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www doc/po/doc.translist gnu/gnu-history.ja.htm...

From: GNUN
Subject: www doc/po/doc.translist gnu/gnu-history.ja.htm...
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 09:29:03 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     GNUN <gnun>     12/02/24 09:29:03

Modified files:
        doc/po         : doc.translist 
        gnu            : gnu-history.ja.html 
Added files:
        doc            : doc.ja.html 
        doc/po         : doc.ja-en.html 
        gnu/po         : gnu-history.ja-en.html 

Log message:
        Automatic update by GNUnited Nations.


Index: doc/po/doc.translist
RCS file: /web/www/www/doc/po/doc.translist,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -b -r1.5 -r1.6
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+++ doc/po/doc.translist        24 Feb 2012 09:28:31 -0000      1.6
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Index: gnu/gnu-history.ja.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/gnu/gnu-history.ja.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -b -r1.3 -r1.4
--- gnu/gnu-history.ja.html     30 Dec 2011 05:12:29 -0000      1.3
+++ gnu/gnu-history.ja.html     24 Feb 2012 09:28:45 -0000      1.4
@@ -1,180 +1,122 @@
-<TITLE>GNU $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$N35MW(B - $B%U%j!<%=%U%H%&%'%":bCD(B 
-<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
-<LINK REV="translated" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
-<META HTML-EQUIV="Keywords"
- CONTENT="GNU, GNU Project, FSF, Free Software, Free Software Foundation, 
- History">
-<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
-<H3>GNU $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$N35MW(B</H3>
-<A HREF="/graphics/whatsgnu.html"><IMG SRC="/graphics/whats-gnu-sm.jpg"
-   ALT=" [GNU $B$C$F2?(B?$B$N2hA|(B] "
-   WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="120"></A>
-<!-- PLease keep this list alphabetical ! -->
-[ <A HREF="/gnu/gnu-history.ca.html">$B%+%?%m%K%"8l(B</A>
-| <A HREF="/gnu/gnu-history.en.html">$B1Q8l(B</A>
-| <A HREF="/gnu/gnu-history.it.html">$B%$%?%j%"8l(B</A>
-| <A HREF="/gnu/gnu-history.ja.html">$BF|K\8l(B</A>
-| <A HREF="/gnu/gnu-history.ko.html">$B4Z9q8l(B</A>                    
-| <A HREF="/gnu/gnu-history.es.html">$B%9%Z%$%s8l(B</A>                   
-GNU $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$O%U%j!<%=%U%H%&%'%"address@hidden(B
-$B3+H/$7$^$7$?!#$3$l$O!V(BGNU$B!W(B(GNU's Not Unix) 
-Unix $B$KBP$7$F>e0L8_49$H$J$C$F$$$^$9!#(B
-<A HREF="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard Stallman</A> $B$,(B GNU 
-$B$D$$$F=q$$$?:G=i$NJ8=q$O(B<A HREF="/gnu/manifesto.html">GNU 
-(31k $B%-%c%i%/%?(B)</A>$B$H$$$$!"$$$/$D$+$N(B
-$B$^$?!"(B1983 $BG/$K=q$+$l$?(B GNU $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$N(B
-<A HREF="/philosophy/free-sw.ja.html">$B<+M3(B</A>
-$B$G$"$C$F!"2A3J$,L5NA$H$$$&$3$H$G$O$"$j$^$;$s!#(BGNU $B%=%U%H%&%'%"$r(B
-$B$=$l$r;H$&>e$G(B 3 $B$D$NFCDj$N<+M3$r5}<u$G$-$k$3$H$K$J$j$^$9!#(B
-($B$"$J$?$,(B GNU $B%=%U%H%&%'%"$r:FG[I[$9$k>l9g!"$"$J$?$O(B
-GNU $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$H$$$&H/A[$O!"%3%s%T%e!<address@hidden|$K$O4X78<T$N(B
-- $B$9$J$o$A!"address@hidden&%'%"$N=jM-<T$?$A$K$h$C$F2!$7$D$1$i$l$?(B
-$B0l$D$N<jCJ$H$7$F(B 1983 $BG/address@hidden(B
-1971 $BG/!"(BRichard Stallman $B$,(B MIT $B$G?&$K="$$$?;~!"(B
-<A HREF="/philosophy/free-sw.ja.html">$B%U%j!<%=%U%H%&%'%"(B</A>$B$7$+(B
-1980 $BG/$^$G$K$O!"$[$\A4$F$N%=%U%H%&%'%"$,(B
-<A HREF="/philosophy/categories.ja.html#ProprietarySoftware">address@hidden(B
-(18k $B%-%c%i%/%?(B)</A>$B$K$J$C$F$$$^$7$?!#$D$^$j!"%=%U%H%&%'%"$K!"(B
-$B$G$-$?$N$G$9!#(BGNU $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$rI,address@hidden(B
-$B;d$?$A$O!"$=$N%*%Z%l!<%F%#%s%0%7%9%F%`$r(B Unix 
-$B$3$H$K$7$^$7$?!#(BUnix $B$NA4BNE*$J%G%6%$%s$O$9$G$K$h$/8!>Z$5$l$F$*$j!"(B
-Unix $B$N%f!<%6$K$H$C$F(B Unix $B$+$i(B GNU 
-Unix $B$K;w$?%U%j!<$J%*%Z%l!<%F%#%s%0%7%9%F%`$rMQ0U$9$k$H$$$&(B
address@hidden(B1990 $BG/Be$KF~$k$^$G$K!"(B
-$BB8:_$7$J$+$C$?$N$G$9$,!"$=$3$K(B Linus Torvalds $B$K$h$C$F3+H/$5$l$?(B
-$B%U%j!<$J%+!<%M%k$G$"$k(B Linux $B$,EP>l$7$?$N$G$9!#(B
-Linux address@hidden(B GNU $B%7%9%F%`$HAH$_9g$o$;$k$3$H$G!"(B
-$B40A4$J%*%Z%l!<%F%#%s%0%7%9%F%`$,@8$^$l$^$7$?!#$3$l$,(B Linux $B%Y!<%9$N(B
-GNU $B%7%9%F%`$G$9!#8=:_$N$H$3$m35;;$G$O2?==K|$b$N?M!9$,(B 
-Red Hat $B$H$$$C$?(B Linux $B%Y!<%9$N(BGNU 
-$B$7$+$7$J$,$i!"(BGNU $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$NBP>]$O%*%Z%l!<%F%#%s%0%7%9%F%`$K(B
-$B:#8e$N?tG/$G(B GNU Emacs $B$r(B WYSIWYG 
-$B$=$3$G!"8=:_;d$?$A$O(B GNU 
-<A HREF="/home.ja.html">GNU $B$N%[!<%`%Z!<%8(B</A>$B$KLa$k!#(B
-FSF $B$*$h$S(B GNU $B$X$N$4<ALd!"$*Ld$$9g$o$;$O(B
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>$B$^$G$I$&$>!#(B
-FSF $B$HO"Mm$r<h$k$K$O(B<A 
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>
-Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110,  USA
-$BK]Lu$O(B $BH,ED??9T(B <A 
-<!-- hhmts start -->
- 10 Dec 2000 mhatta
-<!-- hhmts end -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.ja.html" -->
+<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->
+<title>GNU プロジェクトの概要 - GNUプロジェクト - 
フリーソフトウェアファウンデーション (FSF)</title>
+<meta name="Keywords" content="GNU, GNU Project, FSF, 
フリーソフトウェアファウンデーション, 歴史" />
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.ja.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/gnu/po/gnu-history.translist" -->
+<h2>GNU プロジェクトの概要</h2>
+Not Unix&rdquo;(GNUはUnixではない)を表しています。<a
+&ldquo;free software&rdquo;(自由ソフトウェア)の&ldquo;free&rdquo;は<a
…å¸ƒã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ã‚なたはコピーのé…
+<div style="font-size: small;">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.-->
+ </div>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/footer.ja.html" -->
+<div id="footer">
+FSFおよびGNUに関する問い合わせは <a
+<br />
+Copyright &copy; 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009,
+2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+<p>このページは<a rel="license"
+href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/";>Creative Commons
+Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States 
+<div class="translators-credits">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.-->
+ </div>
+ <p>
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2012/02/24 09:28:45 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

Index: doc/doc.ja.html
RCS file: doc/doc.ja.html
diff -N doc/doc.ja.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ doc/doc.ja.html     24 Feb 2012 09:28:16 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.ja.html" -->
+<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->
+<title>文書 - GNUプロジェクト - 
フリーソフトウェアファウンデーション (FSF)</title>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.ja.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/doc/po/doc.translist" -->
+<li><a href="http://shop.fsf.org";>FSFオンラインストア: 
+<p><b>GNU出版:</b> 貢献するもう一つの方法は、<a
+<div style="font-size: small;">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.-->
+ </div>
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+<div id="footer">
+FSFおよびGNUに関する問い合わせは <a
+<br />
+Copyright &copy; 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free
+Software Foundation, Inc.
+このページは<a rel="license"
+href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/";>Creative Commons
+Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States 
+<div class="translators-credits">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.-->
+ </div>
+ <p>
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2012/02/24 09:28:16 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->
+<!-- <div id="translations">
+ -->
+<!-- <h4>
+Translations of this page</h4> -->
+<!--  -->
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical by language code. -->
+<!-- Comment what the language is for each type, i.e. de is German. -->
+<!-- Write the language name in its own language (Deutsch) in the text. -->
+<!-- If you add a new language here, please -->
+<!-- advise address@hidden and add it to -->
+<!--  - /home/www/html/server/standards/README.translations.html -->
+<!--  - one of the lists under the section "Translations Underway" -->
+<!--  - if there is a translation team, you also have to add an alias -->
+<!--  to mail.gnu.org:/com/mailer/aliases -->
+<!-- Please also check you have the language code right; see: -->
+<!-- http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php -->
+<!-- If the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code is not available, -->
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+ -->
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+<a href="/doc/doc.ca.html">catal&#x00e0;</a>&nbsp;[ca]</li> -->
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+<a href="/doc/doc.cs.html">&#x010c;esky</a>&nbsp;[cs]</li> -->
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+<a href="/doc/doc.de.html">Deutsch</a>&nbsp;[de]</li> -->
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+<a href="/doc/doc.html">English</a>&nbsp;[en]</li> -->
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+<a href="/doc/doc.it.html">italiano</a>&nbsp;[it]</li> -->
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+<a href="/doc/doc.ko.html">&#xd55c;&#xad6d;&#xc5b4;</a>&nbsp;[ko]</li> -->
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+<a href="/doc/doc.pl.html">polski</a>&nbsp;[pl]</li> -->
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+<a href="/doc/doc.pt-br.html">portugu&ecirc;s do Brasil</a>&nbsp;[pt-br]</li> 
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+<a href="/doc/doc.sq.html">shqip</a>&nbsp;[sq]</li> -->
+<!-- Chinese (Simplified) -->
+<!-- <li>
+<!-- Chinese (Traditional) -->
+<!-- <li>
+<!-- </ul>
+ -->
+<!-- </div>
+ -->

Index: doc/po/doc.ja-en.html
RCS file: doc/po/doc.ja-en.html
diff -N doc/po/doc.ja-en.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ doc/po/doc.ja-en.html       24 Feb 2012 09:28:30 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
+<title>Documentation - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</title>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/doc/po/doc.translist" -->
+<h2>Documentation of the GNU Project</h2>
+GNU and other free documentation can be obtained by the following methods:
+<li>Most <a href="/manual/manual.html">GNU manuals</a> are online in
+    various formats.</li>
+<li>The <a href="http://directory.fsf.org/";>Free Software Directory</a>
+    includes links to documentation.</li>
+<li><a href="http://planet.gnu.org";>planet.gnu.org</a> is an aggregation of
+    blogs and news announcements from GNU packages.</li>
+<li><a href="http://shop.fsf.org";>FSF online store: Printed books, T-shirts,
+    posters, and more.</a></li>
+<li><a href="/doc/other-free-books.html">Free books from other
+    publishers</a>: Printed books from other publishers using free
+    documentation licenses.</li>
+<h3>GNU documentation principles</h3>
+<p>We believe the reader should be free to copy, update, and
+redistribute GNU documentation, just like GNU software.</p>
+<p>Originally, all our documentation was released under a short <a
+href="/licenses/licenses.html#WhatIsCopyleft">copyleft</a> license, or
+under the <a href="/licenses/licenses.html#GPL">GNU General Public
+License (GPL)</a>.  In 2001, the <a
+href="/licenses/licenses.html#FDL">GNU Free Documentation License
+(FDL)</a> was created to address needs that were not met by licenses
+originally designed for software.  For more information on free
+documentation, please see <a href="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard
+Stallman's</a> essay, &ldquo;<a href="/philosophy/free-doc.html">Free
+Software and Free Manuals</a>&rdquo;.</p>
+<p>Please help us write more documentation!  This is one of the most
+important ways to contribute to the free software movement.  For more
+details on this and other ways to help, <a
+href="/help/help.html#helpgnu">click here</a>.</p>
+<p><b>GNU Press:</b> another way to contribute is to help us <a
+href="/doc/expanding.html">expand bookstore availability</a> of <a
+href="/doc/gnupresspub.html">GNU Press</a> books.  For this or any
+reason, you can <a href="/doc/contact.html">contact GNU Press</a>.</p>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/footer.html" -->
+<div id="footer">
+Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to 
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.
+There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a> 
+the FSF.
+<br />
+Please send broken links and other corrections or suggestions to
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.
+Please see the 
+<a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
+README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting
+translations of this article.
+Copyright &copy; 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
+Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This page is licensed under a <a rel="license"
+Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License</a>.
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2012/02/24 09:28:30 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->
+<!-- <div id="translations"> -->
+<!-- <h4>Translations of this page</h4> -->
+<!--  -->
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical by language code. -->
+<!-- Comment what the language is for each type, i.e. de is German. -->
+<!-- Write the language name in its own language (Deutsch) in the text. -->
+<!-- If you add a new language here, please -->
+<!-- advise address@hidden and add it to -->
+<!--  - /home/www/html/server/standards/README.translations.html -->
+<!--  - one of the lists under the section "Translations Underway" -->
+<!--  - if there is a translation team, you also have to add an alias -->
+<!--  to mail.gnu.org:/com/mailer/aliases -->
+<!-- Please also check you have the language code right; see: -->
+<!-- http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php -->
+<!-- If the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code is not available, -->
+<!-- use the 3-letter ISO 639-2. -->
+<!-- Please use W3C normative character entities. -->
+<!--  -->
+<!-- <ul class="translations-list"> -->
+<!-- Arabic -->
+<!-- <li><a 
+<!-- Catalan -->
+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.ca.html">catal&#x00e0;</a>&nbsp;[ca]</li> -->
+<!-- Czech -->
+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.cs.html">&#x010c;esky</a>&nbsp;[cs]</li> -->
+<!-- German -->
+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.de.html">Deutsch</a>&nbsp;[de]</li> -->
+<!-- Greek -->
+<!-- <li><a 
+<!-- English -->
+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.html">English</a>&nbsp;[en]</li> -->
+<!-- Spanish -->
+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.es.html">espa&#x00f1;ol</a>&nbsp;[es]</li> -->
+<!-- Italian -->
+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.it.html">italiano</a>&nbsp;[it]</li> -->
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href="/doc/doc.ko.html">&#xd55c;&#xad6d;&#xc5b4;</a>&nbsp;[ko]</li> -->
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+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.pl.html">polski</a>&nbsp;[pl]</li> -->
+<!-- Brazilian Portuguese -->
+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.pt-br.html">portugu&ecirc;s do 
Brasil</a>&nbsp;[pt-br]</li> -->
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+<!-- Albanian -->
+<!-- <li><a href="/doc/doc.sq.html">shqip</a>&nbsp;[sq]</li> -->
+<!-- Chinese (Simplified) -->
+<!-- <li><a 
+<!-- Chinese (Traditional) -->
+<!-- <li><a 
+<!-- </ul> -->
+<!-- </div> -->

Index: gnu/po/gnu-history.ja-en.html
RCS file: gnu/po/gnu-history.ja-en.html
diff -N gnu/po/gnu-history.ja-en.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ gnu/po/gnu-history.ja-en.html       24 Feb 2012 09:28:56 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
+<title>Overview of the GNU System - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation 
+<meta name="Keywords" content="GNU, GNU Project, FSF, Free Software, Free 
Software Foundation, History" />
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/gnu/po/gnu-history.translist" -->
+<h2>Overview of the GNU System</h2>
+The GNU operating system is a complete free software system,
+upward-compatible with Unix.  GNU stands for &ldquo;GNU's Not Unix&rdquo;.
+<a href="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard Stallman</a> made the
+<a href="/gnu/initial-announcement.html">Initial Announcement</a> of
+the GNU Project in September 1983.  A longer version called
+the <a href="/gnu/manifesto.html">GNU Manifesto</a> was published in
+March 1985.  It has been translated into several
+<a href="/gnu/manifesto.html#translations">other languages</a>.</p>
+The name &ldquo;GNU&rdquo; was chosen because it met a few
+requirements; first, it was a recursive acronym for &ldquo;GNU's Not
+Unix&rdquo;, second, because it was a real word, and third, it was fun
+to say (or
+<a href="http://www.poppyfields.net/poppy/songs/gnu.html";>Sing</a>).</p>
+The word &ldquo;free&rdquo; in &ldquo;free software&rdquo; pertains to
+<a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">freedom</a>, not price.  You may or
+may not pay a price to get GNU software.  Either way, once you have
+the software you have four specific freedoms in using it.  The freedom
+to run the program as you wish; the freedom to copy the program and
+give it away to your friends and co-workers; the freedom to change the
+program as you wish, by having full access to source code; the freedom
+to distribute an improved version and thus help build the community.
+(If you redistribute GNU software, you may charge a fee for the
+physical act of transferring a copy, or you may give away copies.)</p>
+The project to develop the GNU system is called the &ldquo;GNU
+Project&rdquo;.  The GNU Project was conceived in 1983 as a way of
+bringing back the cooperative spirit that prevailed in the computing
+community in earlier days&mdash;to make cooperation possible once again by
+removing the obstacles to cooperation imposed by the owners of
+proprietary software.</p>
+In 1971, when Richard Stallman started his career at MIT, he worked in
+a group which used <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free
+software</a> exclusively.  Even computer companies often distributed
+free software.  Programmers were free to cooperate with each other,
+and often did.</p>
+By the 1980s, almost all software was
+<a href="/philosophy/categories.html#ProprietarySoftware">proprietary</a>,
+which means that it had owners who forbid and
+prevent cooperation by users.  This made the GNU Project necessary.</p>
+Every computer user needs an operating system; if there is no free
+operating system, then you can't even get started using a computer
+without resorting to proprietary software.  So the first item on the
+free software agenda obviously had to be a free operating system.</p>
+We decided to make the operating system compatible with Unix because
+the overall design was already proven and portable, and because
+compatibility makes it easy for Unix users to switch from Unix to GNU.</p>
+A Unix-like operating system includes a kernel, compilers, editors,
+text formatters, mail software, graphical interfaces, libraries, games
+and many other things.  Thus, writing a whole operating system is a
+very large job.  We started in January 1984.
+The <a href="http://fsf.org/";> Free Software Foundation</a> was
+founded in October 1985, initially to raise funds to help develop
+<p>By 1990 we had either found or written all the major components
+except one&mdash;the kernel.  Then Linux, a Unix-like kernel, was
+developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and made free software in 1992.
+Combining Linux with the almost-complete GNU system resulted in a
+complete operating system: the GNU/Linux system.  Estimates are that
+tens of millions of people now use GNU/Linux systems, typically
+via <a href="/distros">GNU/Linux distributions</a>.  The principal
+version of Linux now contains non-free firmware &ldquo;blobs&rdquo;;
+free software activists now maintain a modified free version of Linux,
+called <a href="http://directory.fsf.org/project/linux";>
+However, the GNU Project is not limited to the core operating system.
+We aim to provide a whole spectrum of software, whatever many users
+want to have.  This includes application software.  See
+the <a href="/directory">Free Software Directory</a> for a catalogue
+of free software application programs.</p>
+We also want to provide software for users who are not computer
+experts.  Therefore we developed a
+<a href="http://www.gnome.org/";>graphical desktop (called GNOME)</a> to help
+beginners use the GNU system.</p>
+<p>We also want to provide games and other recreations.  Plenty of <a
+href="http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Category/Game";>free games</a> are
+already available.</p>
+How far can free software go?  There are no limits, except
+when <a href="/philosophy/fighting-software-patents.html">laws such as
+the patent system prohibit free software</a>.  The ultimate goal is to
+provide free software to do all of the jobs computer users want to
+do&mdash;and thus make proprietary software a thing of the past.</p>
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+Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to 
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.
+There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a> 
+the FSF.
+<br />
+Please send broken links and other corrections or suggestions to
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.
+Please see the 
+<a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
+README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting
+translations of this article.
+Copyright &copy; 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007,
+2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+<p>This page is licensed under a <a rel="license"
+Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License</a>.
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2012/02/24 09:28:56 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

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