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My expert's tips to help you L0SE weight

From: Rena Devis
Subject: My expert's tips to help you L0SE weight
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 21:29:07 -0500

World Class Health Practitioner
Rena Davis
Rena Davis,
BSc, MSc
Clinical Nutrition Consultant and Biochemist

A World Class Health Practitioner and consultant to professional atheletes,corporate executives, and people from all walks of life.

Hello, Im Rena Davis.

I was faced with a weight challenge 15 years ago.

As a Clinical Nutritionist, you can imagine this was not just a personal challenge but a professional one as well. I resolved to do something about it and you can too!

If you have decided to take action to address weight loss in your life, then this might be THE MOST IMPORTANT LETTER YOULL EVER READ.

Download now, Free Expert's Weight Loss Report

I was fortunate enough to discover a revolutionary product called CALORAD. It changed my life and it can do the same for you. I lost 138 pounds and have not gained back an ounce in those 15 years!

Live Operators are standing by. (Quote Priority Code "E001TF" to receive the $50 discount)

CALORAD is a liquid protein supplement that works to replenish collagen levels in your body.

Collagen is the glue that holds your body together. When your collagen levels are optimized, you have lean muscle instead of fat, smooth skin instead of wrinkles, and more vitality. As you age, your body produces less collagen resulting in excess weight and loose skin, etc., The GOOD NEWS is that it can be replenished. The best product I know of to do this is

Now, I know you're probably skeptical. I was skeptical before I tried the product, too. However, let me give you three good reasons, based on my clinical practice and research, to believe in collagen supplementation.

1. For over 20 years, as a Health Practitioner and consultant to professional athletes, corporate executives, and everyday people, I have worked to translate clinical studies and complicated health information into knowledge ordinary folks can use. I have seen so much evidence, in my own clinic, of patients having incredible success in losing weight with
CALORAD that I have no doubt it works. But there is more than my own personal experience to convince you about the effects of replenishing your collagen. In the attached Collagen Study, the clinical evidence to support weight loss through collagen supplementation is presented. IT IS POWERFUL STUFF!

2: For those who want just the bare bones overview of the study, know this: you rebuild yourself, cell by cell, every night. As you sleep, nature sends collagen to exactly where it is deficient in your body. By supplementing this natural function with a product like
CALORAD, the fuel your cells draw upon to accomplish this process is taken from your own stored fat. Simply put, you exchange your excess fat to assist nature to rebuild a leaner you. Make sense? It does to me, and IT WORKED FOR ME!

3: It makes sense to so many others. They walk through the doors of my clinic everyday. Ordinary folks, just like you and me. There have been over 6 million bottles of
CALORAD sold since I first endorsed this great GREAT PRODUCT.

So, let’s review some of the benefits that are available to you, right now:

1. Collagen supplementation enhances the body's production of lean muscle which achieves exciting weight loss results.
2. Collagen supplementation contributes to healthy joints and muscles offering more elasticity.
3. Collagen supplementation assists your body to rebuild from the inside out, enabling overall wellness.
4. Collagen supplementation supports the body's ability to fight off illness, keeping you healthier and stronger.
5. Collagen supplementation is totally bio-identifiable and readily absorbed by the body to provide comprehensive and fast support.
6. Collagen supplementation (with
CALORAD) is simple to use. There are no confusing measurements or protocols.
7. Collagen supplementation increases vitality and self-confidence, enabling far more choices in life.
8. Collagen supplementation improves sleeping patterns, allowing consistent rest and rejuvenation to take place.
9. Collagen supplementation furthers fitness goals as it aids the body's rest and repair cycle.
10. Collagen supplementation (with
CALORAD) works by night, and by day, - a great weight loss system to fit your schedule.

With time, collagen production is depleted, resulting in visible signs of aging, such as weight gain and wrinkles. We all like to look our best and replenishing collagen helps alleviate these signs of aging. Because collagen binds all of our connective tissue, it is a universal component of wellness. You need a collagen enhancement ally as your body naturally repairs itself, and this is found in

Again, don't just take my opinion, expertise or credentials at face value. Listen to what
CALORAD users say.

“I lost 25 pounds and over 10 inches.” -Jesse Mings, Kentucky

“I lost 10lbs & 10.5 inches in three months.” -Lois McElravy, Montana

“I lost 72 lbs & the weight is still coming off!” -David Hunter, Tennessee

“I sleep well & have increased vitality!” -Joy Bull, Vermont

“I have lost a total of 14 1/2 inches, six dress sizes, and my energy has increased.”

Ruth Abbitt, Arizona

CALORAD meets my weight loss criteria. There is a lot of confusion surrounding weight loss and nutritional supplements. I want to give you some elements you absolutely, positively, must have in your program for you to experience collagen weight loss success:

1: it must work for weight loss and inch loss
2: it must be easy to use
3: it must be bio-available and easily absorbed by the body
4: it must come in a formula that reduces day time cravings and emotional eating
5: it must be affordable
6: it must offer support and guidance along the way to success

Normally, you would need a personal coach, at easily a $100 an hour, and a major investment in equipment, plus a huge allotment of your busy time, to realize the weight loss and wellness results you can expect from collagen supplementation. After reading the attached The EXPERT'S Weight Loss Report, I think you will want to try

A Special Offer on
CALORAD is available now, to give you a round-the-clock weight loss system. You receive CALORAD PM to take at night as well as CALORAD AM to take by day. You will also be sent a Weight Loss Success Chart, to measure your progress.

In addition, individual Coaching is available at no extra charge.
The EXPERTS Weight Loss Report, the Chart, the Coaching, and both bottles of CALORAD at a Special Offer Price of $87.95! That’s a saving of $27.05 over the regular price!

Do it
NOW. You will thank me for it when you write your own success story testimonial.

To your success,

Rena Davis, BSc, MSc.,
Clinical Nutritionist and Biochemist

P.S. The distributors of CALORAD are about to announce a limited time offer on another product that I recommend to my patients. I call it CALORADS BEST FRIEND. AGRISEPT-L enhances the weight loss benefits inherent in collagen supplementation by cleansing unwanted yeast in your body. Its a $24.00 retail value and is being offered FREE with the purchase of two bottles of CALORAD at the Special Offer Price of $87.95. That is a savings of over $50!
Im stocking upso should you.

Live Operators are standing by. (Quote Priority Code "E001TF" to receive the $50 discount)

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