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[XForms] New pre-release 1.0.94pre8

From: Jens Thoms Toerring
Subject: [XForms] New pre-release 1.0.94pre8
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 23:29:01 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hi all,

   here's another pre-release


It's main purpose is to fix two problems Werner Heisch pointed

a) Large forms flicker can a lot, especially since double
   buffering has been gain switched off as the default.
   The place to address that was the redraw on unfreezes of
   forms, which did a lot more redrawing than necessary in
   many cases.
b) When opening a new window as a result of a selection in
   a browser by a mouse button click directly under the mouse
   that browser got the wrong coordinates when the mouse
   was released again.

   And while I was looking at the code I also did a bit of
cleanup concerning label alignment and added five new func-

int fl_is_inside_lalign(int align);
int fl_is_outside_lalign(int align);
int fl_is_center_lalign(int align);
int fl_to_inside_align(int align);
int fl_to_outside_align(int align);

which help a bit in avoiding to have to do bit-fiddling when
setting up or testing alignment values.

   Another two functions I added are for setting or getting the
background color of a form which was not possible with some
knowledge of the details of the inside workings of XForms

void fl_set_form_background_color(FL_FORM *form, FL_COLOR col);
FL_COLOR fl_set_form_background_color(FL_FORM *form);

   Then there's a bit more of code cleanup and also some
additions and modifications to the documentation.

   Two more points: I had asked about the fate of the CVS re-
pository and got no replies that would indicate that someone
would be using it and thus would be inconvenienced if it would
vanish. So if you use it, please, tell me or it might be gone
in a few days.

   The other point is the maintainership of XForms. I had a
conversation with Jean-Marc Lasgouttes and he told me that
it probably would be better to find someone else since he's
not that much involved with XForms anymore. I also wrote to
Angus Leeming but haven't got a reply yet.

   I don't think it's a good idea in the long run to have
just a single person with access to the repository, the down-
load area, mailing list etc. and would like to have someone
at least as a back-up maintainer if, for whatever reasons, I
am not be available. Is there someone who'd volunteer for
that? It dosn't need to involve a lot of work or hacking on
the XForms code (but I wouldn't be hostile to that;-), just,
for the time being, keeping a second set of keys for the
Savanah stuff.
                        Best regards, Jens
  \   Jens Thoms Toerring  ________      address@hidden
   \_______________________________      http://toerring.de

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