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Re: [Aspell-user] installing aspell

From: Steven Stapleton
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] installing aspell
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 15:04:48 -0500

the first attempt I used lower case, for both var and values, then learned the var should be upper. Sorry i cut and pasted the 5th or 4th attempt. Was trying to vary the upper lower case in case it would help. the 3rd attempt was with prezip-bin, should it be PREZIP_BIN=/usr/.../prezip_bin?


Steven Stapleton

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 13:40:15 -0600
 Tierra <address@hidden> wrote:
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 14:30:57 -0500, Steven Stapleton
<address@hidden> wrote:
yes I did do the standard install per the readme file
(aspell-0.60) of:
./configure && make
make install
which seemed to go alright
I can see where it was installed
the aspell prezip and prezip-bin are all there.
but when I tried to add the EN dict
the ./configure would not find it with out the --vars
./configure --vars ASPELL=/usr/local/bin/ASPELL
then I got the
Finding Dictionary file location ...
Finding Data file location ... /usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60

when I run the make on
GNU Aspell 0.60 English Dictionary Package
thats where it errors.
mail:/usr/local/bin/dict/en root# make
/usr/local/bin/prezip -d < en-common.cwl |
/usr/local/bin/aspell  --lang=en create master
expr: syntax error
/usr/local/bin/prezip: line 101: test: 3: unary operator
/usr/local/bin/prezip: line 39: prezip-bin: command not
make: *** [en-common.rws] Error 138

I am installing on a Mac OS 10.3 server which is unix BSD based, it uses the bash commands. (thats about all I know on unix/linux) other than some base commands i looked up.
The aspell was recommended by the ComminiGatePro by as a spell check program that could be used as
an external referance, so thats where I am at.

The read me file stated that if the commands (./configure, make, make install) dont work that they need to be in the
I am in the machine as sudo.

not sure how to find the binary on this machine.


Steven Stapleton
Network Manager
Waynesville School Dist R-VI
200 GW Lane
Waynesville, Mo 65583
573 774 6401 x 2345

./configure --vars ASPELL=/usr/local/bin/ASPELL

Did you actually use "/usr/local/bin/PREZIP" instead of "/usr/local/bin/prezip"? There is a difference, and it may not be able to find it because of that.

Try this configure line:
./configure --vars ASPELL=/usr/local/bin/aspell
PREZIP=/usr/local/bin/prezip PREZIP_BIN=/usr/local/bin/prezip-bin

Bryan Petty

P.S. Use "Reply To All" instead of just reply (unless you really do
have something to say to me and me only).

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