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[Chinese-authors] trucking

From: Nik Haley
Subject: [Chinese-authors] trucking
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 07:48:55 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

And naturalist Rob Sandelin recalls how he coaxed swallows to nest in his yard. Although many other vertebrates avoid ants because of their stings or noxious chemical deterrents, the Northern Flicker is known to have ingested over five thousand ants in one sitting. The Brown Creeper lives in a mature forest where evergreen and deciduous trees reach for sun. Imagine watering your garden on a hot August day, when a small yellow and gray warbler flutters into the spray and begins taking a shower.
How do birdwatchers identify a particular species?
A fine woodworker has a chest full of tools, each designed for a specific task.
They eat the mice, rats, and gophers that nibble on the roots of young grapevines.
Other birds help, too, including this Western Bluebird.
Western Tanagers are distinctive summer visitors to our area and the only tanagers seen regularly in Washington.
The male Ruffed Grouse stands upon a resonant fallen log in the shelter of a brushy thicket, thumping the air with his wings. The beauty of bird song will abide as long as the natural world abides. At a solid waste transfer station, gulls and crows eye the intake, arguing over who gets what before it gets hauled off to a major landfill. Young robins and flickers, in particular, spend a few days at ground level after they leave the nest, and before they learn to fly.
How do birdwatchers identify a particular species?
The Boreal forest is a vast band of spruce and poplar that extends from coast to coast across Alaska and Canada. Snowy Plovers are specifically adapted to lay their eggs in a shallow scrape in the sand, which is lined with bits of shell, pebbles, and grass.
Mourning Doves are common in suburban environments and along roadsides, adapting well to human habitation. With slender, sharply pointed bills, orioles weave marvelous pouch-like nests that hang suspended from their upper rims. In some vineyards of Napa and Sonoma Counties in California, owls patrol by night, and kestrels, harriers, and other raptors take the day-watch. Western Tanagers are distinctive summer visitors to our area and the only tanagers seen regularly in Washington.
By August, many young birds are full sized, have left the nest, and can fly short distances, but they still follow their parents and beg for food.
Although not a first-rate vocalist, the Tufted Puffin is instantly recognizable to the eye. When Turkey Vultures circle low, you can see their naked red heads and deeply slotted black primary feathers, which the wind separates and turns up expressively. A bird in the hand, my friend. Some people say it sounds like a drunken robin, slurring its notes in syncopated time. At the crack of the bat, a Blue Jay flies toward first and glides around the base. The young birds continue to learn valuable lessons by watching the adults hunt, and will stay with them a few more weeks. They are typically found in open coniferous or mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests, and seem most at home in the dry Douglas-fir forests of Eastern Washington. The males court females on a lek, snapping their wings with firecracker-like pops.

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