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[AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/preview/preview.el

From: David Kastrup
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/preview/preview.el
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 05:01:47 -0400

Index: auctex/preview/preview.el
diff -u auctex/preview/preview.el:1.249 auctex/preview/preview.el:1.250
--- auctex/preview/preview.el:1.249     Sun Apr 10 16:28:59 2005
+++ auctex/preview/preview.el   Mon Apr 11 09:01:31 2005
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; $Id: preview.el,v 1.249 2005/04/10 16:28:59 angeli Exp $
+;; $Id: preview.el,v 1.250 2005/04/11 09:01:31 dak Exp $
 ;; This style is for the "seamless" embedding of generated images
 ;; into LaTeX source code.  Please see the README and INSTALL files
@@ -1376,15 +1376,15 @@
             (throw 'preview-filter-specs nil)
           (preview-filter-specs-1 args))))
-(defvar preview-icondir (expand-file-name "images"
-                                         (file-name-directory load-file-name))
-  "The directory relative to which images may be found.
-This should be hardwired into the startup file
-containing the autoloads for preview-latex.")
+(defvar preview-datadir (file-name-directory load-file-name)
+  "The directory relative to which package data may be found.
+This should be hardwired into the startup file containing the
+autoloads for preview-latex.")
 (put 'preview-filter-specs :file
      #'(lambda (keyword value &rest args)
-        `(:file ,(expand-file-name value preview-icondir)
+        `(:file ,(expand-file-name value (expand-file-name "images"
+                                                           preview-datadir))
                 ,@(preview-filter-specs-1 args))))
 (defun preview-ascent-from-bb (bb)
@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@
 not use in advice."
   ;; The following two lines are bug workaround for Emacs < 22.1.
   (if (markerp begin)
-      (setq begin (marker-position (marker))))
+      (setq begin (marker-position begin)))
   (or (car (get-char-property begin 'preview-counters))
       (cdr (get-char-property (max (point-min)
                                   (1- begin))
@@ -2294,6 +2294,86 @@
       (preview-active-contents ,ov)])
+(defvar preview-TeX-style-dir)
+(defun preview-set-texinputs (&optional remove)
+  "Add `preview-TeX-style-dir' into `TEXINPUT' variables.
+With prefix argument REMOVE, remove it again."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if remove
+      (let ((case-fold-search nil)
+           (pattern (concat "\\`\\(TEXINPUTS[^=]*\\)=\\(.*\\)"
+                            (regexp-quote preview-TeX-style-dir))))
+       (dolist (env (copy-sequence process-environment))
+         (if (string-match pattern env)
+             (setenv (match-string 1 env)
+                     (and (or (< (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
+                              (< (match-end 0) (length env)))
+                          (concat (match-string 2 env)
+                                  (substring env (match-end 0))))))))
+    (let ((case-fold-search nil)
+         (pattern (regexp-quote preview-TeX-style-dir)))
+      (dolist (env (cons "TEXINPUTS=" (copy-sequence process-environment)))
+       (if (string-match "\\`(TEXINPUTS[^=]*\\)=" env)
+           (unless (string-match pattern env)
+             (setenv (match-string 1 env)
+                     (concat preview-TeX-style-dir
+                             (substring env (match-end 0))))))))))
+(defcustom preview-TeX-style-dir nil
+  "This variable contains the location of uninstalled TeX styles.
+This has to be followed by the character with which kpathsea
+separates path components, either `:' on Unix-like systems,
+or `;' on Windows-like systems.
+If this is non-nil, the `TEXINPUT' environment type variables will
+get this prepended at load time calling \\[preview-set-texinputs]
+to reflect this.  You can permanently install the style files
+using \\[preview-install-styles].
+Don't set this variable other than with customize so that its
+changes get properly reflected in the environment."
+  :group 'preview-latex
+  :set (lambda (var value)
+        (and (boundp var)
+             (symbol-value var)
+             (preview-set-texinputs t))
+        (set var value)
+        (and (symbol-value var)
+             (preview-set-texinputs)))
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Installed" nil)
+                (string :tag "Directory followed by kpathsea delimiter")))
+(defun preview-install-styles (dir &optional force-overwrite
+                                  force-save)
+  "Installs the TeX style files into a permanent location.
+This must be in the TeX search path.  If FORCE-OVERWRITE is greater
+than 1, files will get overwritten without query, if it is less
+than 1 or nil, the operation will fail.  The default of 1 for interactive
+use will query.
+Similarly FORCE-SAVE can be used for saving
+`preview-TeX-style-dir' to record the fact that the uninstalled
+files are no longer needed in the search path."
+  (interactive "DPermanent location for preview TeX styles
+  (unless preview-TeX-style-dir
+    (error "Styles are already installed"))
+  (dolist (file (directory-files
+                (substring preview-TeX-style-dir 0 -1)
+                t "\\.\\(sty\\|def\\|cfg\\)\\'"))
+    (copy-file file dir (cond ((eq force-overwrite 1) 1)
+                             ((numberp force-overwrite)
+                              (> force-overwrite 1))
+                             (t force-overwrite))))
+  (if (cond ((eq force-save 1)
+            (y-or-n-p "Stop using non-installed styles permanently "))
+           ((numberp force-save)
+            (> force-save 1))
+           (t force-save))
+      (customize-save-variable 'preview-TeX-style-dir nil)
+    (customize-set-variable 'preview-TeX-style-dir nil)))
 (defun LaTeX-preview-setup ()
   "Hook function for embedding the preview package into AUCTeX.
@@ -3308,7 +3388,7 @@
 (defconst preview-version (eval-when-compile
   (let ((name "$Name:  $")
-       (rev "$Revision: 1.249 $"))
+       (rev "$Revision: 1.250 $"))
     (or (if (string-match "\\`[$]Name: *\\([^ ]+\\) *[$]\\'" name)
            (match-string 1 name))
        (if (string-match "\\`[$]Revision: *\\([^ ]+\\) *[$]\\'" rev)
@@ -3319,7 +3399,7 @@
 (defconst preview-release-date
-    (let ((date "$Date: 2005/04/10 16:28:59 $"))
+    (let ((date "$Date: 2005/04/11 09:01:31 $"))
        "\\`[$]Date: *\\([0-9]+\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)"

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