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Provide style file for babel support for Brazilian

From: Gustavo Barros
Subject: Provide style file for babel support for Brazilian
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 15:05:22 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2

Hi All,

I'm a native Brazilian and noticed AUCTeX has no support for babel language `brazilian', in the form of its proper style file.

I have one here, which I've been using most satisfactorily for quite some time (more than a year now), which handles quotes, babel-hyphen, some specific macros provided by `babel' etc. It is not particularly complicated. I'm not absolutely sure it is exhaustive, but it was meant to be thorough when I did it.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide it as a patch, since I don't have signed papers, and can't have them (I've tried). But I'd be more than glad to provide specific and precise guidance to anyone who could provide a patch, and would be willing to take on the task.

Also, though I'm not Portuguese, as far as `babel' is concerned, I believe the requirements are very similar, if not identical. (I'm not sure about quotes standards, though). I could look that up, and check things, so that other Portuguese `babel' variants could be provided too, even if provisionally, until a proper Portuguese can review it.

Best regards,

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