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www/philosophy schools.ca.html

From: Miquel Puigpelat
Subject: www/philosophy schools.ca.html
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 15:25:40 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Miquel Puigpelat <puigpe>       07/10/15 15:25:40

Modified files:
        philosophy     : schools.ca.html 

Log message:


Index: schools.ca.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/schools.ca.html,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -b -r1.7 -r1.8
--- schools.ca.html     15 Oct 2007 15:12:01 -0000      1.7
+++ schools.ca.html     15 Oct 2007 15:25:00 -0000      1.8
@@ -44,45 +44,52 @@
   addictes <a name="top1" href="#1">(1)</a>. No faran descomptes a
 aquests estudiants quan creixin i deixin l'escola.</p>
-<p>Free software permits students to learn how software works.  When
-students reach their teens, some of them want to learn everything
-there is to know about their computer system and its software.  That
-is the age when people who will be good programmers should learn it.
-To learn to write software well, students need to read a lot of
-code and write a lot of code.  They need to read and understand
-real programs that people really use.  They will be intensely curious
-to read the source code of the programs that they use every day.</p>
-<p>Proprietary software rejects their thirst for knowledge: it says,
-&ldquo;The knowledge you want is a secret&mdash;learning is
-forbidden!&rdquo; Free software encourages everyone to learn. The free
-software community rejects the &ldquo;priesthood of technology&rdquo;,
-which keeps the general public in ignorance of how technology works;
-we encourage students of any age and situation to read the source code
-and learn as much as they want to know. Schools that use free software
-will enable gifted programming students to advance.</p>
-<p>The next reason for using free software in schools is on an even
-deeper level. We expect schools to teach students basic facts, and
-useful skills, but that is not their whole job. The most fundamental
-mission of schools is to teach people to be good citizens and good
-neighbors&mdash;to cooperate with others who need their help. In the
-area of computers, this means teaching them to share software.
-Elementary schools, above all, should tell their pupils, &ldquo;If you
-bring software to school, you must share it with the other
-children.&rdquo; Of course, the school must practice what it preaches:
-all the software installed by the school should be available for
-students to copy, take home, and redistribute further.</p>
-<p>Teaching the students to use free software, and to participate in
-the free software community, is a hands-on civics lesson. It also
-teaches students the role model of public service rather than that of
-tycoons.  All levels of school should use free software.</p>
+<p>El programari lliure permet a l'estudiant aprendre com treballa
+  el programari. Quan els estudiants arriben a l'adolesc&egrave;ncia,
+  alguns d'ells volen saber tot el que es necessita saber sobre el
+  seu sistema operatiu i els seus programes. Aquesta &eacute;s l'edat
+  en la qual l'al&middot;lot/a que ha de ser bon programador ha d'aprendre
+  a programar. Per aprendre a escriure bon programari, els estudiants
+  necessiten llegir-ne i escriure'n molt. Necessiten llegir i entendre
+  programes reals que la gent veritablement usa. Tendran molta curiositat
+per llegir el codi font dels programes que utilitzen.</p>
+<p>El programari privatiu rebutja les seves &agrave;nsies de coneixement:
+  diu "el coneixement que cerques &eacute;s un secret, aprendre est&agrave; 
prohibit!" El
+  programari lliure anima a tothom a aprendre. La comunitat del programari
+  lliure rebutja "el sacerdoci de la tecnologia", que mant&eacute; el
+  gran p&uacute;blic en la ignor&agrave;ncia de com funciona la tecnologia;
+  nosaltres encoratjam els estudiants de qualsevol edat i posici&oacute; a
+  llegir el codi font i a aprendre tant com ells vulguin aprendre.
+  Les escoles que usin programari lliure permetran millorar als alumnes
+m&eacute;s dotats per la programaci&oacute;.</p>
+<p>La seg&uuml;ent ra&oacute; &eacute;s encara m&eacute;s profunda.
+  Esperam que les escoles ensenyin als estudiants els fets b&agrave;sics
+  i habilitats &uacute;tils, per&ograve; aquesta no &eacute;s tota
+  la seva tasca. La missi&oacute; fonamental de les escoles &eacute;s
+  ensenyar la gent a ser bons ciutadans i bons ve&iuml;ns, a saber
+  cooperar amb els altres que necessiten de la seva ajuda. En l'&agrave;mbit
+  inform&agrave;tic, aix&ograve; significa ensenyar-los a compartir
+  programari. Les escoles prim&agrave;ries, sobretot, han de dir-los: "Si
+  duus programari a l'escola, has de compartir-lo amb els companys".
+  Per descomptat, l'escola ha de practicar all&ograve; que predica:
+  tot el programari instal&middot;lat per l'escola ha d'estar disponible
+  perqu&egrave; sigui copiat pels estudiants, per dur a casa i despr&eacute;s
+ser redistribu&iuml;t.</p>
+<p>Ensenyar als estudiants a usar programari lliure i a participar
+  en la comunitat del programari lliure &eacute;s una lli&ccedil;&oacute; 
+  duita a la pr&agrave;ctica. Tamb&eacute; ensenya als estudiants
+  el model de servei p&uacute;blic en comptes del de magnats. Tots
+els nivells escolars han d'usar programari lliure.</p>
-<li><cite><a name="1"></a>RJ Reynolds tobacco company was
-fined $15m in 2002 for handing out free samples of cigarettes at
-events attended by children.  See <a 
+<li><cite><a name="1"></a>La companyia tabaquera RJ Reynolds va ser
+    condemnada a pagar 15 milions de d&ograve;lars de multa en el
+    2002 per haver subministrat mostres gratu&iuml;tes de cigarrets
+    en esdeveniments infantils. Veure <a 
+    angl&egrave;s).
@@ -93,39 +100,42 @@
 <div id="footer">
-Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to
+Envieu les vostres preguntes sobre la FSF i GNU a 
 <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a>
-the FSF.
+Tamb&eacute; hi ha d'<a href="/contact/">altres formes de contactar</a>
+amb la FSF.
 <br />
-Please send broken links and other corrections or suggestions to
+Envieu els enlla&ccedil;os trencats i d'altres correccions o suggeriments a 
 <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-Please see the 
+Vegeu el  
 <a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
-README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting
-translations of this article.
+README</a> per informar-vos sobre la coordinaci&oacute; i publicaci&oacute; 
+de les traduccions d'aquest article.
 Copyright &copy; 2003 Richard Stallman
 <br />
-Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted
-without royalty in any medium provided this notice is preserved.
+Es permet realitzar i distribuir c&ograve;pies literals d'aquest 
+article en qualsevol medi sense pagament de drets, sempre que hi 
+aparegui aquesta nota.
+Traducci&oacute;: 09 jul 2004 Joan Lladonet i Pau Cabot
+<br />
 <!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2007/10/15 15:12:01 $
+$Date: 2007/10/15 15:25:00 $
 <!-- timestamp end -->
 <div id="translations">
-<h4>Translations of this page</h4>
+<h4>Traduccions d'aquesta p&agrave;gina</h4>
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