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www/help help.html

From: Therese Godefroy
Subject: www/help help.html
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 13:22:01 -0500 (EST)

CVSROOT:        /webcvs/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Therese Godefroy <th_g> 18/11/30 13:22:00

Modified files:
        help           : help.html 

Log message:
        Remove obsolete sentence with dead link (RT #1340675).


Index: help.html
RCS file: /webcvs/www/www/help/help.html,v
retrieving revision 1.170
retrieving revision 1.171
diff -u -b -r1.170 -r1.171
--- help.html   22 Sep 2017 07:19:05 -0000      1.170
+++ help.html   30 Nov 2018 18:22:00 -0000      1.171
@@ -200,14 +200,8 @@
     useful evidence).  But keep mentioning the ethical issues too!
     Don't let their pressure change your voice into an open-source voice.</li>
-    <li>
-    Volunteer to make sure that essays from our
-    <a href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">philosophy page</a>
-    and other GNU URLs are on and/or linked from WWW directory,
-    portal, and various hierarchical web index sites, such as
-    Yahoo!, dmoz.org, and Google.  Get these sites to add detailed
-    entries about our different web pages.  Make sure that essays
-    from our <a href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">philosophy page</a>
+    <li>Make sure that essays
+    from our <a href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">philosophy section</a>
     and other GNU URLs are linked to often in the appropriate categories.
     If you'd like to help us with this task, please contact the
     GNU Volunteer Coordinators
@@ -328,7 +322,7 @@
 <p class="unprintable">Updated:
 <!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2017/09/22 07:19:05 $
+$Date: 2018/11/30 18:22:00 $
 <!-- timestamp end -->

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