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www/philosophy categories.html

From: Dylan Knight Rogers
Subject: www/philosophy categories.html
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 03:29:17 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Dylan Knight Rogers <dkr>       07/03/26 03:29:17

Modified files:
        philosophy     : categories.html 

Log message:
        Renewed the styling on the page.


Index: categories.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/categories.html,v
retrieving revision 1.36
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -b -r1.36 -r1.37
--- categories.html     20 Mar 2007 19:54:06 -0000      1.36
+++ categories.html     26 Mar 2007 03:29:13 -0000      1.37
@@ -1,91 +1,17 @@
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-<title>Categories of Free and Non-Free Software - GNU Project -
-Free Software Foundation (FSF)</title>
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-<h3>Categories of Free and Non-Free Software</h3>
-       <p><a href="/graphics/philosophicalgnu.html"><img src=
-       "/graphics/philosophical-gnu-sm.jpg" alt=
-       " [image of a Philosophical Gnu] " width="160" height=
-       "200" /></a></p>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
+<title>Categories of Free and Non-Free Software - GNU Project - Free Software 
Foundation (FSF)</title>
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+<h2>Categories of Free and Non-Free Software</h2>
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-<p><a href="#translations">Translations</a> of this page</p>
-<hr />
-       <p>Here is a glossary of various categories of software that are
-       often mentioned in discussions of free software. It explains which
-       categories overlap or are part of other categories.</p>
-<h4>Table of Contents</h4>
-       <li><a href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">Other Texts to Read</a></li>
-       <li>"<a href="#FreeSoftware"
-       id="TOCFreeSoftware" name="TOCFreeSoftware">Free software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#OpenSource"
-       id="TOCOpenSource" name="TOCOpenSource">Open source</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#PublicDomainSoftware"
-       id="TOCPublicDomainSoftware"
-       name="TOCPublicDomainSoftware">Public domain software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#CopyleftedSoftware"
-       id="TOCCopyleftedSoftware" name=
-       "TOCCopyleftedSoftware">Copylefted software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#Non-CopyleftedFreeSoftware"
-       id="TOCNon-CopyleftedFreeSoftware" name=
-       "TOCNon-CopyleftedFreeSoftware">Non-copylefted free
-       software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#GPL-CoveredSoftware"
-       id="TOCGPL-CoveredSoftware"
-       name="TOCGPL-CoveredSoftware">GPL-covered software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#TheGNUsystem"
-       id="TOCTheGNUsystem" name=
-       "TOCTheGNUsystem">The GNU system</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#GNUprograms"
-       id="TOCGNUprograms" name=
-       "TOCGNUprograms">GNU programs</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#GNUsoftware"
-       id="TOCGNUsoftware" name=
-       "TOCGNUsoftware">GNU software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#non-freeSoftware"
-       id="TOCnon-freeSoftware" name=
-       "TOCnon-freeSoftware">Non-free software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#semi-freeSoftware"
-       id="TOCsemi-freeSoftware" name=
-       "TOCsemi-freeSoftware">Semi-free software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#ProprietarySoftware"
-       id="TOCProprietarySoftware"
-       name="TOCProprietarySoftware">Proprietary software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#shareware"
-       id="TOCshareware" name="TOCshareware">Shareware</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#freeware"
-       id="TOCfreeware" name="TOCfreeware">Freeware</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#PrivateSoftware"
-       id="TOCPrivateSoftware" name=
-       "TOCPrivateSoftware">Private (custom) software</a>"</li>
-       <li>"<a href="#commercialSoftware"
-       id="TOCcommercialSoftware" name=
-       "TOCcommercialSoftware">Commercial software</a>"</li>
-       <li><a href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">Other Texts to
-       Read</a></li>
-       <p>Also note <a href="/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html">Confusing
+<p>Also note <a href="/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html">Confusing
        Words which You Might Want to Avoid</a>.</p>
        <p><img src="/philosophy/category.jpg" alt=
        " [diagram of a the different categories of software] " /> This
@@ -96,8 +22,7 @@
        <a href="/philosophy/category.png">PNG image</a>.</p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCFreeSoftware" id="FreeSoftware" name=
-       "FreeSoftware"><strong>Free software</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>Free software</strong></dt>
        Free software is software that comes with permission for anyone
@@ -145,8 +70,7 @@
-<dt><a href="#TOCOpenSource" id="OpenSource" name=
-       "OpenSource"><strong>Open Source software</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>Open Source software</strong></dt>
        The term "open source" software is used by some people to mean
@@ -162,9 +86,8 @@
        does not do.</p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCPublicDomainSoftware" id="PublicDomainSoftware"
-       name="PublicDomainSoftware"><strong>Public domain
-       software</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>Public domain
+       software</strong></dt>
        <dd>Public domain software is software that is not copyrighted. If
        the source code is in the public domain, that is a special case of
        <a href="#Non-CopyleftedFreeSoftware">non-copylefted free
@@ -190,8 +113,7 @@
        the copyright on it; otherwise, the program is copyrighted.</p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCCopyleftedSoftware" id="CopyleftedSoftware" name=
-       "CopyleftedSoftware"><strong>Copylefted software</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>Copylefted software</strong></dt>
        <dd>Copylefted software is free software whose distribution terms
        do not let redistributors add any additional restrictions when they
        redistribute or modify the software. This means that every copy of
@@ -213,10 +135,8 @@
        people use a single copyleft license.</p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCNon-CopyleftedFreeSoftware" id=
-       "Non-CopyleftedFreeSoftware" name=
-       "Non-CopyleftedFreeSoftware"><strong>Non-copylefted free
-       software</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>Non-copylefted free
+       software</strong></dt>
        <dd>Non-copylefted free software comes from the author with
        permission to redistribute and modify, and also to add additional
        restrictions to it.
@@ -236,15 +156,13 @@
        X11 even made X11 non-free for a while.</a></p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCGPL-CoveredSoftware" id=
-"GPL-CoveredSoftware" name="GPL-CoveredSoftware"><strong>GPL-covered
-       software</strong></a></dt>
+       software</strong></dt>
        <dd>The <a href="/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU GPL (General Public
        License)</a> is one specific set of distribution terms for
        copylefting a program. The GNU Project uses it as the distribution
        terms for most GNU software.</dd>
-<dt><a href="#TOCTheGNUsystem" id=
-"TheGNUsystem" name="TheGNUsystem"><strong>The GNU system</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>The GNU system</strong></dt>
        <dd>The <a href="/gnu/gnu-history.html">GNU system</a> is the
        Unix-like operating system, which is entirely free software, that
        we in the GNU Project have developed since 1984.
@@ -269,13 +187,11 @@
        Window System that were developed by other projects.</p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCGNUprograms" id=
-"GNUprograms" name="GNUprograms"><strong>GNU programs</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>GNU programs</strong></dt>
        <dd>"GNU programs" is equivalent to <a href="#GNUsoftware">GNU
        software.</a> A program Foo is a GNU program if it is GNU software.
        We also sometimes say it is a "GNU package".</dd>
-<dt><a href="#TOCGNUsoftware" id=
-"GNUsoftware" name="GNUsoftware"><strong>GNU software</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>GNU software</strong></dt>
        <dd><a href="/software/software.html">GNU software</a> is software
        that is released under the auspices of the <a href=
        "/gnu/gnu-history.html">GNU Project</a>. If a program is GNU
@@ -295,16 +211,12 @@
        copyrighted by the contributors who wrote it.</p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCnonFreeSoftware" id=
-"non-freeSoftware" name="non-freeSoftware"><strong>Non-free software</strong>
+<dt><strong>Non-free software</strong></dt>
        <dd>Non-free software is any software that is not free. This
        includes <a href="#semi-freeSoftware">semi-free software</a> and
        <a href="#ProprietarySoftware">proprietary software</a>.</dd>
-<dt><a href="#TOCsemi-freeSoftware" id=
-"semi-freeSoftware" name="semi-freeSoftware"><strong>Semi-free 
+<dt><strong>Semi-free software</strong></dt>
        <dd>Semi-free software is software that is not free, but comes with
        permission for individuals to use, copy, distribute, and modify
        (including distribution of modified versions) for non-profit
@@ -351,9 +263,8 @@
-<dt><a href="#TOCProprietarySoftware" id=
-"ProprietarySoftware" name="ProprietarySoftware"><strong>Proprietary
-       software</strong></a></dt>
+       software</strong></dt>
        <dd>Proprietary software is software that is not free or semi-free.
        Its use, redistribution or modification is prohibited, or requires
        you to ask for permission, or is restricted so much that you
@@ -374,16 +285,14 @@
        hope you will decide to follow it too.</p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCfreeware" id=
-"freeware" name="freeware"><strong>Freeware</strong></a></dt>
        <dd>The term "freeware" has no clear accepted definition, but it is
        commonly used for packages which permit redistribution but not
        modification (and their source code is not available). These
        packages are <em>not</em> free software, so please don't use
        "freeware" to refer to free software.</dd>
-<dt><a href="#TOCshareware" id=
-"shareware" name="shareware"><strong>Shareware</strong></a></dt>
        <dd>Shareware is software which comes with permission for people to
        redistribute copies, but says that anyone who continues to use a
        copy is <em>required</em> to pay a license fee.
@@ -400,8 +309,7 @@
-<dt><a href="categories.html#TOCPrivateSoftware" name="PrivateSoftware" id=
-"PrivateSoftware"><strong>Private software</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>Private software</strong></dt>
        <dd>Private or custom software is software developed for one user
        (typically an organization or company). That user keeps it and uses
        it, and does not release it to the public either as source code or
@@ -422,9 +330,7 @@
        done in a way compatible with the free software movement.</p>
-<dt><a href="#TOCcommercialSoftware" id=
-"commercialSoftware" name=
-"commercialSoftware"><strong>Commercial Software</strong></a></dt>
+<dt><strong>Commercial Software</strong></dt>
        <dd>Commercial software is software being developed by a business
        which aims to make money from the use of the software. "Commercial"
        and "proprietary" are not the same thing! Most commercial software
@@ -451,84 +357,91 @@
 <hr />
 <h4><a href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">Other Texts to
-<hr />
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+Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to 
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a> 
+the FSF.
+<br />
+Please send broken links and other corrections (or suggestions) to
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+Please see the 
+<a href="/server/standards/README.translations">Translations
+README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting
+translations of this article.
-<div class="translations">
-<p><a id="translations" name="translations"></a> <b>Translations of
-this page</b>:<br />
-<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical, and in the original -->
-<!-- language if possible, otherwise default to English -->
-<!-- If you do not have it English, please comment what the -->
-<!-- English is.  If you add a new language here, please -->
+Copyright &copy; 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+<address>51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA</address>
+<p>Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are
+permitted worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this
+notice, and the copyright notice, are preserved.
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2007/03/26 03:29:13 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->
+<div id="translations">
+<h3>Translations of this page:</h3>
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical. -->
+<!-- Comment what the language is for each type, i.e. de is Deutsch.-->
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 <!--    - if there is a translation team, you also have to add an alias -->
 <!--      to mail.gnu.org:/com/mailer/aliases -->
 <!-- Please also check you have the 2 letter language code right versus -->
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- [ <a href="/philosophy/categories.ca.html">Catal&agrave;</a>
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+<!-- Please use W3C normative character entities -->
-<div class="copyright">
-<p>Return to the <a href="/home.html">GNU Project home
-<p>Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a href=
-"mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>. There are also
-<a href="http://www.fsf.org/about/contact.html";>other ways to
-contact</a> the FSF.<br />
-Please send broken links and other corrections (or suggestions) to
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-<p>Please see the <a href=
-README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting
-translations of this article.</p>
-<p>Copyright &copy; 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2006 Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-02110-1301, USA<br />
-Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is
-permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is
-<p>Updated: <!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2007/03/20 19:54:06 $ $Author: jocke $
-<!-- timestamp end --></p>
+<ul class="translations-list">
+<!-- English -->
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.ca.html">Catal&#x00e0;</a> <!-- Catalan 
<!-- Chinese(Simplified) --></li>
<!-- Chinese(Traditional) --></li>
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.cs.html">&#x010c;esky</a>  <!-- Czech 
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.de.html">Deutsch</a>             <!-- 
German --></li>
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.html">English</a></li>
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.es.html">Espa&#x00f1;ol</a>        <!-- 
Spanish --></li>
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.fr.html">Fran&#x00e7;ais</a>       <!-- 
French --></li>
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.id.html">Bahasa&nbsp;Indonesia</a> <!-- 
Indonesian --></li>
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.it.html">Italiano</a>      <!-- Italian 
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.ja.html">&#x65e5;&#x672c;&#x8a9e;</a>  
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+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.pl.html">Polski</a>        <!-- Polish 
+<li><a href="/philosophy/categories.pt.html">Português</a>    <!-- Portuguese 
      <!-- Russian --></li>
 <!-- Serbian --></li>

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