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[XForms] New New prerelease xforms-1.0.94pre14

From: Jens Thoms Toerring
Subject: [XForms] New New prerelease xforms-1.0.94pre14
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 23:10:50 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


  here's another pre-release:


  It has become necessary due to bugs and other problems found
by Serge Bromow and Paul Nicholson. Quite a bit of the sub-
system for redrawing has bean modified. Background is that
my goals of

a) getting the stacking of objects right (i.e. objects defined
   earlier stay below later defined objects),
b) (outside) labels are drawn correctly after changes (i.e.
   not just above the old version of the label which is still
   present) and
c) don't slow things down too much due to the changes

weren't really achieved - either it didn't work correctly
or things got awfully slow for certain use cases. I hope
that it now works right and is reasonably fast. But if it
works right all of the time is still to be shown, so please
give it a good try!
                           Best regards, Jens
  \   Jens Thoms Toerring  ________      address@hidden
   \_______________________________      http://toerring.de

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