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Re: Can /tmp/cache/route.cache and other tmp dirs be moved outside proje

From: Nala Ginrut
Subject: Re: Can /tmp/cache/route.cache and other tmp dirs be moved outside project directory?
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2021 01:52:57 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.1

Hi Mortimer!

Mortimer Cladwell writes:

> admin@ip-172-31-30-107:~$ ls
> /gnu/store/3jbsa6x6wk8g3pzcz59v6abyh4ai8r8x-limsn-0.1.0/share/guile/site/3.0/limsn
> ENTRY  README  Rplots.pdf  app  bin  conf  lib  pub  scripts  sys  tmp

I think this is beyond the Artanis expectation to put app folder to a
Guix spcific path. As a functional package manager, I think Guix needs
to keep it's installation path immutable.

Did you package your webapp to be a Guix package and install it via
We haven't considered such a situation yet. Usually I don't package the
webapp into Guix, I just leave a bundle file to call Guix for installing
Anyway, I think it's possible to add feature (like global env in shell) to 
support Guix webapp.
But I'm not sure if users should package a webapp into Guix package.

Best regards.

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