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Re: [XForms] Screen refresh in HP-UX - ITANIUM

From: Jens Thoms Toerring
Subject: Re: [XForms] Screen refresh in HP-UX - ITANIUM
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 15:29:29 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hi Donato,

Sorry if your mail hasn't made it to the mailing list - you're
not subscribed, thus I have to "approve" your mails and at the
moment the administration web interface is down... Thus I copy
all of your mail here.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 07:31:10AM +0000, Donato Lorenzo López wrote:
>  i was really surprised with so fast answer :) I needed to be at customer's
> "home", to give you more information.
> Origin Machine: 
>      - HP-UX B.11.23 (PA-RISC).
>      - Compiling in 32-bit mode.
>      - Working under X11R5. 
>      - XForms version: 0.88. 
> New Machine:
>      - HP-UX B.11.31 (ITANIUM).
>      - Compiling in 32-bit mode.
>      - Working under X11R6.
>      - OpenGL: B6836AA B.11.22.01 HP-UX 3D Graphics API Runtime and 
> Developer's
> Kit
>      - XForms version: 1.0.93sp1 (with JPeg 8, from ijg.org).
> The object that "blinks", is created like that:
>       (...)
>       FL_OBJECT * lstQuery;
>       (...)
>       FL_OBJECT *obj;
>       lstQuery = obj = fl_add_browser( FL_HOLD_BROWSER, 20, 190, 920, 430, "" 
> );
>       fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_LEFT_BCOL, FL_DARKORANGE );
>       fl_set_object_lsize( obj, FL_MEDIUM_SIZE );
>       fl_set_object_lstyle( obj, 15 );
>       fl_set_object_callback( obj, Consulta_Sel, 0 );
>       (...)
> fl_set_browser_fontstyle(fd_frmConsultas->lstConsulta,FL_FIXEDBOLD_STYLE);
>       fl_set_browser_fontsize(fd_frmConsultas->lstConsulta,14);
> And then, the steps to fill it with data is :
>       fl_clear_browser(lstQuery);
>       (...)
>       while () {
>          sprintf(strValues,"%-6.6d  %-10.10s ...", value1, value2, ...;
>          fl_add_browser_line(lstQuery, strValues);
>       }
> The problem is refreshing the browser inside this while {}. It's kind of
> slow repainting the object.

This could be due to a bug - I rewrote parts of the browser
class for one of the newer XForms versions. But before I
jump to conclusions, please allow a few more questions: I
guess that isn't such a "tight" loop as it looks like? I.e.
this probably doesn't sent new strings to the browser at the
maximum possible rate, or does it? If it should send strings
at a very high rate I would support Joel's suggestion to
"freeze" the form before starting strings to it and unfreeze
it afterwards. And I'm also still wondering what kind of fre-
quency this "blinking" has. Is it just a barely perceptible
flicker or are there longer delays of the redraws? "Kind of
slow" is a bit broad;-)
                            Best regards, Jens
  \   Jens Thoms Toerring  ________      address@hidden
   \_______________________________      http://toerring.de

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