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[XWEM]: Error compiling xlib and xwem

From: Alexey Mikhailov
Subject: [XWEM]: Error compiling xlib and xwem
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 22:30:49 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through Obscurity, linux)

First, XLib:

22:25:54 address@hidden:~/programming/XEmacs/packages/xlib-2.0rc2 
make: Циклическая зависимость lisp/auto-autoloads.el <- lisp/auto-autoloads.el 
make: Циклическая зависимость lisp/custom-load.el <- lisp/auto-autoloads.el 
make: Циклическая зависимость lisp/custom-load.el <- lisp/custom-load.el
xemacs -vanilla -batch -eval '(setq stack-trace-on-error t 
load-always-display-messages t load-ignore-out-of-date-elc-files t 
load-show-full-path-in-messages t)' -no-autoloads \
-eval "(setq autoload-package-name \"xlib\")" \
        -eval "(setq generated-autoload-file \"lisp/auto-autoloads.el\")" \
        -l autoload -f batch-update-autoloads lisp/custom-load.el 
lisp/xlib-composer.el lisp/xlib-const.el lisp/xlib-hello.el lisp/xlib-img.el 
lisp/xlib-math.el lisp/xlib-testing.el lisp/xlib-tray.el lisp/xlib-vidmode.el 
lisp/xlib-xc.el lisp/xlib-xdpms.el lisp/xlib-xinerama.el lisp/xlib-xlib.el 
lisp/xlib-xpm.el lisp/xlib-xrecord.el lisp/xlib-xr.el lisp/xlib-xshape.el 
lisp/xlib-xtest.el lisp/xlib-xwin.el lisp/_pkg.el
No autoloads found in lisp/custom-load.el
No autoloads found in lisp/custom-load.el
(No files need saving)
xemacs -no-autoloads -vanilla -batch -eval '(setq stack-trace-on-error t 
load-always-display-messages t load-ignore-out-of-date-elc-files t 
load-show-full-path-in-messages t)' -l 
/home/karma/programming/XEmacs/package-compile.el -- xlib --  -f 
batch-byte-compile lisp/xlib-xlib.el
Loading /usr/lib/xemacs-21.4.15/lisp/auto-autoloads...
While compiling XCreatePixmap in file 
  !! error (("No setf-method known for X-Pixmap-width"))  
backtrace(nil t)
  # bind (error-info)
  byte-compile-report-error((error "No setf-method known for X-Pixmap-width"))
  # bind (error-info)
  #<compiled-function (error-info) "...(4)" [error-info 
byte-compile-report-error] 2>((error "No setf-method known for X-Pixmap-width"))
  signal(error ("No setf-method known for X-Pixmap-width"))
  # bind (args datum)
  cerror("No setf-method known for %s" X-Pixmap-width)
  apply(cerror "No setf-method known for %s" X-Pixmap-width)
  # bind (args datum)
  error("No setf-method known for %s" X-Pixmap-width)
  # bind (env place)
  get-setf-method((X-Pixmap-width pixmap) ((XCopyPlaneRect . 
#<compiled-function ... "...(25)" ... 12 "Same as `XCopyPlane' but rectangle 
specified by SRC-RECT.">) (XCopyAreaRect . #<compiled-function ... "...(23)" 
... 11 "Same as `XCopyArea' but rectangle specified by SRC-RECT.">) 
(byte-compiler-options lambda (&rest forms) (apply ... forms)) 
(eval-when-compile lambda (&rest body) (list ... ...)) (eval-and-compile lambda 
(&rest body) (byte-compile-eval ...) (cons ... body))))
  # bind (opt-expr place)
  cl-setf-do-modify((X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width)
  # bind (args)
  #<compiled-function (&rest args) "...(76)" [store method sets args nil setf 
progn setq cl-setf-do-modify cl-setf-do-store let*] 4 
("/usr/lib/xemacs-21.4.15/lisp/cl-macs.elc" . 72965)>((X-Pixmap-width pixmap) 
  #<subr macroexpand-internal>((setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) 
((XCopyPlaneRect . #<compiled-function ... "...(25)" ... 12 "Same as 
`XCopyPlane' but rectangle specified by SRC-RECT.">) (XCopyAreaRect . 
#<compiled-function ... "...(23)" ... 11 "Same as `XCopyArea' but rectangle 
specified by SRC-RECT.">) (byte-compiler-options lambda (&rest forms) (apply 
... forms)) (eval-when-compile lambda (&rest body) (list ... ...)) 
(eval-and-compile lambda (&rest body) (byte-compile-eval ...) (cons ... body))))
  # bind (cl-macro-environment cl-env cl-macro)
  macroexpand((setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) ((XCopyPlaneRect . 
#<compiled-function ... "...(25)" ... 12 "Same as `XCopyPlane' but rectangle 
specified by SRC-RECT.">) (XCopyAreaRect . #<compiled-function ... "...(23)" 
... 11 "Same as `XCopyArea' but rectangle specified by SRC-RECT.">) 
(byte-compiler-options lambda (&rest forms) (apply ... forms)) 
(eval-when-compile lambda (&rest body) (list ... ...)) (eval-and-compile lambda 
(&rest body) (byte-compile-eval ...) (cons ... body))))
  # bind (fn tmp for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form-code-walker((setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) ((setf 
(X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf (X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) (X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)))
  # bind (for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form((setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) ((setf 
(X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf (X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) (X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)))
  # bind (rest result fe new all-for-effect forms)
  byte-optimize-body(((X-Dpy-p xdpy (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Pixmap-p pixmap 
(quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Drawable-p d) (setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) 
(setf (X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf (X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) 
(setf (X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) (X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)) nil)
  # bind (fn tmp for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form-code-walker((progn (X-Dpy-p xdpy (quote XCreatePixmap)) 
(X-Pixmap-p pixmap (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Drawable-p d) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) (setf (X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) (setf (X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) 
(X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)) nil)
  # bind (for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form((progn (X-Dpy-p xdpy (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Pixmap-p 
pixmap (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Drawable-p d) (setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) 
width) (setf (X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf (X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) 
depth) (setf (X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) (X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) 
pixmap)) nil)
  # bind (byte-compile-constants byte-compile-variables byte-compile-tag-number 
byte-compile-depth byte-compile-maxdepth byte-compile-output output-type 
for-effect form)
  byte-compile-top-level((progn (X-Dpy-p xdpy (quote XCreatePixmap)) 
(X-Pixmap-p pixmap (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Drawable-p d) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) (setf (X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) (setf (X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) 
(X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)) nil lambda)
  # bind (int doc body byte-compile-bound-variables arglist fun)
  byte-compile-lambda((lambda (xdpy pixmap d depth width height) "On display 
XDPY create PIXMAP using drawable D.\nReturn X-Pixmap structure." (X-Dpy-p xdpy 
(quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Pixmap-p pixmap (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Drawable-p 
d) (setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) (setf (X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) 
(setf (X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) (setf (X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... 
...) (X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)))
  # bind (byte-compile-free-assignments byte-compile-free-references that-one 
this-one that-kind this-kind name macrop form)
  byte-compile-file-form-defmumble((defun XCreatePixmap (xdpy pixmap d depth 
width height) "On display XDPY create PIXMAP using drawable D.\nReturn X-Pixmap 
structure." (X-Dpy-p xdpy (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Pixmap-p pixmap (quote 
XCreatePixmap)) (X-Drawable-p d) (setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf (X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) (X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)) nil)
  # bind (form)
  byte-compile-file-form-defun((defun XCreatePixmap (xdpy pixmap d depth width 
height) "On display XDPY create PIXMAP using drawable D.\nReturn X-Pixmap 
structure." (X-Dpy-p xdpy (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Pixmap-p pixmap (quote 
XCreatePixmap)) (X-Drawable-p d) (setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf (X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) (X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)))
  # bind (byte-compile-current-form handler form)
  byte-compile-file-form((defun XCreatePixmap (xdpy pixmap d depth width 
height) "On display XDPY create PIXMAP using drawable D.\nReturn X-Pixmap 
structure." (X-Dpy-p xdpy (quote XCreatePixmap)) (X-Pixmap-p pixmap (quote 
XCreatePixmap)) (X-Drawable-p d) (setf (X-Pixmap-width pixmap) width) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-height pixmap) height) (setf (X-Pixmap-depth pixmap) depth) (setf 
(X-Pixmap-d pixmap) d) (let* (... ...) (X-Dpy-send xdpy msg) pixmap)))
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  #<compiled-function nil "...(43)" [byte-compile-unresolved-functions 
byte-compile-inbuffer 1 "  \n
                          " nil looking-at ";" byte-compile-file-form read 
byte-compile-flush-pending byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions] 3>()
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  call-with-condition-handler(#<compiled-function (error-info) "...(4)" 
[error-info byte-compile-report-error] 2> #<compiled-function nil "...(43)" 
[byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-inbuffer 1 "    \n
                                                                  " nil 
looking-at ";" byte-compile-file-form read byte-compile-flush-pending 
byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions] 3>)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (byte-compile-warnings-beginning byte-compile-point-max-prev 
byte-compile-log-buffer byte-compile-macro-environment 
byte-compile-function-environment byte-compile-autoload-environment 
byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-bound-variables 
byte-compile-free-references byte-compile-free-assignments byte-compile-verbose 
byte-optimize byte-compile-emacs19-compatibility byte-compile-dynamic 
byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings byte-compile-warnings byte-compile-file-domain 
byte-compile-outbuffer float-output-format case-fold-search print-length 
print-level byte-compile-constants byte-compile-variables 
byte-compile-tag-number byte-compile-depth byte-compile-maxdepth 
byte-compile-output eval filename byte-compile-inbuffer)
  byte-compile-from-buffer(#<buffer " *Compiler Input*"> 
  # bind (byte-compile-current-file target-file input-buffer output-buffer 
byte-compile-dest-file load filename)
  byte-code("..." [file byte-compile-file t] 2)
  # (condition-case ... . ((error (byte-code 
  .%/1..koi8-r.Ç\".%/1..koi8-r..ª. @.%/1..koi8-r.ÈN.%/1..koi8-r.®.     
@!.%/1..koi8-r..ÉÊ   A\".%/1..koi8-r..ÂË!.%/1..koi8-r..Ç." ... 3))))
  # bind (file)
  # bind (error file-to-process)
  # bind (error)
  # bind (arg)
  # bind (dir file-count line end-of-options file-p arg tem)
  # bind (command-line-args-left)
  # (condition-case ... . ((t (byte-code "      .%/1..koi8-r.Â." ... 1))))
  # bind (error-data)
  # (condition-case ... . error)
  # (catch top-level ...)
>>Error occurred processing lisp/xlib-xlib.el: 
No setf-method known for X-Pixmap-width
make: *** [lisp/xlib-xlib.elc] Ошибка 1


Then, strange thing with XWEM.

22:28:30 address@hidden:~/programming/XEmacs/packages/xwem-2.0rc2 
xemacs -vanilla -batch -eval '(setq stack-trace-on-error t 
load-always-display-messages t load-ignore-out-of-date-elc-files t 
load-show-full-path-in-messages t)' -no-autoloads -l lpath.el -f 
Loading autoload...
Updating internal XWEM autoloads for directory lisp...
No autoloads found in lisp/_pkg.el
No autoloads found in lisp/custom-load.el
No autoloads found in lisp/xwem-clgen.el
No autoloads found in lisp/xwem-load.el
No autoloads found in lisp/xwem-load.el
(No files need saving)
xemacs -no-autoloads -vanilla -batch -eval '(setq stack-trace-on-error t 
load-always-display-messages t load-ignore-out-of-date-elc-files t 
load-show-full-path-in-messages t)' -l 
/home/karma/programming/XEmacs/package-compile.el -- xwem xemacs-base xlib 
strokes edit-utils text-modes time slider ilisp elib -- -l lpath.el -f 
batch-byte-compile lisp/xwem-clgen.el
Loading /usr/lib/xemacs-21.4.15/lisp/auto-autoloads...
Loading /home/karma/programming/XEmacs/xemacs-packages/elib/auto-autoloads...
Loading /home/karma/programming/XEmacs/xemacs-packages/ilisp/auto-autoloads...
Loading /home/karma/programming/XEmacs/xemacs-packages/slider/auto-autoloads...
Loading /home/karma/programming/XEmacs/xemacs-packages/time/auto-autoloads...
Loading /home/karma/programming/XEmacs/xemacs-packages/strokes/auto-autoloads...
Loading autoload...
While compiling toplevel forms in file 
  !! File error (("Cannot open load file" "xwem-load"))  
backtrace(nil t)
  # bind (error-info)
  byte-compile-report-error((file-error "Cannot open load file" "xwem-load"))
  # bind (error-info)
  #<compiled-function (error-info) "...(4)" [error-info 
byte-compile-report-error] 2>((file-error "Cannot open load file" "xwem-load"))
  signal(file-error ("Cannot open load file" "xwem-load"))
  # bind (path handler filename nosuffix nomessage noerror file)
  load("xwem-load" nil t nil)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  eval((require (quote xwem-load)))
  # bind (form)
  byte-compile-file-form-eval-boundary((require (quote xwem-load)))
  # bind (byte-compile-current-form handler form)
  byte-compile-file-form((require (quote xwem-load)))
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  #<compiled-function nil "...(43)" [byte-compile-unresolved-functions 
byte-compile-inbuffer 1 "  \n
                          " nil looking-at ";" byte-compile-file-form read 
byte-compile-flush-pending byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions] 3>()
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  call-with-condition-handler(#<compiled-function (error-info) "...(4)" 
[error-info byte-compile-report-error] 2> #<compiled-function nil "...(43)" 
[byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-inbuffer 1 "    \n
                                                                  " nil 
looking-at ";" byte-compile-file-form read byte-compile-flush-pending 
byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions] 3>)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (byte-compile-warnings-beginning byte-compile-point-max-prev 
byte-compile-log-buffer byte-compile-macro-environment 
byte-compile-function-environment byte-compile-autoload-environment 
byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-bound-variables 
byte-compile-free-references byte-compile-free-assignments byte-compile-verbose 
byte-optimize byte-compile-emacs19-compatibility byte-compile-dynamic 
byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings byte-compile-warnings byte-compile-file-domain 
byte-compile-outbuffer float-output-format case-fold-search print-length 
print-level byte-compile-constants byte-compile-variables 
byte-compile-tag-number byte-compile-depth byte-compile-maxdepth 
byte-compile-output eval filename byte-compile-inbuffer)
  byte-compile-from-buffer(#<buffer " *Compiler Input*"> 
  # bind (byte-compile-current-file target-file input-buffer output-buffer 
byte-compile-dest-file load filename)
  byte-code("..." [file byte-compile-file t] 2)
  # (condition-case ... . ((error (byte-code 
  .%/1..koi8-r.Ç\".%/1..koi8-r..ª. @.%/1..koi8-r.ÈN.%/1..koi8-r.®.     
@!.%/1..koi8-r..ÉÊ   A\".%/1..koi8-r..ÂË!.%/1..koi8-r..Ç." ... 3))))
  # bind (file)
  # bind (error file-to-process)
  # bind (error)
  # bind (arg)
  # bind (dir file-count line end-of-options file-p arg tem)
  # bind (command-line-args-left)
  # (condition-case ... . ((t (byte-code "      .%/1..koi8-r.Â." ... 1))))
  # bind (error-data)
  # (condition-case ... . error)
  # (catch top-level ...)
>>Error occurred processing lisp/xwem-clgen.el: Cannot open load file: xwem-load
make: *** [lisp/xwem-clgen.elc] Ошибка 1

Alexey Y. Mikhailov

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