KEYWORDS[opt]{arg} before LIMIT.
+Returns nil if none of KEYWORDS is found."
+  (setq font-latex-matched-faces nil)
+  (catch 'match
+    (while (re-search-forward regexp limit t)
+      (unless (font-latex-faces-present-p '(font-lock-comment-face
+                                           font-latex-verbatim-face)
+                                         (match-beginning 0))
+       (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
+             match-data
+             (spec (cadr (assoc (match-string 1) keywords)))
+             (parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)) ; scan-sexps ignores comments
+         (add-to-list 'match-data beg)
+         (goto-char (match-end 0))
+         (when (and (> (length spec) 0)
+                    (string= (substring spec 0 1) "*"))
+           (setq spec (substring spec 1))
+           (skip-chars-forward "*" (1+ (point))))
+         (add-to-list 'match-data (point) t)
+         (add-to-list 'font-latex-matched-faces 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+         (while (and (not (eobp)) (font-latex-forward-comment)))
+         (catch 'break
+           (while (> (length spec) 0)
+             (let ((opening-tag (string-to-char (substring spec 0 1)))
+                   (closing-tag (string-to-char (substring spec 1 2)))
+                   match-beg)
+               (setq spec (substring spec 2))
+               (if (eq opening-tag ?\{)
+                   ;; Mandatory arguments {...}
+                   (if (eq (following-char) opening-tag)
+                       (progn
+                         (setq match-beg (point))
+                         (if (font-latex-find-matching-close opening-tag
+                                                             closing-tag)
+                             (progn
+                               (nconc match-data (list (1+ match-beg)
+                                                       (1- (point))))
+                               (nconc font-latex-matched-faces (list face)))
+                           (nconc match-data (list match-beg (1+ match-beg)))
+                           (nconc font-latex-matched-faces
+                                  (list 'font-latex-warning-face))
+                           (throw 'break nil)))
+                     ;; Add the warning face at the front of the list because
+                     ;; the matcher uses 'append and the face would otherwise
+                     ;; be overridden by the keyword face.  (Alternatively
+                     ;; the start of the keyword face could be adjusted.)
+                     (setq match-data (append (list beg (1+ beg)) match-data))
+                     (push 'font-latex-warning-face font-latex-matched-faces))
+                 ;; Optional arguments [...] and others
+                 (when (eq (following-char) opening-tag)
+                   (setq match-beg (point))
+                   (if (font-latex-find-matching-close opening-tag closing-tag)
+                       (progn
+                         (nconc match-data (list (1+ match-beg) (1- (point))))
+                         (nconc font-latex-matched-faces
+                                (list 'font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+                     (nconc match-data (list match-beg (1+ match-beg)))
+                     (nconc font-latex-matched-faces
+                            (list 'font-latex-warning-face))
+                     (throw 'break nil))
+                   (while (and (not (eobp)) (font-latex-forward-comment))))))))
+         (store-match-data match-data)
+         (throw 'match t))))))
+(defun font-latex-extend-region-backwards-command-with-args (beg end)
+  "Extend region backwards if necessary for a multiline construct to fit in."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char end)
+    (catch 'extend
+      (while (TeX-search-backward-unescaped "}" beg t)
+       (let ((macro-start (TeX-find-macro-start
+                           (max (point-min)
+                                (- beg font-latex-multiline-boundary)))))
+         (when (and macro-start
+                    (< macro-start beg))
+           (throw 'extend macro-start))))
+      beg)))
+;; XXX: Check if `font-latex-multiline-boundary' has to be taken into account.
+(defun font-latex-match-command-in-braces (keywords limit)
+  "Search for command like {\\bfseries fubar} before LIMIT.
+Sets `match-data' so that:
+ subexpression 0 is a warning indicator,
+ subexpression 1 is the keyword, and
+ subexpression 2 is the rest in the TeX group.
+Returns nil if no command is found."
+  (catch 'match
+    (while (re-search-forward keywords limit t)
+      (unless (font-latex-faces-present-p '(font-lock-comment-face
+                                           font-latex-verbatim-face)
+                                         (match-beginning 0))
+       (let ((kbeg (match-beginning 0)) (kend (match-end 1))
+             (beg  (match-end 0))
+             end cbeg cend
+             (parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)) ; scan-sexps ignores comments
+         (goto-char kbeg)
+         (if (not (eq (preceding-char) ?\{))
+             ;; Fontify only the keyword (no argument found).
+             (progn
+               (setq cbeg kbeg cend kend)
+               (goto-char (match-end 0))
+               (store-match-data (list (point) (point)
+                                       (point) (point)
+                                       cbeg cend))
+               (throw 'match t))
+           ;; There's an opening bracket
+           (save-restriction
+             ;; Restrict to LIMIT.
+             (narrow-to-region (point-min) limit)
+             (forward-char -1)         ; Move on the opening bracket
+             (if (font-latex-find-matching-close ?\{ ?\})
+                 (store-match-data (list kbeg kbeg
+                                         kbeg kend
+                                         beg (1- (point))))
+               (goto-char kend)
+               (store-match-data (list (1- kbeg) kbeg
+                                       kbeg kend
+                                       kend kend)))
+             (throw 'match t))))))))
+(defun font-latex-extend-region-backwards-command-in-braces (beg end)
+  "Extend region backwards if necessary for a multiline construct to fit in."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char end)
+    (catch 'extend
+      (while (TeX-search-backward-unescaped "}" beg t)
+       (let ((group-start (TeX-find-opening-brace
+                           nil (max (point-min)
+                                    (- beg font-latex-multiline-boundary)))))
+         (when group-start
+           ;; XXX: Actually we'd have to check if any of the
+           ;; declaration-type macros can be found right after the
+           ;; brace.  If we don't do this (like now) large regions
+           ;; may be refontified for no good reason.  For checking
+           ;; the built-in `font-latex-match-*' variables for
+           ;; declaration-type macros as well as the respective
+           ;; user-defined variables could be concatenated.
+           (goto-char group-start)
+           (when (< group-start beg)
+             (throw 'extend group-start)))))
+      beg)))
+(defun font-latex-match-simple-command (limit)
+  "Search for command like \\foo before LIMIT."
+  (TeX-re-search-forward-unescaped "address@hidden" limit t))
+(defun font-latex-match-math-env (limit)
+  "Match math pattern up to LIMIT.
+Used for patterns like:
+\\( F = ma \\)
+\\[ F = ma \\] but not \\\\ [len]"
+  (catch 'match
+    (while (re-search-forward "\\(\\\\(\\)\\|\\(\\\\\\[\\)" limit t)
+      (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+      (if (eq (preceding-char) ?\\)    ; \\[ is not a math environment
+         (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (let ((beg (point)))
+         (if (search-forward (if (match-beginning 1) "\\)" "\\]") limit 'move)
+             (store-match-data (list beg beg beg (point)))
+           (goto-char (+ beg 2))
+           (store-match-data (list beg (point) (point) (point))))
+         (throw 'match t))))))
+(defun font-latex-extend-region-backwards-math-env (beg end)
+  "Extend region backwards if necessary for a multiline construct to fit in."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char end)
+    (catch 'extend
+      (while (re-search-backward "\\(\\\\)\\)\\|\\(\\\\]\\)" beg t)
+       (when (and (search-backward (if (match-beginning 1) "\\(" "\\[")
+                                   (- beg font-latex-multiline-boundary) t)
+                  (< (point) beg))
+         (throw 'extend (point))))
+      beg)))
+(defcustom font-latex-math-environments
+  '("display" "displaymath" "equation" "eqnarray" "gather" "multline"
+    "align" "alignat" "xalignat")
+  "List of math environment names for font locking."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'font-latex)
+(defun font-latex-match-math-envII (limit)
+  "Match math patterns up to LIMIT.
+Used for patterns like:
+ fontified stuff
+The \\begin{equation} and \\end{equation} are not fontified here."
+  (when (re-search-forward (concat "\\\\begin[ \t]*{"
+                                  (regexp-opt font-latex-math-environments t)
+                                  "\\*?}")
+                          limit t)
+    (let ((beg (match-end 0)) end)
+      (if (re-search-forward (concat "\\\\end[ \t]*{"
+                                    (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                                     (match-beginning 1)
+                                     (match-end 0)))
+                            ;; XXX: Should this rather be done by
+                            ;; extending the region to be fontified?
+                            (+ limit font-latex-multiline-boundary) 'move)
+          (setq end (match-beginning 0))
+       (goto-char beg)
+        (setq end beg))
+      (store-match-data (list beg end))
+      t)))
+(defun font-latex-extend-region-backwards-math-envII (beg end)
+  "Extend region backwards if necessary for multiline math environments."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char end)
+    (catch 'extend
+      (while (re-search-backward
+             (concat "\\\\end[ \t]*{"
+                     (regexp-opt font-latex-math-environments t)
+                     "\\*?}") beg t)
+       (when (and (re-search-backward (concat  "\\\\begin[ \t]*{"
+                                               (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                                                (match-beginning 1)
+                                                (match-end 0)))
+                                      (- beg font-latex-multiline-boundary) t)
+                  (< (point) beg))
+         (throw 'extend (point))))
+      beg)))
+(defun font-latex-update-quote-list ()
+  "Update quote list and regexp if value of `font-latex-quotes' changed."
+  (unless (eq font-latex-quotes-control font-latex-quotes)
+    (setq font-latex-quotes-control font-latex-quotes)
+    ;; Set order of each entry in `font-latex-quote-list' according to
+    ;; setting of `font-latex-quotes'.
+    (let ((tail font-latex-quote-list)
+         elt)
+      (while tail
+       (setq elt (car tail))
+       (when (and (> (safe-length elt) 2)
+                  (not (eq (nth 2 elt) font-latex-quotes)))
+         (setcar tail (list (nth 1 elt) (nth 0 elt) font-latex-quotes)))
+       (setq tail (cdr tail))))
+    (setq font-latex-quote-regexp-beg
+         (regexp-opt (mapcar 'car font-latex-quote-list) t))))
+(defun font-latex-match-quotation (limit)
+  "Match quote patterns up to LIMIT.
+Used for patterns like:
+``this is a normal quote'' and these are multilingual quoted strings:
+\"< french \"> and \"`german\"' quotes.
+The quotes << french >> and 8-bit french are used if `font-latex-quotes' is
+set to french, and >>german<< (and 8-bit) are used if set to german."
+  (font-latex-update-quote-list)
+  ;; Search for matches.
+  (catch 'match
+    (while (re-search-forward font-latex-quote-regexp-beg limit t)
+      (unless (font-latex-faces-present-p '(font-lock-comment-face
+                                           font-latex-verbatim-face)
+                                         (match-beginning 0))
+       (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
+              (after-beg (match-end 0))
+              (opening-quote (match-string 0))
+              (closing-quote
+               (nth 1 (assoc (if (fboundp 'string-make-multibyte)
+                                 (string-make-multibyte (match-string 0))
+                               (match-string 0))
+                             font-latex-quote-list)))
+              (nest-count 0)
+              (point-of-surrender (+ beg font-latex-multiline-boundary)))
+         ;; Find closing quote taking nested quotes into account.
+         (while (progn
+                  (re-search-forward (concat opening-quote "\\|" closing-quote)
+                                     point-of-surrender 'move)
+                  (when (and (< (point) point-of-surrender) (not (eobp)))
+                    (if (string= (match-string 0) opening-quote)
+                        (setq nest-count (1+ nest-count))
+                      (when (/= nest-count 0)
+                        (setq nest-count (1- nest-count)))))))
+         ;; If no closing quote was found, set the second match which
+         ;; will be marked with warning color, if one was found, set
+         ;; the first match which will be marked with string color.
+         (if (or (= (point) point-of-surrender) (eobp))
+             (progn
+               (goto-char after-beg)
+               (store-match-data (list after-beg after-beg beg after-beg)))
+           (store-match-data (list beg (point) (point) (point))))
+         (throw 'match t))))))
+(defun font-latex-extend-region-backwards-quotation (beg end)
+  "Extend region backwards if necessary for a multiline construct to fit in."
+  (font-latex-update-quote-list)
+  (let ((regexp-end (regexp-opt (mapcar 'cadr font-latex-quote-list) t)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char end)
+      (catch 'extend
+       (while (re-search-backward regexp-end beg t)
+         (let ((closing-quote (match-string 0))
+               (nest-count 0)
+               (point-of-surrender (- beg font-latex-multiline-boundary))
+               opening-quote)
+           (catch 'found
+             (dolist (elt font-latex-quote-list)
+               (when (string= (cadr elt) closing-quote)
+                 (setq opening-quote (car elt))
+                 (throw 'found nil))))
+           ;; Find opening quote taking nested quotes into account.
+           (while (progn
+                    (re-search-backward (concat opening-quote "\\|"
+                                                closing-quote)
+                                        point-of-surrender 'move)
+                    (when (and (> (point) point-of-surrender) (not (bobp)))
+                      (if (string= (match-string 0) closing-quote)
+                          (setq nest-count (1+ nest-count))
+                        (when (/= nest-count 0)
+                          (setq nest-count (1- nest-count)))))))
+           (when (< (point) beg)
+             (throw 'extend (point)))))
+       beg))))
+;; (defadvice jit-lock-after-change (before TeX-jit-lock-after-change
+;;                                         activate)
+;;   "Extend region backwards for multiline constructs."
+;;   (let* ((obeg (ad-get-arg 0)))
+;;     (ad-set-arg 0 (or (font-latex-extend-region-backwards-quotation
+;;                    obeg (ad-get-arg 1))
+;;                   obeg))))
+(defun font-latex-match-script (limit)
+  "Match subscript and superscript patterns up to LIMIT."
+  (when font-latex-fontify-script
+    (re-search-forward
+     (eval-when-compile
+       ;; Regexp taken from `tex-font-lock-keywords-3' from
+       ;; tex-mode.el in GNU Emacs on 2004-07-07.
+       (concat "[_^] *\\([^\n\\{}]\\|" "\\\\"
+              "\\(address@hidden|[^ \t\n]\\)" "\\|"
+              "{\\(?:[^{}\\]\\|\\\\.\\|{[^}]*}\\)*" "}\\)"))
+     limit t)))
+;; Copy and adaption of `tex-font-lock-suscript' from tex-mode.el in
+;; GNU Emacs on 2004-07-07.
+(defun font-latex-script (pos)
+  "Return face and display spec for subscript and superscript content."
+  (when (and (font-latex-faces-present-p 'font-latex-math-face pos)
+            (not (font-latex-faces-present-p '(font-lock-constant-face
+                                               font-lock-builtin-face
+                                               font-lock-comment-face
+                                               font-latex-verbatim-face) pos))
+            ;; Check for backslash quoting
+            (not (let ((odd nil)
+                       (pos pos))
+                   (while (eq (char-before pos) ?\\)
+                     (setq pos (1- pos) odd (not odd)))
+                   odd)))
+    ;; Adding other text properties than `face' is supported by
+    ;; `font-lock-apply-highlight' in CVS Emacsen since 2001-10-28.
+    ;; With the introduction of this feature the variable
+    ;; `font-lock-extra-managed-props' was introduced and serves here
+    ;; for feature checking.  XEmacs (CVS and 21.4.15) currently
+    ;; (2004-08-18) does not support this feature.
+    (let ((extra-props-flag (boundp 'font-lock-extra-managed-props)))
+      (if (eq (char-after pos) ?_)
+         (if extra-props-flag
+             `(face font-latex-subscript-face display
+                    ,(car font-latex-script-display))
+           'font-latex-subscript-face)
+       (if extra-props-flag
+           `(face font-latex-superscript-face display
+                  ,(cdr font-latex-script-display))
+         'font-latex-superscript-face)))))
+;;; docTeX
+(defvar font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face
+  'font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face
+  "Face used to highlight preprocessor directives in docTeX mode.")
+(defface font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face
+  '((t (:inherit (font-latex-doctex-documentation-face
+                 font-lock-preprocessor-face))))
+  "Face used to highlight preprocessor directives in docTeX mode."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar font-latex-doctex-documentation-face
+  'font-latex-doctex-documentation-face
+  "Face used to highlight the documentation in docTeX mode.")
+(defface font-latex-doctex-documentation-face
+  '((((class mono)) (:inverse-video t))
+    (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:background "#333"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:background "#333"))
+    (t (:background "#eeeeee")))
+  "Face used to highlight the documentation parts in docTeX mode."
+  :group 'font-latex-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar font-latex-doctex-keywords
+  (append font-latex-keywords-2
+         '(("^%<[^>]*>" (0 font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face t)))))
+;; Set and updated in `font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords'.
+(defvar font-latex-doctex-syntactic-keywords nil)
+;; Copy and adaptation of `doctex-font-lock-^^A' in `tex-mode.el' of
+;; CVS Emacs (March 2004)
+(defun font-latex-doctex-^^A ()
+  (if (eq (char-after (line-beginning-position)) ?\%)
+      (progn
+       (put-text-property
+        (1- (match-beginning 1)) (match-beginning 1) 'syntax-table
+        (if (= (1+ (line-beginning-position)) (match-beginning 1))
+            ;; The `%' is a single-char comment, which Emacs
+            ;; syntax-table can't deal with.  We could turn it
+            ;; into a non-comment, or use `\n%' or `%^' as the comment.
+            ;; Instead, we include it in the ^^A comment.
+            ;; COMPATIBILITY for Emacs 20 and XEmacs
+            (eval-when-compile (if (fboundp 'string-to-syntax)
+                                   (string-to-syntax "< b")
+                                 '(2097163)))
+          ;; COMPATIBILITY for Emacs 20 and XEmacs
+          (eval-when-compile (if (fboundp 'string-to-syntax)
+                                 (string-to-syntax ">")
+                               '(12)))))
+       (let ((end (line-end-position)))
+         (if (< end (point-max))
+             (put-text-property end (1+ end) 'syntax-table
+                                   ;; COMPATIBILITY for Emacs 20 and XEmacs
+                                   (eval-when-compile
+                                     (if (fboundp 'string-to-syntax)
+                                         (string-to-syntax "> b")
+                                       '(2097164))))))
+       ;; COMPATIBILITY for Emacs 20 and XEmacs
+       (eval-when-compile (if (fboundp 'string-to-syntax)
+                              (string-to-syntax "< b")
+                            '(2097163))))))
+;; Copy and adaptation of `doctex-font-lock-syntactic-face-function'
+;; in `tex-mode.el' of CVS Emacs (March 2004)
+(defun font-latex-doctex-syntactic-face-function (state)
+  ;; Mark docTeX documentation, which is parsed as a style A comment
+  ;; starting in column 0.
+  (if (or (nth 3 state) (nth 7 state)
+         (not (memq (char-before (nth 8 state))
+                    '(?\n nil))))
+      ;; Anything else is just as for LaTeX.
+      (font-latex-syntactic-face-function state)
+    font-latex-doctex-documentation-face))
+;;; Installation in non-AUCTeX LaTeX mode
+(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'font-latex-setup)
+;; If font-latex is loaded using a latex-mode-hook, then the add-hook above
+;; won't be called this time around.  Check for this now:
+(if (eq major-mode 'latex-mode)
+    (font-latex-setup))
+;;; Byte-compilation of generated functions
+(when (byte-code-function-p
+       (symbol-function 'font-latex-make-built-in-keywords))
+  (dolist (elt font-latex-built-in-keyword-classes)
+    (let ((name (nth 0 elt)))
+      (byte-compile (intern (concat "font-latex-" name)))
+      (byte-compile (intern (concat "font-latex-" name "-make"))))))
+;; Provide ourselves:
+(provide 'font-latex)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; coding: iso-8859-1
+;; End:
+;;; font-latex.el ends here

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