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[AUCTeX-commit] GNU AUCTeX branch, master, updated. 700839defdcffb7144f4
From: |
Tassilo Horn |
Subject: |
[AUCTeX-commit] GNU AUCTeX branch, master, updated. 700839defdcffb7144f4ac26885a70c354fcd603 |
Date: |
Tue, 29 Dec 2020 12:09:44 -0500 (EST) |
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GNU AUCTeX".
The branch, master has been updated
via 700839defdcffb7144f4ac26885a70c354fcd603 (commit)
from c8d5756b03790d630b42dc9b179b748d2c12aed9 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 700839defdcffb7144f4ac26885a70c354fcd603
Author: Tassilo Horn <tsdh@gnu.org>
Date: Tue Dec 29 18:01:02 2020 +0100
Convert tabs to spaces in all lisp files according to .dir-locals.el
Summary of changes:
.dir-locals.el | 22 +-
bib-cite.el | 1490 ++++++------
context.el | 888 +++----
font-latex.el | 1754 +++++++-------
latex.el | 4630 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
multi-prompt.el | 138 +-
plain-tex.el | 58 +-
style/Alegreya.el | 28 +-
style/AlegreyaSans.el | 34 +-
style/CJK.el | 2 +-
style/FiraMono.el | 24 +-
style/FiraSans.el | 34 +-
style/MinionPro.el | 10 +-
style/MyriadPro.el | 20 +-
style/XCharter.el | 18 +-
style/acro.el | 92 +-
style/acronym.el | 64 +-
style/algorithm.el | 18 +-
style/alltt.el | 6 +-
style/alphanum.el | 62 +-
style/amsfonts.el | 14 +-
style/amsmath.el | 122 +-
style/amsopn.el | 4 +-
style/amstex.el | 16 +-
style/amsthm.el | 92 +-
style/appendix.el | 4 +-
style/arabxetex.el | 76 +-
style/array.el | 32 +-
style/article.el | 2 +-
style/attachfile.el | 28 +-
style/babel.el | 264 +--
style/baskervaldx.el | 28 +-
style/beamer.el | 266 +--
style/biblatex.el | 360 +--
style/bicaption.el | 144 +-
style/bidi.el | 36 +-
style/bm.el | 40 +-
style/book.el | 2 +-
style/booktabs.el | 28 +-
style/breqn.el | 28 +-
style/bulgarian.el | 6 +-
style/captcont.el | 6 +-
style/caption.el | 332 +--
style/changelog.el | 120 +-
style/cleveref.el | 98 +-
style/color.el | 178 +-
style/colortbl.el | 36 +-
style/commath.el | 28 +-
style/comment.el | 32 +-
style/csquotes.el | 358 +--
style/currvita.el | 12 +-
style/danish.el | 4 +-
style/dashundergaps.el | 34 +-
style/dcolumn.el | 2 +-
style/dinbrief.el | 268 +--
style/dk-bib.el | 38 +-
style/doc.el | 80 +-
style/emp.el | 58 +-
style/empheq.el | 348 +--
style/enumitem.el | 264 +--
style/environ.el | 50 +-
style/epigraph.el | 32 +-
style/erewhon.el | 34 +-
style/exam.el | 86 +-
style/expl3.el | 8 +-
style/fancyhdr.el | 6 +-
style/fancyref.el | 34 +-
style/fancyvrb.el | 576 ++---
style/fbb.el | 26 +-
style/fbox.el | 10 +-
style/filecontents.el | 10 +-
style/flashcards.el | 16 +-
style/floatrow.el | 494 ++--
style/foils.el | 16 +-
style/fontaxes.el | 4 +-
style/fontenc.el | 6 +-
style/fontspec.el | 254 +-
style/footmisc.el | 6 +-
style/french.el | 6 +-
style/frenchb.el | 10 +-
style/fvextra.el | 70 +-
style/geometry.el | 62 +-
style/german.el | 34 +-
style/gloss-italian.el | 26 +-
style/graphicx.el | 224 +-
style/harvard.el | 74 +-
style/hologo.el | 172 +-
style/hyperref.el | 42 +-
style/icelandic.el | 4 +-
style/ifluatex.el | 10 +-
style/imakeidx.el | 14 +-
style/index.el | 28 +-
style/inputenc.el | 66 +-
style/italian.el | 20 +-
style/jarticle.el | 2 +-
style/jbook.el | 2 +-
style/jreport.el | 2 +-
style/jsarticle.el | 2 +-
style/jsbook.el | 6 +-
style/jsreport.el | 2 +-
style/jurabib.el | 172 +-
style/kpfonts.el | 178 +-
style/latexinfo.el | 214 +-
style/letter.el | 160 +-
style/lettrine.el | 18 +-
style/listings.el | 176 +-
style/longtable.el | 30 +-
style/ltugboat.el | 92 +-
style/ltxguide.el | 24 +-
style/ltxtable.el | 26 +-
style/luacode.el | 20 +-
style/luatextra.el | 6 +-
style/makeidx.el | 8 +-
style/marginnote.el | 8 +-
style/mathtools.el | 234 +-
style/mdframed.el | 200 +-
style/mdwlist.el | 18 +-
style/menukeys.el | 488 ++--
style/metalogo.el | 36 +-
style/mflogo.el | 10 +-
style/minted.el | 260 +--
style/mn2e.el | 44 +-
style/mnras.el | 12 +-
style/moodle.el | 164 +-
style/multind.el | 24 +-
style/multirow.el | 6 +-
style/nameref.el | 20 +-
style/natbib.el | 164 +-
style/newfloat.el | 124 +-
style/newpxtext.el | 10 +-
style/newtxtext.el | 10 +-
style/newtxttt.el | 12 +-
style/ngerman.el | 34 +-
style/nicefrac.el | 6 +-
style/nomencl.el | 8 +-
style/ntheorem.el | 276 +--
style/ocg-p.el | 70 +-
style/ocgx.el | 14 +-
style/overpic.el | 48 +-
style/paracol.el | 162 +-
style/paralist.el | 24 +-
style/pdfpages.el | 24 +-
style/pdfsync.el | 88 +-
style/plext.el | 36 +-
style/polski.el | 4 +-
style/polyglossia.el | 146 +-
style/preview.el | 28 +-
style/prosper.el | 34 +-
style/psfig.el | 40 +-
style/pst-node.el | 8 +-
style/pst-plot.el | 2 +-
style/pstricks.el | 22 +-
style/pythontex.el | 416 ++--
style/ragged2e.el | 14 +-
style/relsize.el | 20 +-
style/report.el | 2 +-
style/revtex4-2.el | 102 +-
style/scholax.el | 32 +-
style/scrbase.el | 308 +--
style/scrbook.el | 60 +-
style/scrlttr2.el | 124 +-
style/scrpage2.el | 88 +-
style/scrreprt.el | 18 +-
style/setspace.el | 8 +-
style/shortvrb.el | 16 +-
style/siunitx.el | 102 +-
style/slides.el | 4 +-
style/slovak.el | 4 +-
style/sourcecodepro.el | 24 +-
style/splitidx.el | 160 +-
style/subcaption.el | 92 +-
style/subfigure.el | 44 +-
style/subfiles.el | 28 +-
style/swedish.el | 2 +-
style/tabularx.el | 4 +-
style/tabulary.el | 4 +-
style/tcolorbox.el | 256 +-
style/tcolorboxlib-raster.el | 98 +-
style/tex-live.el | 108 +-
style/textpos.el | 68 +-
style/theorem.el | 62 +-
style/thm-restate.el | 26 +-
style/thmtools.el | 186 +-
style/tikz.el | 12 +-
style/titleps.el | 104 +-
style/titlesec.el | 114 +-
style/titletoc.el | 56 +-
style/transparent.el | 10 +-
style/ulem.el | 42 +-
style/unicode-math.el | 22 +-
style/units.el | 6 +-
style/url.el | 44 +-
style/varioref.el | 40 +-
style/verbatim.el | 12 +-
style/virtex.el | 142 +-
style/vwcol.el | 8 +-
style/wrapfig.el | 116 +-
style/xcolor.el | 330 +--
style/xkcdcolors.el | 1902 +++++++--------
style/xltabular.el | 26 +-
style/xparse.el | 252 +-
style/xspace.el | 12 +-
style/zlmtt.el | 4 +-
tests/japanese/error-parsing.el | 46 +-
tests/japanese/parse-timing.el | 10 +-
tests/japanese/preview-latex.el | 226 +-
tests/latex/font-latex-test.el | 16 +-
tests/latex/latex-test.el | 184 +-
tests/latex/preview-latex-test.el | 8 +-
tests/latex/texmathp-test.el | 24 +-
tests/tex/command-expansion.el | 96 +-
tests/tex/error-parsing.el | 66 +-
tests/tex/navigation.el | 2 +-
tests/tex/path-expansion.el | 6 +-
tex-bar.el | 468 ++--
tex-buf.el | 2720 +++++++++++-----------
tex-fold.el | 732 +++---
tex-font.el | 206 +-
tex-info.el | 398 ++--
tex-ispell.el | 30 +-
tex-jp.el | 530 ++---
tex-mik.el | 2 +-
tex-style.el | 174 +-
tex-wizard.el | 94 +-
texmathp.el | 258 +--
toolbar-x.el | 1500 ++++++------
226 files changed, 16699 insertions(+), 16699 deletions(-)
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- [AUCTeX-commit] GNU AUCTeX branch, master, updated. 700839defdcffb7144f4ac26885a70c354fcd603,
Tassilo Horn <=