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www/server/source/sitemap-generator sitemap-gen...

From: Pavel Kharitonov
Subject: www/server/source/sitemap-generator sitemap-gen...
Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 06:08:50 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Pavel Kharitonov <ineiev>       13/05/26 06:08:50

Modified files:
        server/source/sitemap-generator: sitemap-generator.py 

Log message:
        Generate list of translations.


Index: sitemap-generator.py
RCS file: /web/www/www/server/source/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.py,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -b -r1.7 -r1.8
--- sitemap-generator.py        14 Mar 2013 14:29:28 -0000      1.7
+++ sitemap-generator.py        26 May 2013 06:08:49 -0000      1.8
@@ -50,17 +50,17 @@
 [ 'af', 'ar', 'az', 'bg', 'bn', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo',
   'es', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'gl', 'he', 'hr', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'kn', 'ko',
-  'mk', 'ml', 'nb', 'nl', 'nn', 'pl', 'pt', 'pt-br', 'ro', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl',
+  'mk', 'ml', 'nb', 'nl', 'nn', 'pl', 'pt', 'pt-br', 'ro', 'ru', 'sh', 'sk', 
   'sq', 'sr', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'th', 'tl', 'tr', 'uk', 'uz', 'vi', 'zh-cn',
   'zh-tw' ]
 sitemap_linguas = []
 no_index_checks = None
 print_always = None
 excluded_dirs = None
 excluded_files = None
 output_text = ''
+translist = ''
+translation_linguas = []
 title_tails = None
 replacement_titles = None
 translations = {}
@@ -379,6 +379,79 @@
                            + '#content dt { margin: 0.1em } ' \
                            + '#content dd { margin-bottom: 0.2em }')
+# Remove or replace tags that can't appear in <a> elements.
+def filter_for_link (title):
+       name = re.sub('<[Aa]\s[^>]*>', '', title)
+       name = re.sub('</[Aa](\s[^>]*)?>', '', name)
+       name = re.sub('<[Uu](\s[^>]*)?>', '<b>', name)
+       name = re.sub('</[Uu](\s[^>]*)?>', '</b>', name)
+       return name
+# Check how outdated the translation is; return the respective tag name.
+def get_outdated_tag (directory, base, lang):
+       po = join_url_paths(directory, 'po')
+       po = join_url_paths(po, base + '.' + lang +'.po')
+       po = join_url_paths(TOP_DIRECTORY, po)
+       if not os.path.exists(po):
+               return 'del'
+       path = join_url_paths(directory, base + '.' + lang + '.html')
+       html = open(join_url_paths(TOP_DIRECTORY, path))
+       try:
+               for line in html:
+                       if line.find('<!--#set var="OUTDATED_SINCE"') >= 0:
+                               html.close()
+                               return 'em'
+               html.close()
+       finally:
+               html.close()
+       return ''
+def append_translist (directory, files, base, titles):
+       global translist
+       global translation_linguas
+       item = ''
+       langs = ''
+       for lang in SITE_LINGUAS:
+               trans = base + '.' + lang + '.html'
+               if not trans in files:
+                       continue
+               if not lang in translation_linguas:
+                       translation_linguas.append(lang)
+               emph_open = ''
+               emph_close = ''
+               emph = get_outdated_tag (directory, base, lang)
+               if emph != '':
+                       emph_open = '<' + emph + '>'
+                       emph_close = '</' + emph + '>'
+               path = join_url_paths(directory, trans)
+               name = path
+               if trans in titles:
+                       name = filter_for_link (titles[trans])
+               if len(langs):
+                       langs = langs + '|'
+               langs = langs + lang
+               item = item + '<!--#if expr="$qs = /,' + lang \
+                 + ',/" -->\n' + emph_open + '[' + lang + '] <a ' \
+                 + 'hreflang="' + lang + '" lang="' + lang + '" xml:lang="' \
+                 + lang + '" href="/' + path + '">\n' + name + '</a>' \
+                 + emph_close + '<br /><!--#endif -->'
+       if len(langs) == 0:
+               return
+       translist = translist + '<!--#if expr="$qs = /,(' \
+               + langs + '),/" -->'
+       path = join_url_paths(directory, base) + '.html'
+       translist = translist + '<dt><a href="/' + path + '">' \
+               + path + '</a></dt>\n'
+       title = path
+       if base + '.html' in titles:
+               title = titles[base + '.html']
+       trans = base + '.en.html'
+       path = join_url_paths(directory, trans)
+       translist = translist + '<dd><span class="original">[en] ' \
+               + '<a href="/' + path + '" hreflang="en" ' \
+               + 'lang="en" xml:lang="en">\n' + filter_for_link (title) \
+               + '</a></span><br />'
+       translist = translist + item + '</dd>\n\n<!--#endif -->'
 def print_map(directory, depth_level):
        directory_name = get_name_from_path(directory)
@@ -417,13 +490,16 @@
                        msgid = msgid + '">' + directory + '</a>'
                        write('\n<dl><dt>' + msgid + '</dt>\n    <dd>')
-                       if index_file and (index_file in titles):
+                       if index_file:
+                               if index_file in titles:
                                write(title_head  \
                                      + titles[index_file] + title_tail)
-                               append_title_to_pos(index_file, 
titles[index_file], titles)
+                                       append_title_to_pos(index_file,
+                                                           titles[index_file],
+                                                           titles)
+                               base = index_file[ : index_file.rfind('.') ]
+                               append_translist (directory, files, base, 
                        # Don't list the index file in the filelist now.
-                       if index_file:
                # Print "#links" to subdirectories
                # if it's the top level directory.
@@ -444,18 +520,13 @@
                                      + join_url_paths(directory, filename) \
                                      + '">' + filename + '</a>'
                                base = filename[ : filename.rfind('.') ]
-                               for lang in SITE_LINGUAS:
-                                       trans = base + '.' + lang + '.html'
-                                       if trans in files:
-                                               msgid = msgid + '\n  <a ' \
-                                     + 'hreflang="' + lang + '" href="/' \
-                                     + join_url_paths(directory, trans) \
-                                     + '">' + lang + '</a>'
                                items = items + '  <dt>' + msgid + '</dt>\n  
<dd>' \
                                      + title + '</dd>\n'
                                if title != '':
                                        append_title_to_pos(filename, title, 
+                               append_translist (directory, files, base, 
                        # Empty definition lists are not allowed.
                        if items != '':
                                write('<dl>\n' + items + '</dl>\n')
@@ -568,3 +639,15 @@
+if len(translist):
+       linguas = ''
+       for l in translation_linguas:
+               linguas = linguas + '|' + l
+       translist = '<!--#if expr="$qs = /,(' \
+               + linguas[1:] + '),/" -->\n<dl>' \
+               + translist + '</dl><!--#endif -->\n'
+output_file = open(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME + '.translist', 'w')

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