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Re: [Adonthell-general] Pocket Adonthell, sort of (Fwd: adonthell stuff

From: Kai Sterker
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-general] Pocket Adonthell, sort of (Fwd: adonthell stuff)
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 21:18:19 +0100

Forwarded for James:

Glad you guys liked the idea!
I wasn't suggesting porting the whole of Adonthell to a phone (although in
a few years that might be an interesting possibility... Adonthell on
the Sony PSP, anyone? :P), but rather a seperate mini game of some kind
that communicates with adonthell.
Since this would presumably involve transferring a bit of data between
PC and phone (parts of the save game data perhaps) it shouldn't really
matter what lanugage the phone app is written in. Although, for the
record, native Symbian apps can be written in C++! :)

Am Mittwoch, 14.01.04 um 20:07 Uhr schrieb Andrew Michael Phillips:

I think that the key phrase here is 'today's phones'. At the rate we're
going, and at the rate that technology evolves and matures, I think it's
possible that by the time we have a mature, multi-player version of
Adonthell, the technology on which to play it with mobile phones will
exist. Though I did wonder about how well our C++/Python system would fit
in such a small device/memory space, etc. Did the port to the Zaurus
require any tinkering to fit it into the architecture?

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