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Re: [SPAM UNSURE] Attempting to reindent code results in error

From: Stephen Leake
Subject: Re: [SPAM UNSURE] Attempting to reindent code results in error
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2023 08:27:01 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.1 (windows-nt)

Left Right <> writes:

> When working on Ada sources and trying to re-indent a region or simply
> pressing TAB anywhere I get:

Does this mean it happens on _any_ code? That means something is really
wrong. Post the content of the buffer *Ada-wisi-parser-log*; that might
have a helpful error message.

> wisi--run-parse: error: CONSTRAINT_ERROR :
> sal-gen_definite_doubly_linked_lists.adb:167 access check failed
> It sounds more like the problem in the code of Ada parser rather than
> my configuration error. Is this something you are aware of? 

This is definitely a bug in the parser; even if your code is
syntactically incorrect, it should give a better error message. 

Please post the code and the actions you take that reproduce the error;
that will become a new test for the next release of ada-mode. And we
might be able to suggest workarounds.

Also post the content of the buffer *Ada-wisi-parser-log*.

> Anything I can do to get automatic indenting work?

Try M-x wisi-reset-parser. Sometimes the parser just gets confused, and
needs to be restarted. 

Run the compiler on your code, fix all syntax errors. Sometimes complex
errors run into corner cases that still have bugs.

-- Stephe

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