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www philosophy/categories.ar.html philosophy/ca...

From: Yavor Doganov
Subject: www philosophy/categories.ar.html philosophy/ca...
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 08:25:36 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Yavor Doganov <yavor>   09/07/22 08:25:36

Modified files:
        philosophy     : categories.ar.html categories.ca.html 
        software       : software.sk.html 

Log message:
        Automatic update by GNUnited Nations.


Index: philosophy/categories.ar.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/categories.ar.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -b -r1.3 -r1.4
--- philosophy/categories.ar.html       7 Feb 2009 09:27:49 -0000       1.3
+++ philosophy/categories.ar.html       22 Jul 2009 08:25:24 -0000      1.4
@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@
 مشروحة أسفله. لمعلومات حول رخصة برمجيات م
حددة، راجع صفحة<a
 href="/licenses/license-list.html">قائمة الرخص</a>.</p>
-       <p>البرمجيات الحرة مهتمة بالحرية، ليس 
السعر. لكن شركات البرمجيات الاحتكارية
-أحيانا تستخدم مصطلح &ldquo;free software&rdquo;  
للإشارة إلى السعر. أحيانا
-يعنون أنك تستطيع الحصول على نسخة ثنائية 
بدون مقابل؛ أحيانا يعنون أن النسخة
-مُضمّنة على الحاسوب الذي تشتريه. هذا لا يمت 
بصلة بما نعنيه بالبرمجيات الحرة
-في مشروع جنو.</p>
+       <p>Free software is a matter of freedom, not price. But proprietary 
+companies sometimes use the term &ldquo;free software&rdquo; to refer to
+price. Sometimes they mean that you can obtain a binary copy at no charge;
+sometimes they mean that a copy is bundled with a computer that you are
+buying, and the price includes both.  Either way, this has nothing to do
+with what we mean by free software in the GNU project.</p>
        <p>بسبب التشوش الكامن، عندما تقول شركة 
برمجيات أن منتجها برنامج حر، تحقق دائما
 من شروط التوزيع الفعلية لتدرك فيما إذا كان 
المستخدمين حقا يمتلكون كل الحريات
@@ -102,12 +103,16 @@
 <dt id="CopyleftedSoftware"><strong>البرمجيات متروكة 
-       <dd>البرمجيات متروكة الحقوق هي برمجيات 
تضمن شروط توزيعها أن كل النسخ من كل
-الإصدارات برمجيات حرة. هذا يعني، كمثال، أن 
رخص الحقوق المتروكة لا تسمح
-للآخرين بإضافة متطلبات إضافية إلى البرم
جيات (على الرغم أن مجموعة محددة من
-المتطلبات المضافة الآمنة يمكن أن تكون مسم
وحة) وتطالب بجعل الشيفرة المصدرية
-متاحة. بعض رخص الحقوق المتروكة، مثل 
جي&#8204;بي&#8204;إل الإصدار 3، تمنع
-معاني أخرى لتحويل البرمجيات إلى احتكارية.
+       <dd>Copylefted software is free software whose distribution terms 
ensure that
+all copies of all versions carry more or less the same distribution terms.
+This means, for instance, that copyleft licenses generally disallow others
+to add additional requirements to the software (though a limited set of safe
+added requirements can be allowed) and require making source code
+available.  This shields the program, and its modified versions, from some
+of the common ways of making a program proprietary.
+        <p>Some copyleft licenses, such as GPL version 3, block other means of 
+software proprietary.</p>
        <p>في مشروع جنو، نترك حقوق تقريبا كل 
البرمجيات التي نكتبها، لأن هدفنا هو إعطاء
 <em>كل</em> مستخدم الحريات المُضمنة في مصطلح 
&rdquo;البرمجيات الحرة.&ldquo;،
@@ -130,18 +135,24 @@
 المعدلة قد لا تكون حر أصلا. شركة برمجيات يم
كن أن تترجم البرنامج، مع أو بدون
 تعديلات، وتوزع الملف التشغيلي كمنتج برم
جيات <a href=
-       <p><a href="http://www.x.org";>نظام النوفذة إكس</a> 
يوضح هذا. جميعة إكس تصدر
-إكس11 مع شروط توزيع تجعله برنامجا حرا غير م
تروك الحقوق. إذا أردت، تستطيع
-الحصول على نسخة ذات شروط التوزيع تلك وهي 
حرة. لكن يوجد إصدارات غير حرة أيضا،
-ويوجد محطات عمل شهيرة وألواح رسوميات 
حواسيب شخصية الإصدارت غير الحرة فقط
-التي تعمل عليها. إذا كنت تستخدم هذا العتاد، 
إكس11 ليس برنامجا حرا بالنسبة
-لك. <a href="/philosophy/x.html">حتى مطوروا إكس11 أوجدوا 
إكس 11 غير حر منذ
+       <p>The <a href="http://www.x.org";>X Window System</a> illustrates this. 
The X
+Consortium releases X11 with distribution terms that make it non-copylefted
+free software. If you wish, you can get a copy which has those distribution
+terms and is free. However, there are non-free versions as well, and there
+are (or at least were) popular workstations and PC graphics boards for which
+non-free versions are the only ones that work. If you are using this
+hardware, X11 is not free software for you. <a href="/philosophy/x.html">The
+developers of X11 even made X11 non-free</a> for a while; they were able to
+do this because others had contributed their code under the same
+non-copyleft license.</p>
 <dt id="GPL-CoveredSoftware"><strong>البرمجيات المغطاة 
        <dd><a href="/copyleft/gpl.html">جنو جي&#8204;بي&#8204;إل</a> 
هي واحدة من مجموعة
-شروط التوزيع المحددة لترك حقوق برنامج. م
شروع جنو يستخدمها لمعظم برمجيات جنو.</dd>
+شروط التوزيع المحددة لترك حقوق برنامج. م
شروع جنو يستخدمها لمعظم برمجيات جنو.
+       <p>To equate free software with GPL-covered software is therefore an 
 <dt id="TheGNUsystem"><strong>نظام جنو</strong></dt>
        <dd><a href="/gnu/gnu-history.ar.html">نظام جنو</a> هو نظام
 التشغيل شبيه يونكس،
 حر بالكامل، الذي نطوره في مشروع جنو منذ عام 
@@ -259,13 +270,14 @@
        <dd>البرمجيات الخاصة أو المخصصة هي برم
جيات  مُطورة لمستخدم واحد (عادة منظمة أو
 شركة). هذا المستخدم يحتفظ به ويستخدمه، ولا 
يصدره للعموم سواءً كشيفرة مصدرية
 أو ثنائية.
-       <p>البرنامج الخاص برنامج حر من منطق قليل 
الأهمية إذا امتلك مستخدمه الوحيد
-الحقوق الكاملة عليه. لكن من منطق أعمق، من 
غير المنطقي بالفعل طرح السؤال فيما
-إذا كان برنامج شبيه حر أو لا.</p>
-       <p>عموما نحن لا نعتقد أنه من الخطأ تطوير 
برنامج وعدم إصداره. يوجد حالات عندما
-يكون حبس البرنامج المفيد جدًا من الإصدار م
عاملة سيئة للبشرية. لكن معظم
-البرامج ليست تلك المذهلة، وحبسها ليس ضارا 
بشكل واضح. لذلك، لا يوجد تضارب بين
-تطوير برمجيات خاصة أو مُخصصة وأولويات حركة 
البرمجيات الحرة.</p>
+       <p>A private program is free software in a trivial sense if its unique 
user has
+full rights to it.</p>
+       <p>In general we do not believe it is wrong to develop a program and not
+release it. There are occasions when a program is so useful that withholding
+it from release is treating humanity badly.  However, most programs are not
+that important, so not releasing them is not particularly harmful. Thus,
+there is no conflict between the development of private or custom software
+and the principles of the free software movement.</p>
        <p>تقريبا كل وظائف المبرمجين في تطوير 
برمجيات مخصصة؛ لذلك معظم مهام المبرمجين،
 أو تكاد تكون، تتم بطريقة منسجمة مع حركة 
البرمجيات الحرة.</p>
@@ -275,16 +287,19 @@
 استخدام البرمجيات. &rdquo;تجاري&ldquo; 
و&rdquo;احتكاري&ldquo; ليسا نفس
 الشيء! معظم البرمجيات التجارية <a 
 لكن يوجد برمجيات تجارية حرة، ويوجد برمجيات 
غير تجارية غير حرة.
-       <p>على سبيل المثال، جنو أدا يُوزع دائما 
تحت شروط جنو جي&#8203;بي&#8203;إل، وكل
-نسخة هي برمجيات حرة؛ لكن مطوريه يبيعون 
عقود دعم. عندما يتحدث بائعوه مع
-زبائنه المتوقعين، أحيانا الزبائن يقولون 
&rdquo;سنشعر بأمان أكثر من مترجم
-تجاري&ldquo;. يرد البائع، &rdquo;جنو أدا مترجم 
تجاري، قُدّر أن يكون
-       <p>بالنسبة لمشروع جنو، التوكيد على 
ترتيب آخر: الشيء المهم هو أن جنو أدا برنامج
-حر؛ فيما إذا كان تجاريا ليس السؤال الحاسم. 
لكن التطوير الإضافي لجنو أدا ناتج
-من كونه تجاريا هو المفيد حتما.</p>
-       <p>من فضلك ساعد إدراك أن البرمجيات 
التجارية الحرة ممكنة. تستطيع فعل ذلك عن طريق
-الاجتهاد بعدم قول &rdquo;تجاري&ldquo; عندما تعني 
+       <p>For example, GNU Ada is developed by a company.  It is always 
+under the terms of the GNU GPL, and every copy is free software; but its
+developers sell support contracts. When their salesmen speak to prospective
+customers, sometimes the customers say, &ldquo;We would feel safer with a
+commercial compiler.&rdquo; The salesmen reply, &ldquo;GNU Ada <em>is</em> a
+commercial compiler; it happens to be free software.&rdquo;</p>
+       <p>For the GNU Project, the emphasis is in the other order: the 
important thing
+is that GNU Ada is free software; whether it is commercial is just a
+detail. However, the additional development of GNU Ada that results from its
+being commercial is definitely beneficial.</p>
+       <p>Please help spread the awareness that free commercial software is
+possible. You can do this by making an effort not to say
+&ldquo;commercial&rdquo; when you mean &ldquo;proprietary.&rdquo;</p>
@@ -337,7 +352,7 @@
 <!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2009/02/07 09:27:49 $
+$Date: 2009/07/22 08:25:24 $
 <!-- timestamp end -->

Index: philosophy/categories.ca.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/categories.ca.html,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
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--- philosophy/categories.ca.html       27 Jan 2009 09:28:01 -0000      1.12
+++ philosophy/categories.ca.html       22 Jul 2009 08:25:25 -0000      1.13
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 llic&egrave;ncies de programari lliure, vegeu la <a
 href="/licenses/license-list.ca.html">llista de llic&egrave;ncies</a>.</p>
-       <p>L'ess&egrave;ncia del programari lliure &eacute;s la llibertat, no el
-preu. Les empreses de programari privatiu sovint utilitzen el terme
-&ldquo;free software&rdquo; per referir-se nom&eacute;s al preu. De vegades
-volen dir que podeu tenir de franc una c&ograve;pia del fitxer binari; de
-vegades volen dir que hi ha inclosa una c&ograve;pia a l'ordinador que esteu
-comprant. Tot aix&ograve; no t&eacute; res a veure amb el que entenem per
-programari lliure al projecte GNU.</p>
+       <p>Free software is a matter of freedom, not price. But proprietary 
+companies sometimes use the term &ldquo;free software&rdquo; to refer to
+price. Sometimes they mean that you can obtain a binary copy at no charge;
+sometimes they mean that a copy is bundled with a computer that you are
+buying, and the price includes both.  Either way, this has nothing to do
+with what we mean by free software in the GNU project.</p>
        <p>A causa d'aquesta potencial confusi&oacute;, quan una empresa de 
 diu que el producte &eacute;s programari lliure, haur&iacute;eu de comprovar
@@ -128,13 +127,16 @@
 <dt id="CopyleftedSoftware"><strong>Programari amb copyleft</strong></dt>
-       <dd>El programari amb copyleft &eacute;s aquell programari lliure els 
termes de
-distribuci&oacute; del qual estableixen que totes les futures versions han
-de continuar sent programari lliure. Aix&ograve; significa, per exemple, que
-les llic&egrave;ncies de copyleft generalment no permeten afegir termes o
-condicions addicionals al programari (tot i que es pot permetre afegir una
-s&egrave;rie limitada de requeriments per protegir-los) i estableixen que el
-codi font ha de continuar estant disponible.
+       <dd>Copylefted software is free software whose distribution terms 
ensure that
+all copies of all versions carry more or less the same distribution terms.
+This means, for instance, that copyleft licenses generally disallow others
+to add additional requirements to the software (though a limited set of safe
+added requirements can be allowed) and require making source code
+available.  This shields the program, and its modified versions, from some
+of the common ways of making a program proprietary.
+        <p>Some copyleft licenses, such as GPL version 3, block other means of 
+software proprietary.</p>
        <p>Al projecte GNU publiquem amb copyleft gaireb&eacute; tot el 
programari que
 escrivim, perqu&egrave; el nostre objectiu &eacute;s donar a <em>tots</em>
@@ -165,16 +167,16 @@
 empresa de programari pot compilar el programa, amb o sense modificacions, i
 distribuir el fitxer executable com un producte de programari <a href=
-       <p>El <a href="http://www.x.org";>Sistema X Window</a> il&middot;lustra 
-fet. El X Consortium publica el X11 amb uns termes de distribuci&oacute; que
-en fan un programa lliure sense copyleft. Si voleu, podeu obtenir una
-c&ograve;pia que t&eacute; aquests termes de distribuci&oacute; i &eacute;s
-lliure. Per&ograve; tamb&eacute; hi ha versions no lliures, i existeixen al
-mercat estacions de treball i targetes gr&agrave;fiques per a PC que
-nom&eacute;s funcionen amb les versions no lliures. Si utilitzeu aquest
-tipus de maquinari, sapigueu que X11 no &eacute;s programari lliure. <a
-href="/philosophy/x.html">Els desenvolupadors del X11 fins i tot van fer un
-X11 no lliure en cert moment</a>.</p>
+       <p>The <a href="http://www.x.org";>X Window System</a> illustrates this. 
The X
+Consortium releases X11 with distribution terms that make it non-copylefted
+free software. If you wish, you can get a copy which has those distribution
+terms and is free. However, there are non-free versions as well, and there
+are (or at least were) popular workstations and PC graphics boards for which
+non-free versions are the only ones that work. If you are using this
+hardware, X11 is not free software for you. <a href="/philosophy/x.html">The
+developers of X11 even made X11 non-free</a> for a while; they were able to
+do this because others had contributed their code under the same
+non-copyleft license.</p>
 <dt id="GPL-CoveredSoftware"><strong>Programari cobert per la GPL</strong></dt>
@@ -182,7 +184,10 @@
 General)</a> &eacute;s un conjunt espec&iacute;fic de termes de
 distribuci&oacute; per publicar un programa amb copyleft. El Projecte GNU
 utilitza aquests termes de distribuci&oacute; a la major part del programari
+       <p>To equate free software with GPL-covered software is therefore an 
 <dt id="TheGNUsystem"><strong>El sistema GNU</strong></dt>
        <dd>El <a href="/gnu/gnu-history.ca.html">sistema GNU</a> &eacute;s un 
 operatiu a l'estil de Unix completament lliure. L'hem estat desenvolupant al
@@ -339,17 +344,14 @@
 per a un usuari (normalment una empresa u organitzaci&oacute;). L'usuari en
 q&uuml;esti&oacute; l'utilitza i el custodia, sense fer-ne p&uacute;blic ni
 l'executable ni el codi font.
-       <p>En un sentit molt limitat, un programa privat &eacute;s lliure si el 
-&uacute;nic usuari t&eacute; tot el dret de fer-ne el que
-vulgui. Per&ograve;, en el fons, no t&eacute; realment massa sentit
-plantejar-se si un programa privat &eacute;s lliure o no.</p>
-       <p>En general, no creiem que sigui un error desenvolupar un programa i 
-publicar-lo. Hi ha casos en qu&egrave; un programa &eacute;s tan &uacute;til
-que mantenir-lo in&egrave;dit &eacute;s tractar malament la humanitat. No
-obstant, la major part dels programes no s&oacute;n tan meravellosos, i no
-publicar-los no &eacute;s particularment perjudicial. Per tant, no hi ha cap
-contradicci&oacute; entre el desenvolupament de programari privat o
-personalitzat i els principis del moviment per al programari lliure.</p>
+       <p>A private program is free software in a trivial sense if its unique 
user has
+full rights to it.</p>
+       <p>In general we do not believe it is wrong to develop a program and not
+release it. There are occasions when a program is so useful that withholding
+it from release is treating humanity badly.  However, most programs are not
+that important, so not releasing them is not particularly harmful. Thus,
+there is no conflict between the development of private or custom software
+and the principles of the free software movement.</p>
        <p>Gaireb&eacute; tots els llocs de treball per a programadors 
s&oacute;n per
 desenvolupar programari personalitzat; per tant, la major part de les feines
 de programaci&oacute; es fan o es podrien fer d'una manera compatible amb
@@ -364,22 +366,19 @@
 href="#ProprietarySoftware">privatiu</a>, per&ograve; hi ha programari
 comercial que &eacute;s lliure, i hi ha programari no comercial que no
 &eacute;s lliure.
-       <p>Per exemple, el GNU Ada es distribueix sempre sota els termes de la
-Llic&egrave;ncia P&uacute;blica General de GNU, i totes les c&ograve;pies
-s&oacute;n programari lliure, per&ograve; els seus desenvolupadors venen
-contractes de suport. Quan els seus venedors parlen amb clients potencials,
-de vegades els clients diuen: &quot;ens sentir&iacute;em m&eacute;s segurs
-amb un compilador comercial&quot;. La resposta dels comercials &eacute;s:
-&quot;GNU Ada <em>&eacute;s</em> un compilador comercial, per&ograve; alhora
-&eacute;s lliure&quot;.</p>
-       <p>Pel Projecte GNU, l'&egrave;mfasi &eacute;s a l'inrev&eacute;s: 
-&eacute;s que el GNU Ada sigui programari lliure; si &eacute;s o no
-comercial no &eacute;s un aspecte crucial. Malgrat aix&ograve;, el
-desenvolupament addicional del GNU Ada que prov&eacute; del fet de ser
-comercial &eacute;s clarament benefici&oacute;s.</p>
-       <p>Si us plau, ajudeu a difondre que &eacute;s possible 
l'exist&egrave;ncia de
-programari comercial lliure. Podeu fer-ho evitant referir-vos a
-&quot;comercial&quot; quan voleu dir &quot;privatiu&quot;.</p>
+       <p>For example, GNU Ada is developed by a company.  It is always 
+under the terms of the GNU GPL, and every copy is free software; but its
+developers sell support contracts. When their salesmen speak to prospective
+customers, sometimes the customers say, &ldquo;We would feel safer with a
+commercial compiler.&rdquo; The salesmen reply, &ldquo;GNU Ada <em>is</em> a
+commercial compiler; it happens to be free software.&rdquo;</p>
+       <p>For the GNU Project, the emphasis is in the other order: the 
important thing
+is that GNU Ada is free software; whether it is commercial is just a
+detail. However, the additional development of GNU Ada that results from its
+being commercial is definitely beneficial.</p>
+       <p>Please help spread the awareness that free commercial software is
+possible. You can do this by making an effort not to say
+&ldquo;commercial&rdquo; when you mean &ldquo;proprietary.&rdquo;</p>
@@ -435,7 +434,7 @@
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-$Date: 2009/01/27 09:28:01 $
+$Date: 2009/07/22 08:25:25 $
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Index: philosophy/categories.tr.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/categories.tr.html,v
retrieving revision 1.8
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 lisansları hakkında bilgi için <a href="/licenses/license-list.html">lisans
 listesi</a> sayfasına bakın.</p>
-       <p>Özgür yazılım, bir özgürlük meselesidir, fiyat değil. Ama, 
mülk yazılım
-şirketleri bazen, &ldquo;free software (özgür yazılım)&rdquo; tanımını 
-için kullanmaktadırlar<sup><a id="RefTransNote1"
+       <p>Free software is a matter of freedom, not price. But proprietary 
+companies sometimes use the term &ldquo;free software&rdquo; to refer to
+price. Sometimes they mean that you can obtain a binary copy at no charge;
+sometimes they mean that a copy is bundled with a computer that you are
+buying, and the price includes both.  Either way, this has nothing to do
+with what we mean by free software in the GNU project.</p>
        <p>Bu olası karmaşıklıktan dolayı, ne zaman bir yazılım şirketi 
 ürünlerinin özgür yazılım (free software) olduğunu söylerse, her zaman
@@ -110,8 +112,16 @@
 <dt id="CopyleftedSoftware"><strong>Copyleft yazılım</strong></dt>
-       <dd>Copyleft yazılım, dağıtım koşullarında, bütün kopyaların 
ve bütün sürümlerin
-özgür yazılım olduğunu temin eden özgür yazılımdır.
+       <dd>Copylefted software is free software whose distribution terms 
ensure that
+all copies of all versions carry more or less the same distribution terms.
+This means, for instance, that copyleft licenses generally disallow others
+to add additional requirements to the software (though a limited set of safe
+added requirements can be allowed) and require making source code
+available.  This shields the program, and its modified versions, from some
+of the common ways of making a program proprietary.
+        <p>Some copyleft licenses, such as GPL version 3, block other means of 
+software proprietary.</p>
        <p>GNU projesinde, yazdığımız her yazılımı copyleft yazılım 
yaparız, çünkü
 hedefimiz, <em>her</em> kullanıcıya, &ldquo;özgür yazılım&rdquo; ile 
@@ -137,20 +147,25 @@
 programı, aynen veya değişikliklerle derleyebilir ve çalıştırılabilir
 dosyayı, <a href="#ProprietarySoftware">mülk</a> yazılım ürünü olarak
-       <p><a href="http://www.x.org/";>X Pencere Sistemi</a> bunu örnekle 
açıklar. X
-Birliği, X11'i, copyleft olmayan özgür yazılım yapan dağıtım 
koşulları ile
-yayınlar. Eğer isterseniz, o koşulları içeren ve özgür bir kopyasını
-alabilirsiniz. Her nasılsa, özgür-olmayan sürümleri de var ve sevilen iş
-istasyonları ve PC grafik kartları sadece özgür-olmayan sürümleri ile
-çalışıyor. Eğer böyle bir donanım kullanıyorsanız, X11 sizin için 
özgür bir
-yazılım değildir. <a href="/philosophy/x.html">X11 yazılımının
-geliştiricileri dahi bir ara onu özgür-olmayan yazılım yaptılar.</a></p>
+       <p>The <a href="http://www.x.org";>X Window System</a> illustrates this. 
The X
+Consortium releases X11 with distribution terms that make it non-copylefted
+free software. If you wish, you can get a copy which has those distribution
+terms and is free. However, there are non-free versions as well, and there
+are (or at least were) popular workstations and PC graphics boards for which
+non-free versions are the only ones that work. If you are using this
+hardware, X11 is not free software for you. <a href="/philosophy/x.html">The
+developers of X11 even made X11 non-free</a> for a while; they were able to
+do this because others had contributed their code under the same
+non-copyleft license.</p>
 <dt id="GPL-CoveredSoftware"><strong>GPL kapsamlı yazılım</strong></dt>
        <dd><a href="/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU GPL (Genel Kamu Lisansı)</a>, bir 
 copyleft yazılım yapmak için özel bir dağıtım koşullarıdır. GNU 
-çoğu GNU yazılım için dağıtım koşulu olarak kullanır.</dd>
+çoğu GNU yazılım için dağıtım koşulu olarak kullanır.
+       <p>To equate free software with GPL-covered software is therefore an 
 <dt id="TheGNUsystem"><strong>GNU sistemi</strong></dt>
        <dd><a href="/gnu/gnu-history.html">GNU sistemi</a>, Unix-benzeri, 
1984'den beri
 GNU projesinde geliştirdiğimiz, tamamen özgür yazılım işletim 
@@ -286,15 +301,14 @@
        <dd>Özel yazılım, bir kullanıcı için geliştirilmiş 
yazılımdır (genellikle bir
 kurum veya şirket için). Bu kullanıcı, yazılımı saklar ve kullanır, ve
 kamuya, kaynak koduveya çalışabilir halini yayınlamaz.
-       <p>Özel yazılım, eğer tek kullanıcı bütün haklara sahip ise 
önemsiz bir
-mantıkta özgür yazılımdır.  Ancak, derin bir mantıkta, böyle bir 
-özgür yazılım olup olmadığı sorusunu meydana getirmek mantıklı 
-       <p>Genel olarak, bir program geliştirip de onu yayınlamamanın 
yanlış olduğuna
-inanmıyoruz. Çok faydalı bir programın yayınlamasını esirgemek 
-kötü davranmanın olduğu bazı özel durumlar vardır. Ancak, çoğu 
programlar o
-kadar olağanüstü değildirler ve yayınlamasını esirgemek, özellikle 
-değildir. Yani, özgür yazılım hareketinin ilkeleri ile özel yazılım
-geliştirmek arasında bir uyuşmazlık yoktur.</p>
+       <p>A private program is free software in a trivial sense if its unique 
user has
+full rights to it.</p>
+       <p>In general we do not believe it is wrong to develop a program and not
+release it. There are occasions when a program is so useful that withholding
+it from release is treating humanity badly.  However, most programs are not
+that important, so not releasing them is not particularly harmful. Thus,
+there is no conflict between the development of private or custom software
+and the principles of the free software movement.</p>
        <p>Programcılar için neredeyse bütün işe alımlar özel yazılım 
içindir; yani,
 çoğu programlama işleri, özgür yazılım hareketi ile uyumlu bir şekilde
 yapılabilinir veya yapılabilinirdi.</p>
@@ -306,20 +320,19 @@
 &ldquo;mülk&rdquo; aynı şey değildirler! Çoğu ticari yazılım, <a
 href="#ProprietarySoftware">mülktür</a>, ama ticari özgür yazılımlar da
 vardır, ve ticari olmayan ve özgür olmayan yazılım da vardır.
-       <p>Örnek olarak, GNU Ada, her zaman GNU GPL koşulları altında 
dağıtılmıştır ve
-her kopyası özgür yazılımdır; fakat onun geliştircileri, destek 
-satarlar. Ne zaman pazarlamacıları, gelecekteki müşterileri ile
-konuştuklarında, bazen müşterileri, &ldquo;Ticari bir derleyici ile daha
-güvende hissederiz.&rdquo; derler; Pazarlamacı, &ldquo;GNU Ada
-<em>ticari</em> bir derleyicidir ile yanıtlar; özgür yazılım olduğu için
-       <p>GNU projesi için önemli olan diğer sipariştedir: önemli olan 
şey, GNU Ada
-derleyicisinin özgür yazılım olmasıdır; ticari olup olmaması çok 
önemli bir
-soru değildir. Ancak, GNU Ada derleyicisinin sonraki gelişimi, ticari
-olmasının kesinlikle yararlı olduğu sonucunu verir.</p>
-       <p>Lütfen, ticari özgür yazılımın mümkün olduğunun bilincini
-yaygınlaştırılmasına yardımcı olun. Bunu, mülk demek istediğinizde
-&ldquo;ticari&rdquo; demeyerek yapabilirsiniz.</p>
+       <p>For example, GNU Ada is developed by a company.  It is always 
+under the terms of the GNU GPL, and every copy is free software; but its
+developers sell support contracts. When their salesmen speak to prospective
+customers, sometimes the customers say, &ldquo;We would feel safer with a
+commercial compiler.&rdquo; The salesmen reply, &ldquo;GNU Ada <em>is</em> a
+commercial compiler; it happens to be free software.&rdquo;</p>
+       <p>For the GNU Project, the emphasis is in the other order: the 
important thing
+is that GNU Ada is free software; whether it is commercial is just a
+detail. However, the additional development of GNU Ada that results from its
+being commercial is definitely beneficial.</p>
+       <p>Please help spread the awareness that free commercial software is
+possible. You can do this by making an effort not to say
+&ldquo;commercial&rdquo; when you mean &ldquo;proprietary.&rdquo;</p>
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 <h3>Vyradené GNU balíčky</h3>
-<p>GNU balíčky môžu byť príležitostne vyradené, najmä v prípadoch, 
ak boli
-nahradené iným alebo začlenené do iného balíčka.  Tu je ich zoznam; 
-stránky takýchto projektov ponechávame (ak existovali): <a
+<p>GNU packages are occasionally decommissioned, generally because they've been
+superseded by, or integrated into, other packages.  Here is the list; we
+leave the old project pages up (when they existed): <a
 href="gnu3dkit/">3dkit</a>, <a href="abcsh/">abcsh</a>, <a
 href="awacs/">awacs</a>, <a href="cfs-el/">cfs-el</a>, <a
 href="checker/">checker</a>, <a href="dgs/">dgs</a>
 (display&nbsp;ghostscript), <a href="dld/">dld</a>, <a
 href="http://directory.fsf.org/project/DrGenius/";>dr.genius</a>, <a
-href="elib/">elib</a>, <a href="fhp/">fhp</a>, <a
-href="free/">free&nbsp;(gnu.free)</a>, <a href="gcron/">gcron</a> (pozri <a
+href="elib/">elib</a>, <a href="ffp/">ffp</a>, <a href="fhp/">fhp</a>, <a
+href="free/">free&nbsp;(gnu.free)</a>, <a href="gcron/">gcron</a> (see <a
 href="mcron/">mcron</a>), <a href="gfe/">gfe</a>, <a
-href="http://directory.fsf.org/GNU/ggv.html";>ggv</a> (pozri <a
+href="http://directory.fsf.org/GNU/ggv.html";>ggv</a> (see <a
 href="gv/">gv</a>), <a
 href="http://www.ideacode.com//assets/gicqd/";>gicqd</a>, <a
 href="http://directory.fsf.org/project/giptables/";>giptables</a>, <a
 href="http://directory.fsf.org/project/gnochive/";>gnochive</a>, <a
 href="http://directory.fsf.org/project/gnotepad/";>gnotepad+</a>, gnubios,
-gnucad, gnupedia (pozri <a href="http://wikipedia.org";>wikipedia</a>), <a
+gnucad, gnupedia (see <a href="http://wikipedia.org";>wikipedia</a>), <a
 href="gnusql">gnusql</a>, <a href="gnustep-db/">gnustep-db</a>, <a
 href="gnuts/">gnuts</a>, <a href="goose/">goose</a>, <a
 href="gphoto/">gphoto</a>, <a href="graphics/">graphics</a>, <a
 href="grover/">grover</a>, <a href="gtkeditor/">gtkeditor</a>, <a
-href="hegemonie/">hegemonie</a>, <a href="lengualibre">lengualibre</a>,
-leonardo, mana, <a href="messenger/">messenger</a>, <a
-href="mgcp/">mgcp</a>, <a href="mll2html/">mll2html</a>, <a
-href="obst/">obst</a>, <a href="octal/">octal</a>, p2c, <a
-href="patchwork/">patchwork</a>, <a href="pips/">pips</a>, <a
-href="poc/">poc</a>, <a href="rat/">rat</a>, <a href="sweater/">sweater</a>,
-<a href="toutdoux/">toutdoux</a>, <a href="webpublish/">webpublish</a>, <a
-href="xbase/">xbase</a>, <a href="xinfo/">xinfo</a>, <a
+href="gtkeyboard/">gtkeyboard</a>, <a href="hegemonie/">hegemonie</a>, <a
+href="lengualibre">lengualibre</a>, leonardo, mana, <a
+href="messenger/">messenger</a>, <a href="mgcp/">mgcp</a>, <a
+href="mll2html/">mll2html</a>, <a href="obst/">obst</a>, <a
+href="octal/">octal</a>, p2c, <a href="patchwork/">patchwork</a>, <a
+href="pips/">pips</a>, <a href="poc/">poc</a>, <a href="rat/">rat</a>, <a
+href="sweater/">sweater</a>, <a href="toutdoux/">toutdoux</a>, <a
+href="webpublish/">webpublish</a>, <a href="xbase/">xbase</a>, <a
+href="xinfo/">xinfo</a>, <a href="xmhtml/">xmhtml</a>.
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